Russian Facebook ads

Dude, Were the people that believed pizzagate ever, ever, ever going to vote for a Democrat? Ever? Nope. In fact, most people saw it on the Alex Jones site. Do the people that frequent the Alex Jones site vote for Democrats?


It doesn't matter if a person is a democrat or a republican. This has to do mostly with people who were on the fence in deciding who they would vote for. Do you think they would vote for someone that is being portrayed as leading a pedophile sex ring? This story wasn't JUST on Info Wars. Hell, this thread is about ads on Facebook... I would think I shouldn't even have to point this out.

You have as of yet to prove that Russia was involved in that story.

The fact that you don't have any evidence means you can play it anyway you want. And you don't have to back up your claims. How cool is that?

Again. How many conspiracy theorists vote for Democrats?

It was an ad on Facebook. People are supposed to give more credence to stories on Facebook than on Info Wars. I'm not real sure why you can't get that. This is a thread about FACEBOOK ads.
More credence to what they see on facebook? Are you mad? Facebook has to be the greatest supplier of fake news ever conceived.

People tend to believe stories shard by their friends.
And idiots tend to blame Crooked Hillary's humiliating defeat on Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.

It doesn't matter if a person is a democrat or a republican. This has to do mostly with people who were on the fence in deciding who they would vote for. Do you think they would vote for someone that is being portrayed as leading a pedophile sex ring? This story wasn't JUST on Info Wars. Hell, this thread is about ads on Facebook... I would think I shouldn't even have to point this out.

You have as of yet to prove that Russia was involved in that story.

The fact that you don't have any evidence means you can play it anyway you want. And you don't have to back up your claims. How cool is that?

Again. How many conspiracy theorists vote for Democrats?

It was an ad on Facebook. People are supposed to give more credence to stories on Facebook than on Info Wars. I'm not real sure why you can't get that. This is a thread about FACEBOOK ads.
More credence to what they see on facebook? Are you mad? Facebook has to be the greatest supplier of fake news ever conceived.

People tend to believe stories shard by their friends.
And idiots tend to blame Crooked Hillary's humiliating defeat on Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.

Funny, I see Congress and the FBI investigating Russia, can you point towards the investigation of Pizzagate? I mean Alex Jones even had to admit the story was fake.
I will think this goes somewhere when people start including the money flow to protest groups. Until then...........

was CNN working for Russia? :eek:
was the NYT working for Russia?:eek:
was MotherJones working for Russia?:eek:


Nobody trusts FB. Especially when the vast majority of "friends" are all tied to games.
They didn't have to start it, but spreading it all over the net certainly made a difference. Would you vote for someone that you thought was running a pedophile ring? :dunno:

Dude, Were the people that believed pizzagate ever, ever, ever going to vote for a Democrat? Ever? Nope. In fact, most people saw it on the Alex Jones site. Do the people that frequent the Alex Jones site vote for Democrats?


It doesn't matter if a person is a democrat or a republican. This has to do mostly with people who were on the fence in deciding who they would vote for. Do you think they would vote for someone that is being portrayed as leading a pedophile sex ring? This story wasn't JUST on Info Wars. Hell, this thread is about ads on Facebook... I would think I shouldn't even have to point this out.

You have as of yet to prove that Russia was involved in that story.

The fact that you don't have any evidence means you can play it anyway you want. And you don't have to back up your claims. How cool is that?

Again. How many conspiracy theorists vote for Democrats?

It was an ad on Facebook. People are supposed to give more credence to stories on Facebook than on Info Wars. I'm not real sure why you can't get that. This is a thread about FACEBOOK ads.
More credence to what they see on facebook? Are you mad? Facebook has to be the greatest supplier of fake news ever conceived.

People believe whatever fits with their agenda.

They see something on Facebook that says what they want to hear, it must be true. They don't want to hear it, it's fake news.


My favorite.
Does it not sound like it was Facebook and the Russians who were in collusion?
No evidence of Russia colluding (collusion = illegal cooperation) with Trump or vice-versa has been released, period.
It was an ad on Facebook. People are supposed to give more credence to stories on Facebook than on Info Wars. I'm not real sure why you can't get that. This is a thread about FACEBOOK ads.
More credence to what they see on facebook? Are you mad? Facebook has to be the greatest supplier of fake news ever conceived.

People tend to believe stories shard by their friends.
In that case people tend to be stupid if they take anything read on facebook at face value.

Sorry I can't take you seriously when you say you didn't hear about Pizzagate. I'm almost more worried about voters that are as non-informed as you, as those that believed the shit stories on Facebook.
Two things may be in play.

One, the pizzagate story was all over the news.

Two, I don't remember it because it was stupid then and is stupid now.
What do you consider to be "pizzagate"?

Do you deny that the Podesta emails were authentic?
I will think this goes somewhere when people start including the money flow to protest groups. Until then...........

was CNN working for Russia? :eek:
was the NYT working for Russia?:eek:
was MotherJones working for Russia?:eek:


Nobody trusts FB. Especially when the vast majority of "friends" are all tied to games.
Videogames and junk food coupons.
I will think this goes somewhere when people start including the money flow to protest groups. Until then...........

was CNN working for Russia? :eek:
was the NYT working for Russia?:eek:
was MotherJones working for Russia?:eek:


Nobody trusts FB. Especially when the vast majority of "friends" are all tied to games.
Videogames and junk food coupons.

FB doesn't have the platform to do a whole lot of jazz.
I keep hearing a lot of talk about them but I have not seen any. Has anyone seen anything more than a description or claim?

I thought the total expenditure on those adds was only in the 100,000 dollar range. Kind of amazing how powerful they supposedly were considering the hundreds of millions of dollars that the shrilary spent on TV ads.
Clinton did not spend hundreds of millions in ads, she spent 60 million in total....
Which is still a LOT!

Bernie spent 69 million....a bit more than Hillary.
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I keep hearing a lot of talk about them but I have not seen any. Has anyone seen anything more than a description or claim?

I thought the total expenditure on those adds was only in the 100,000 dollar range. Kind of amazing how powerful they supposedly were considering the hundreds of millions of dollars that the shrilary spent on TV ads.
Clinton did not spend hundreds of millions in ads, she spent 60 million in total....
Which is still a LOT!

Bernie spent 69 million....a bit more than Hillary.
You're a fucking liar.

Why do you moonbats regularly lie to yourselves like that?
Does it not sound like it was Facebook and the Russians who were in collusion?
No evidence of Russia colluding (collusion = illegal cooperation) with Trump or vice-versa has been released, period.

And that is key. The current game is how to keep the division manageable until the next round of elections.

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