Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

Just for the record, how do you know that President Obama has 'done nothing'?
I don't know if he did or didn't do anything. That is not my point there was a time when no one would do that to one of your ships. They are our ships and if the leader of our nation is not respected or trusted we will have problems like this.

I guess all of the pictures I have of Russian aircraft overflying my guided missile cruiser are all photoshopped 20 years before it was invented?
Any other vets smelling Stolen Valor stink all over this guy?
Is that what you smell? I smell you getting your ass kicked intellectually. You are one of the biggest fools on this board. Everyone knows it. I don't steal valor I served during peace time. But still proud of it.
I guess I was confused by your thread title containing the words "Obama Does Nothing".
The thread title was changed. I think the board combined my thread with another. Ask them why.'s not your fault? What was your original thread title?

The thread title did come from a different thread. I merged about 5 threads on this, and I kept the title that best represented the actual story, as to prevent any further thread duplication.
Will they be unarmed next time - now that there is no uncertainty about defense not allowed being by our Chickenshit-in-Chief?

What did the head officer on the ship do, did they point their weapons at the jet? Did president Obama order them to stand down? Do you think that they should have shot that jet down?
"Head officer on the ship".....We've got a Vet here, folks!
So they have an officer on board that gives head? Or is it the officer in charge of latrines?
LOL, senior officer...........
Maybe they had the CQ set up??
Well once again our weakened PC Obama led Navy allows the United States to be a complete embarrassment to the world.
Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -

Only a weakened power acts belligerently, a powerful nation speaks softly since the stick they carry is mighty. Russia is acting like N. Korea, a nation which needs attention. Maybe G.W. Bush would have felt the need to act aggressively and risk a shooting war. We should thank Obama, his administration and the Cap't of our warship for not taking the bait, and being adults on the world stage.
Being a jarhead doesn't make you an admiral.
True but I served on an air craft carrier so some things I know like you don't get within 200 miles of one of our ships without us scrambling fighters from one of our carriers and taking action if the aircraft does not change course. At least that is how it was when I was serving.

on the good ship lollipop?

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