Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
Exactly how do you think Pres. Obama should respond to the situation? ..... :cool:

The correct response is not to respond, situations like this occur all the time, it's not a Let's Start WWIII type of situation, it's also in International Waters.

Um no, this does not happen all the time. You're miss informed. You are correct in that it was International Waters. But there are responses a respected military would deliver to where the act would of not been repeatable, and it was.



Yeah, it actually does happen all the time. It's called saber-rattling.
The Russians expected Obozo to roll over; He rolled.

And in other news......the sun is expected to set on the East coast several hours before setting on the West coast despite Our Kenyan's that of sanctions if it dare do dat.

How did he "roll over"?

Be specific.

Don't pay much attention to current events, eh?

So you've got nothing. Color me unsurprised.
After Gary Powers, the two super powers never stopped...
The Russians expected Obozo to roll over; He rolled.

And in other news......the sun is expected to set on the East coast several hours before setting on the West coast despite Our Kenyan's that of sanctions if it dare do dat.

How did he "roll over"?

Be specific.

Don't pay much attention to current events, eh?
Don't answer simple questions, eh?

OK, I'll help.

The Russian planes flew home instead of flying apart.

BTW, in current terms "CIC" means "Chickenshit-in-Chief".

And what would you have done? Shoot down Russian Planes? Are you really that stupid (consider this to be a rhetorical question)?
"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
The Baltics have been fought over since Peter the Great..
"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
The Baltics have been fought over since Peter the Great..
Not by North Americans.
"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
The Baltics have been fought over since Peter the Great..
Not by North Americans.
Thus the not fighting......duh.
"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
The Baltics have been fought over since Peter the Great..
Not by North Americans.
No, by Russians, Swedes, Finns and Poles...But the Baltic states want to get away from the border wars of the region and be independent nations..NATO gives them that opportunity..If not, it would be another Crimea....
I think the Russians were playing Neener Nanny Boo Boo, knowing full well nothing would be done..and it wasn't. But the pilots saw a shitload of butts aimed up in the air, and a shitload more of middle fingers.

Just some russkies letting off some steam along with "you are too close to our area" and Putin thumbing his nose on skype to his pilots and lots of vodka being raised and gulped down in the midst of laughter while our guys were furiously writing messages of Fuck You on large objects easily seen.

In short...boys will be boys. Neither side wants a war with each other and both sides know it.
LOL, that's not accurate at all!!! "Armament: two MK 41 VLS for Standard missiles, Tomahawk; Harpoon missile launchers, one Mk 45 5-inch/54 caliber lightweight gun, two Phalanx CIWS, Mk 46 torpedoes (from two triple tube mounts)" .

The only one that "points" is the gun, which is about as effective as wet noodle against an aircraft.

When was the last time you shot down an aircraft with a torpedo? :D
Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In Weapons System
Mark 45 ~ 5-inch, 54-caliber lightweight gun

I already addressed your misconception.

The gun is useless against aircraft and CIWS doesn't point, unless it is firing! You couldn't see the damn thing anyway.
Did you read the specs and purposes for those guns and the other systems? They all include anti-aircraft capability. I have Navy Jets flying over my head almost every day!

Yes, they have an anti-aircraft capability against something like a Cessna. It's like every Navy ship is a minesweeper.....Once!

My first tour was as Fire Control Radar officer on a guided missile cruiser. I spent three years and two Med cruises, including an excursion into the Black Sea. I probably had more time conning my ship while plane-guarding (tailing) a Russian aircraft carrier than my colleagues on other ships had following American carriers combined. My primary watch station for GQ was as the Missile Engagement Controller on the guided missile system. I ate, worked and slept AAW for those three years.
Thank you for your service, what era was that? Was it in the past decade? I'm sure they have weapons to fight aircraft, ship, subs, and land on this class of ship. We are the biggest and baddest mofos on the planet.

