Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

I bet you think that's a real Aircraft Carrier.
bodecea... remember when you asked me to tell you when you're making an ass out of yourself? well this is one of those times.
I'm not the one who posted a photoshopped picture of an aircraft carrier and named it after our current Commander in Chief.

So, Stolen Valor, how long have you pretended to be a vet? And do you hang out in camo in front of the Vista WalMart?
Conservatives demonized Turkey for shooting down a Russian plane and demonize the US President for not shooting down a Russian plane.

Conservatives, are there any scenarios left where you actually support America or it's allies?
Their opinion is worthless since they're going to attack Obama no matter what he does. If he shoots down the plane, they will criticize him for shooting it down. He doesn't, so they criticize him for not shooting it down.

They neuter themselves.
Well once again our weakened PC Obama led Navy allows the United States to be a complete embarrassment to the world.
Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -
Really ? Was the destroyer supposed to shoot them down?

Bfore we had a big, giant, gaping pussy for a President, naval vessels have a security zone and if that security zone is ever invaded, policy is to destroy the attacker and the Russians know this.

Well once again our weakened PC Obama led Navy allows the United States to be a complete embarrassment to the world.
Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -
Really ? Was the destroyer supposed to shoot them down?

Bfore we had a big, giant, gaping pussy for a President, naval vessels have a security zone and if that security zone is ever invaded, policy is to destroy the attacker and the Russians know this.
That must have been in 19th century.
Buzzing ships by lots of countries has been going since the end of WW2.
You know....when they say international waters, the Baltic etc...yes, they are international waters, but also, it's very, very close to Russia....very close.

How would the situation be if reversed? with Russian destroyers very, very close to the US coast, and still in international waters? but almost touching the limit?

What would be the reaction in that case??

Curious minds want to know! :dunno:

You see.....or like in China.....where the Chinese say the US Navy is bulling them, day after day because of those islands.....and they do not like it....

Perhaps..... "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." No?

Think about it.
How long would it have taken the Russians to launch dozens of fighters from their huge Navel Air Base at Kaliningrad in response if the US had fired on the aircraft buzzing them, just 70 miles away from the incident?
"This incident ... is entirely inconsistent with the professional norms of militaries operating in proximity to each other in international waters and international airspace," Earnest said. "There have been repeated incidents over the last year where the Russian military, including Russian military aircraft, have come close enough to each other or have come close enough to other air and sea traffic to raise serious safety concerns. We continue to be concerned about this behavior," he said.

The U.S. believes the Russian actions may have violated a 1970s agreement meant to prevent unsafe incidents at sea. The agreement was between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union but remains in force with Russia"

U.S. says two Russian planes buzz Navy ship in Baltic Sea

At this point this is the way to deal with these issues. If the agreement is being ignored then more stringent ways to handle would be on order.
Russian Planes Buzzed Navy Destroyer USS Donald Cook in Baltic Sea...

US Says Russian Planes Buzzed Navy Destroyer in Baltic Sea
Apr 13, 2016 | WASHINGTON — Russian attack planes buzzed a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea multiple times on Monday and Tuesday, at one point coming so close — an estimated 30 feet — that they created wakes in the water around the ship, a U.S. official said Wednesday.
The official, who was not authorized to discuss details and so spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Russian Su-24 planes appeared unarmed but on Tuesday flew what the commander of the USS Donald Cook deemed to be a simulated attack profile. The Cook's commander judged the actions unsafe and unprofessional, the official said, but the ship took no action. It was unclear when or if the U.S. government would formally protest the Russian actions.


A Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft makes a very-low altitude pass by the USS Donald Cook​

On Monday a pair of Russian Su-24 planes made 20 close passes over the Cook, coming as close as 1,000 yards at an altitude of about 100 feet, the official said. A Polish helicopter that was embarked aboard the Cook was scheduled to conduct flight operations but those maneuvers were cancelled because of the Russian actions, the official said. On Tuesday a Russian KA-26 submarine-hunting helicopter circled the Cook seven times, taking photographs, the official said. Later that day another pair of Su-24 attack planes, apparently unarmed, buzzed the Cook 11 times. At one point, at least one of the planes came within 30 feet of the ship in what the U.S. official said was a highly unusual maneuver.

On both days, the crew of the Cook attempted to contact the Russian aircraft by radio but received no response, the official said. The U.S. believes the Russian actions may have violated of a 1970s agreement meant to prevent unsafe incidents at sea. The agreement was between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union but remains in force with Russia, the official said. The officials said the Cook was operating in international waters 70 nautical miles off the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. It had departed the Polish port of Gdynia on Monday.

US Says Russian Planes Buzzed Navy Destroyer in Baltic Sea |

See also:

This is why the Navy didn't shoot down Russian jets
April 13, 2016 - Russian pilots rattled nerves aboard the destroyer Donald Cook, buzzing within yards of the ship in the Baltic Sea. Provocative, sure. But they weren't a credible threat.
So concludes a retired Navy commanding officer, who reviewed photos and videos from the run-ins on Monday and Tuesday, when unarmed Sukhoi Su-24 fighters flew within 1,000 feet of the ship — once coming as close as 30 feet in what U.S. officials called "simulated attacks." On Monday, a low-flying Russian Ka-27 Helix helicopter also appeared to take photos of the ship. This was definitely provocative, but it doesn't amount to a threat, said the retired frigate and cruiser CO. "Well, we’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said. "It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

If you have visual identification of the jet, can see it isn't carrying weapons, and don't detect any electronic emissions suggesting there was a missile lock on the ship, there's nothing to be done. "You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," said Hoffman, who commanded frigate DeWert and cruiser Hue City. Cruisers are the fleet's foremost air defense platform and are tasked with guarding flattops from incoming threats. There's a possibility that the "simulated attack" might violate a 1973 treaty between the U.S. and Russia that deals with this behavior.


A Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft makes a low altitude pass by the USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) April 12, 2016. Donald Cook, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, forward deployed to Rota, Spain is conducting a routine patrol in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.​

Otherwise, Hoffman added, it just amounts to showboating. "Only in 'Top Gun' does a war suddenly break out between two airplanes that is completely not related to something going on ashore," he said. To be sure, the rules might be different in another situation. The Baltic Sea is not a contested area of responsibility. "We would probably not have accepted that from an Iranian aircraft in the Persian Gulf, although we’ve seen it," Hoffman said.

Or if it had been a civilian aircraft, he added, the CO would have been more on guard for a potential suicide mission. But the likelihood that a rogue Russian pilot would take a shot at an American ship and then try to fly home through the airspace of multiple NATO partners is very low. It's more likely that the stunt will end up as a public relations tool for Russian President Vladimir Putin, showing force against the Americans operating in his backyard. "It would be real interesting to see what shows up in the Russian papers in the morning, how they play it," Hoffman said. "It's not that different from North Korea. He does something and then he plays it domestically however he needs to play it for the purposes of getting his people energized."

This is why the Navy didn't shoot down Russian jets

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