Russian forces slightly loosen their grip on Donetsk front – Armed Forces


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Russian occupiers have suffered significant losses on the Donetsk front and have a lack of munitions, which is why they have reduced their activity.

Source: Oleksii Dmytrashkivskyi, spokesman for the joint press office of the Armed Forces of the Tavriia front, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "In fact, the enemy is out of breath. If we compare last week [on the Avdiivka-Marinka front – ed.], the enemy has significantly reduced the number of assault operations and attacks. It was hundreds [assault attempts] per day and about 600 attacks, and today it is a little bit less. Up to 30 assaults per day (2-9 per night), and 200-250 attacks per day (100-120 per night)."

Details: As for possible reasons, Dmytrashkivskyi has pointed out that Russian forces suffered huge losses and is feeling an "artillery hunger".

In order to continue their offensive, Russians need time for rehabilitation.

Quote: "There is a lot of talk about the lack of munitions, ‘artillery hunger’, they [occupiers] have a limit established that they cannot exceed. If they do, they will be left without shells the next day. And it is not only Prigozhin’s problem who says there’s not enough munitions for him; it is a general issue in the Russian army.

In my opinion, the enemy is somewhat out of breath and does not have the capacity it previously had."

Nearly every day the evidence continues to accumulate that Russia is too low on ammo and has suffered too many casualties to be able to hang on, let alone prevail, in Ukraine. Soon, Russian soldiers will be oinking their way back to Russia.
Russian occupiers have suffered significant losses on the Donetsk front and have a lack of munitions, which is why they have reduced their activity.

I understand that the Taliban have loads and loads they are willing to sell.


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