Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

Nope, your speculation in this case is bullshit.
If you served then you know that losing your life is part of the job if necessary.
Respect and fear are mutually exclusive
Where in the world did you get that from? You must be young.
Yes he must be young, because no other president would knowing an attack was going to happen let it happen. Then lie about it and go to Vegas. Only the likes of daws let a president go unquestioned about it.
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You were never too smart to begin with.
Unless you have an IQ over 158, you are in no position to judge, dumbass.
I do, you lose!

Why is it dumbfucks inevitably use the false high IQ defense?

I have an IQ of 159 1/2

Makes me smarter than Muhammed
Mine was 161 when I took the tests in 1969 when I was ten .
I'm sure it's gotten much higher since then.:smartass:

I was docked 1/2 a point for not using a Number 2 pencil
You were never too smart to begin with.
Unless you have an IQ over 158, you are in no position to judge, dumbass.
I do, you lose!

Why is it dumbfucks inevitably use the false high IQ defense?

I have an IQ of 159 1/2

Makes me smarter than Muhammed
Mine was 161 when I took the tests in 1969 when I was ten .
I'm sure it's gotten much higher since then.:smartass:

I was docked 1/2 a point for not using a Number 2 pencil
i didn't need an eraser!
If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
Isn't it funny how us breathing and cows farting are destroying the world. But liberals trying to defend Obama's lack of credibility world wide don't care if a nuclear powered ship with nukes on it are blown up and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Hypocrites.
Nope, your speculation in this case is bullshit.
If you served then you know that losing your life is part of the job if necessary.
Respect and fear are mutually exclusive
Where in the world did you get that from? You must be young.
Yes he must be young, because no other president would knowing an attack was going to happen let it happen. Then lie about it and go to Vegas. Only the likes of draws let a president go unquestioned about it.
The wishful idiocies of the right are hilarious.
If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
Isn't it funny how us breathing and cows farting are destroying the world. But liberals trying to defend Obama's lack of credibility world wide don't care if a nuclear powered ship with nukes on it are blown up and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Hypocrites.
Can you be any more desperately delusional?
If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
Isn't it funny how us breathing and cows farting are destroying the world. But liberals trying to defend Obama's lack of credibility world wide don't care if a nuclear powered ship with nukes on it are blown up and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Hypocrites.
Can you be any more desperately delusional?
Can you be anymore gullible? Putin is playing Obama as his little bitch. It's embarrassing to see how weak our president is.
So it's coming out now, Putin is blaming the US for the Panama financial 'leak' that has so embarrassed Putin and many of his slimey wealthy cronies. So Putin's response is this weak fly over by a Russian jet. And cons fell for this shite hook line and sinker.
If they are not armed then why all the paranoia
Well I don't want to go into all of the problems connected with sinking nuclear devices to the bottom of the sea but you seem extra callous towards the lives of navy personnel to be the son of a Marine and you also! don't earn the right to refer to the Marine Corps as the Corps without being a Marine. So just give it up already. Old man.
Isn't it funny how us breathing and cows farting are destroying the world. But liberals trying to defend Obama's lack of credibility world wide don't care if a nuclear powered ship with nukes on it are blown up and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Hypocrites.
Speaking of cow farts... you must be inhaling them deeply to be under the delusion that Obama suffers from a lack of credibility around the world...


So it's coming out now, Putin is blaming the US for the Panama financial 'leak' that has so embarrassed Putin and many of his slimey wealthy cronies. So Putin's response is this weak fly over by a Russian jet. And cons fell for this shite hook line and sinker.
Sadly, many, many conservatives love Russia more than America.
Find a Russian warship at-sea and fly a simulated strafing run over IT? think we don't? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
21 years experience. What's your experience?

What difference?

Where is your link showing that we don't?
Oh, come now, let's not resort to the sophomoric, eh?

You served-up a positive assertion; namely, that we (the United States) buzz-strafe Russian and other nations' warships operating in international waters.

You were asked to provide a link to a substantive example.

So far, you have failed.

And, to cover your failure, you come back at me asking for a link that proves we don't?

You are the one making the assertion.

It is yours to defend or concede; not my job.

Oh, and, with respect to your own request...

One does not prove a Negative.

But... oh, that's right... they skipped 'Logic' in the education of so many Liberals... my bad... forgive me.

Game... Set... Match.

Next batter, please.

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