Russian FM says terrorists train in Afghanistan


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2013
There are reports that some third countries are training Syrian rebels to use chemical weapons in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. The intention is to put the skill to use in new false flag actions in Syria, he explained.

The suspected training happened in Afghan territories not under control of the government in Kabul, Lavrov said.

“Some reports indicate that [Al-Qaeda-linked radical] Al-Nusra Front is planning to smuggle toxic compounds and relevant specialists into Iraqi territory to stage terrorist attacks there this time,” Lavrov said.

The Russian minister, who spoke after meeting his Kuwaiti counterpart Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, warned against any possible provocations in Syria related to the ongoing process of its chemical weapons disarmament.

“We are standing for conducting the work in a precise manner in accordance with the roadmap and without any hindrances. We warn against any possible provocation,” Lavrov said.

Al-Nusra Front is considered one of the most combat-worthy parts of the militants fighting against Damascus.
Afghanistan likely to go back to bein' a terrorist safe-haven when troops leave...
Expert: Afghanistan Will Resume Being Terrorist Haven When US Troops Depart
January 8, 2014 – Afghanistan will once again become a safe haven for international terrorists after U.S. troops depart later this year, leaving “nothing of lasting value” after 12 years of fighting, predicts Nasir Shansab, a former Afghani industrialist and advisor to the Reagan administration.
When CNSNews. com asked Shansab what he thinks will happen when U.S. troops are withdrawn, he replied: “I see two possibilities. One is that the country will slide back into civil war, in a very savage and violent civil war, everybody against everybody. Or that the Taliban will actually fairly rapidly take over most of the country,”he added, agreeing with reports that the National Intelligence Estimate expects Afghanistan to descend into chaos after U.S. troops are withdrawn. “If Afghanistan is back to chaos, which it probably will be, then the possibility is strong in my view that international terrorists and terrorism will go back to Afghanistan and find a country that they can operate from safety,” he noted.

This will leave the U.S. “absolutely [at] square one” – facing the same predicament it had in 2001 when it invaded Afghanistan to prevent al Qaeda from using the war-torn country as a base for its terror operations. The Taliban is mainly composed of “brainwashed young people” from refugee camps in Pakistan who were raised in dire poverty and attended Saudi-run madrassas where they were taught Islamic fundamentalism, Shansab explained. But he said the people running the Afghani government are also “the product of chaos. They got rich and came to power in chaos. They like it. The rule of law is bad for them.”

The Taliban already controls “60 to 80 percent of the country," he pointed out, and will likely consolidate its power in the southern provinces where ethnic Pashtuns are in the majority. Although the Hindu Kush mountain range will act as a natural barrier to their attempts to subdue the northern provinces, years of internal warfare will likely result in “a de facto partition.” Shansab, an author and businessman who fled to the U.S. from Afghanistan in 1975 after his father’s industrial holdings were nationalized and he himself was threatened with execution, said he talked to a number of Afghanis during a month-long trip to Kabul last October and noticed a distinct difference in their outlook since his last trip a year ago when most believed the U.S. would remain in the country indefinitely. “This time, everyone was very afraid,” Shansab told “People were quite afraid of the future.”

Central government officials and the Afghani elite have already prepared their exit strategies and are sending money overseas, he says. “Billions of dollars have left Afghanistan, almost the exact amount of money the international community sent for development has left Afghanistan for Dubai and other cities.” And because billions of dollars of aid from the West has been siphoned off by corrupt officials, the Afghan people are no better off now than they were when the Soviets left, he says. “What happened in the last 12 years, with all the money that the U.S. and the international community flooded the country with, we produced a few billionaires and a number of millionaires, but for 80 percent of the people, nothing will change. And that’s the tragedy.”


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