Russian Lawyer secured Trump tower meeting by promising dirt on Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Russian lawyer with connections to the Kremlin met with members of President Trump’s family and his presidential campaign last June after promising to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. and Kushner acknowledged on Saturday that the meeting took place. But in his first statement on the matter, Trump Jr. did not mention that Veselnitskaya promised information about Clinton.

Report: Russian Lawyer Secured Trump Tower Meeting By Promising Dirt On Hillary Clinton

Oh no what shall we ever do . Liberals will go rabid.
Since when meeting with somebody "with Kremlin connections" is a crime? Is there a law forbidding it? Then Obama's administration has to be investigated.

Bait and switch

"I really don't have any dirt on Hillary, but I really would like your support for these poor orphans in Russia"
Bait and switch

"I really don't have any dirt on Hillary, but I really would like your support for these poor orphans in Russia"
And why it is such a big deal? Only liberals like to make a mountain from a mouse. If Loretta Lynch talk to Clinton "about grandkids" was OK, then talking about Russian orphans shouldn't attract so much negative attention.

Apparently, Kremlin doesn't even know who the heck that Veselnitskaya is, she's a crooked layer but doesn't have anything to do with Kremlin, she may be even working for a Putin opponents and meeting with Trump could be just a well paid attempt to compromise both presidents.
Kremlin denies knowledge of meeting between Russian lawyer & Trump Jr.

The more I think about it the more it seems like Mr. Tefft's (American Ambassador in Moscow, Obama's nominee)pay back to Trump for making him retire this fall.
‘Will certainly miss Russia’: US ambassador Tefft to leave office
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It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.

Wow.......did you hurt yourself stretching like that.....?
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.

What election law? If someone has dirt on the other guy......where is the law that says you can't listen to what they have? Please....give us detail, we will wait patiently.....
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case. sitting Secretary of State...did hilary break any laws in handing over 20% of our Uranium...when putin energy companies gave her private charity 140 million dollars?
A Russian lawyer with connections to the Kremlin met with members of President Trump’s family and his presidential campaign last June after promising to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. and Kushner acknowledged on Saturday that the meeting took place. But in his first statement on the matter, Trump Jr. did not mention that Veselnitskaya promised information about Clinton.

Report: Russian Lawyer Secured Trump Tower Meeting By Promising Dirt On Hillary Clinton

Oh no what shall we ever do . Liberals will go rabid.
I wouldn't expect them to get any more upset than they did when John RINO McCain sent someone to Britain to fetch the famous dossier on Trump, claiming, among other things, he hired Russian hookers to piss on the bed Barry and Moose had slept in. The lefty stooges were fine with RINO getting dirt on Trump for them to help him smear around.

This is yet another non-story that will fade away just like all the others as soon as the lefty clowns finish wetting their paints over it.
Bait and switch

"I really don't have any dirt on Hillary, but I really would like your support for these poor orphans in Russia"
which involves govt sanctions on Russia...


did he help her?

Or did he end the conversation?
He ended the conversation because she changed the subject of dirt on Hillary to the sanctions Russia put on adoption after the sanctions the west put on Russia....

He was there, to break the law...he was there to get something of value from the Russians with Hillary dirt they allegedly had....and ended the meeting because she had nothing of value to give him.
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case. sitting Secretary of State...did hilary break any laws in handing over 20% of our Uranium...when putin energy companies gave her private charity 140 million dollars?
That's a another right wing / Trump lie...SHE did NOT hand over 20% of our Uranium to the Russians.
Bait and switch

"I really don't have any dirt on Hillary, but I really would like your support for these poor orphans in Russia"
which involves govt sanctions on Russia...


did he help her?

Or did he end the conversation?
He ended the conversation because she changed the subject of dirt on Hillary to the sanctions Russia put on adoption after the sanctions the west put on Russia....

He was there, to break the law...he was there to get something of value from the Russians with Hillary dirt they allegedly had....and ended the meeting because she had nothing of value to give him.


because getting dirt on an opponent has never happened before..

Like the file that mysteriously showed up about Trump getting pissed on.

Like Bush and his DUIs.

Like Clinton and his pot smoking.

keep blubbering
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.

What election law? If someone has dirt on the other guy......where is the law that says you can't listen to what they have? Please....give us detail, we will wait patiently.....
Sorry, campaigns can't work with or coordinate with a foreign nation or foreign national and receive something of value from, quid pro quo, or dirt on your competitor is all of value....
Bait and switch

"I really don't have any dirt on Hillary, but I really would like your support for these poor orphans in Russia"
which involves govt sanctions on Russia...


did he help her?

Or did he end the conversation?
He ended the conversation because she changed the subject of dirt on Hillary to the sanctions Russia put on adoption after the sanctions the west put on Russia....

He was there, to break the law...he was there to get something of value from the Russians with Hillary dirt they allegedly had....and ended the meeting because she had nothing of value to give him.


because getting dirt on an opponent has never happened before..

Like the file that mysteriously showed up about Trump getting pissed on.

Like Bush and his DUIs.

Like Clinton and his pot smoking.

keep blubbering
Hey, I didn't write the law, Congress Critters 2002....oddly enough, the law was written and passed due to what Congress Critters felt Bill Clinton had wrongly done, with the Chinese.
It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.
Are we trying to make a grey area... that is a stretch.

It's election Law, passed in 2002.... you can't take anything of value from a foreign gov't or national.... damaging information about Hillary was of could have helped Trump win...

Don Jr says they did not receive anything of value on Hillary, so he ended the meeting.... this shows to me, that the Trump campaign, was WILLING to break election LAW, even if they did not succeed in this particular case.
Are we trying to make a grey area... that is a stretch.

I am just repeating what all the lawyers and congress critters on different channels were saying about it...
A Russian lawyer with connections to the Kremlin met with members of President Trump’s family and his presidential campaign last June after promising to provide damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. and Kushner acknowledged on Saturday that the meeting took place. But in his first statement on the matter, Trump Jr. did not mention that Veselnitskaya promised information about Clinton.

Report: Russian Lawyer Secured Trump Tower Meeting By Promising Dirt On Hillary Clinton

Oh no what shall we ever do . Liberals will go rabid.

Good for team Trump. I would expect any campaign would try to find dirt on their opponents. Does anyone beleive for a second that Hillary didn't do the same?

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