This is a Destroyer (I'm sure that you know this) : "They were designed as multi-mission destroyers[8] to fit the anti-aircraft warfare (AAW) role with their powerful Aegis radar and surface-to-air missiles; anti-submarine warfare (ASW), with their towed sonar array, anti-submarine rockets, and ASW helicopter; Anti-surface warfare (ASUW) with their Harpoon missile launcher; and strategic land strike role with their Tomahawk missiles. With upgrades to their to AN/SPY-1 phased radar systems and their associated missile payloads as part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System, members of this class have also begun to demonstrate some promise as mobile anti-ballistic missile and anti-satellite weaponry platforms.".

I was wondering if they locked onto that jet with their radar as a warning or a "hello".
"Baltic States and the Geopolitics of Energy
"Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the first and only former Soviet Republics to join western institutions, becoming members both the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004. This move was a reflection of clashing cultural and political values that had been present before their integration into the Soviet Union during the Second World War." this about fossil fuels in the arctic?
The Baltics have been fought over since Peter the Great..
Not by North Americans.
Distinction without a difference.
The only one that "points" is the gun, which is about as effective as wet noodle against an aircraft.

When was the last time you shot down an aircraft with a torpedo? :D
Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In Weapons System
Mark 45 ~ 5-inch, 54-caliber lightweight gun

I already addressed your misconception.

The gun is useless against aircraft and CIWS doesn't point, unless it is firing! You couldn't see the damn thing anyway.
Did you read the specs and purposes for those guns and the other systems? They all include anti-aircraft capability. I have Navy Jets flying over my head almost every day!

Yes, they have an anti-aircraft capability against something like a Cessna. It's like every Navy ship is a minesweeper.....Once!

My first tour was as Fire Control Radar officer on a guided missile cruiser. I spent three years and two Med cruises, including an excursion into the Black Sea. I probably had more time conning my ship while plane-guarding (tailing) a Russian aircraft carrier than my colleagues on other ships had following American carriers combined. My primary watch station for GQ was as the Missile Engagement Controller on the guided missile system. I ate, worked and slept AAW for those three years.
Thank you for your service, what era was that? Was it in the past decade? I'm sure they have weapons to fight aircraft, ship, subs, and land on this class of ship. We are the biggest and baddest mofos on the planet.

This is a Destroyer (I'm sure that you know this) : "They were designed as multi-mission destroyers[8] to fit the anti-aircraft warfare (AAW) role with their powerful Aegis radar and surface-to-air missiles; anti-submarine warfare (ASW), with their towed sonar array, anti-submarine rockets, and ASW helicopter; Anti-surface warfare (ASUW) with their Harpoon missile launcher; and strategic land strike role with their Tomahawk missiles. With upgrades to their to AN/SPY-1 phased radar systems and their associated missile payloads as part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System, members of this class have also begun to demonstrate some promise as mobile anti-ballistic missile and anti-satellite weaponry platforms.".

I was wondering if they locked onto that jet with their radar as a warning or a "hello".

The SPY-1 or Aegis does not lock on. It is a phased array radar that "steers" the radar beams to track aircraft unlike the old search radars that rotated .The missiles only require target illumination from the fire control radars for the last few seconds of flight, so they do not "lock on" like the older systems.

The aircraft does not know that a missile has even been fired at it until it is far too late to take any real significant defensive measures.

We used a similar system on our older long range shooters, but with an air search radar for detection and fire control radars that could update the missile in flight.
Well once again our weakened PC Obama led Navy allows the United States to be a complete embarrassment to the world.
Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -
Really ? Was the destroyer supposed to shoot them down?

Bfore we had a big, giant, gaping pussy for a President, naval vessels have a security zone and if that security zone is ever invaded, policy is to destroy the attacker and the Russians know this.
I bet you think that's a real Aircraft Carrier.
bodecea... remember when you asked me to tell you when you're making an ass out of yourself? well this is one of those times.
Conservatives demonized Turkey for shooting down a Russian plane and demonize the US President for not shooting down a Russian plane.

Conservatives, are there any scenarios left where you actually support America or it's allies?

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