Russian Missiles? Intifada In Israel?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

What more needs to be said?
Granny says, "Dat's right - both sides need to step back an' take a breather...

Palestinian Terrorists Mimick ISIS in Brutal Attacks on Israelis
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 -- Palestinians killed one Israeli and wounded four others in attacks Tuesday as terror attacks continued in the Jewish nation.
If ISIS had its way, it would be more involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Islamic group released a video admonishing Palestinians to step up terror attacks against Israelis. The recent wave of terrorism in Israel shows signs of mimicking ISIS tactics, like their beheading videos, Israeli Infrastructure Minister Yuval Steinitz told CBN News. "The fact that they're using knives, coming to people's neck, trying to cut them or behead them," Steinitz said, gesturing with his hand at his throat. "I'm confident that at least some of those terrorists were not just indoctrinated but inspired also from ISIS." The ISIS production shows Israelis being murdered in terror attacks, praying, crying and being buried. Some of the video is taken from security camera footage of recent attacks.

The video urges Palestinians to use knives, explosives, and poison to kill Israelis. It also shows ISIS clips of murdering individuals. Former Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) secret service official Lior Ackerman said ISIS doesn't exist in the Palestinian areas as an organization, but it would if it could. "I think that they are trying to take advantage [of] what happens here," he told CBN News. "They will do any effort to send terrorists inside and to put a stamp that ISIS entered here."

Ackerman said social media paved the way for the terror group. "I think because of the social networks, the easy access to the sites of ISIS abroad, every Palestinian who opens a computer can obviously go and say that he now belongs to ISIS, learn what to do, and to take further instructions to execute some terror attacks in Israel. So it's very easy to establish here a kind of infrastructure," Ackerman explained. The good news, he says, is that Israel is capable of foiling such plots.


See also:

Ban urges Israel, Palestine groups to stop escalating violence
Wednesday 21st October, 2015 - United Nations chief Ban Ki Moon during his previously unannounced trip to the Middle East has called for peace in the region, urging warring Palestine and Israel groups to stop deadly escalating violence.
The UN Secretary-General's visit to the region came as the Israeli military claimed to have detained a senior official of the Islamist group Hamas, accusing him of inciting attacks in the middle of a wave of fighting and knife attacks on Israelis. Nine Israelis have been killed in Palestinian stabbings, shootings and vehicle attacks since the start of October, while 48 Palestinians, including 24 attackers, among them children, have been killed by Israeli security forces in response. On Wednesday, Ban met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and denounced "hateful discourse" on both sides. He alleged that Israel's response to Palestinian knife attacks had "added to the already difficult challenges of restoring calm".

In his comments after meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, and again after meeting Abbas, Ban emphasised the need to reinforce the status quo at Al Aqsa mosque, where non-Muslim prayer has been banned for centuries. "These are difficult times for Israelis and Palestinians. I am here in the hope that we can work together to end the violence, ease the tensions and begin to restore a long term political horizon of peace," Ban told reporters in a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "I deplore the random attacks against civilians, such terror attacks make every place unsafe and every person regardless of gender or age a potential victim," Ban said.

On Tuesday, Palestinians mounted four more attacks on Israeli citizens and security forces even as clashes broke out on the border of the Gaza Strip, the densely populated, impoverished territory ruled by Hamas. One Israeli and five Palestinians four of them alleged assailants were killed. Israel said it has detained Hamas co-founder Hassan Yousef in a predawn raid in the West Bank town of Ramallah. The Israeli military said that Yousef, who is detained frequently, had praised the series of Palestinian attacks on Israelis over the past six weeks. In fresh violence on Wednesday, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian who allegedly stabbed and wounded a soldier near the Jewish settlement of Adam in the occupied West Bank, police said.

Ban urges Israel Palestine groups to stop escalating violence


Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust
Oct 21,`15 -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked an uproar in Israel on Wednesday for suggesting that a World War II-era Palestinian leader persuaded the Nazis to adopt their Final Solution to exterminate 6 million Jews.
Holocaust experts and survivors slammed Netanyahu's comments as historically inaccurate and serving the interests of Holocaust deniers by lessening the responsibility of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Critics also said the statement amounts to incitement against modern-day Palestinians in the midst of a wave of violent unrest and high tensions. Speaking to a group of Jewish leaders Tuesday, Netanyahu tried to use a historical anecdote to illustrate his claim that Palestinian incitement surrounding Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site goes back decades. He has repeatedly claimed that a wave of Palestinian attacks in recent weeks is the result of decades of hatred, and not connected to Israel's 48-year occupation of lands claimed by the Palestinians, as the Palestinians have claimed. Netanyahu said the World War II-era grand mufti of Jerusalem, Nazi sympathizer Haj Amin al-Husseini, also instigated Palestinian attacks on Jews over lies that they planned to destroy the Temple Mount, known to Muslims at the Noble Sanctuary.

Netanyahu said al-Husseini played a "central role in fomenting the final solution" by trying to convince Hitler to destroy the Jews during a November 1941 meeting in Berlin. "Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu told the group. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' he asked. He said, 'Burn them.'" Details of the meeting between al-Husseini and Hitler are sketchy. The Nazis released a grainy propaganda video showing the mufti making a Nazi salute before a warm handshake. The official record from the meeting says Hitler pledged "the annihilation of Jewry living in Arab space."

While the Nazis' official endorsement of the Final Solution came months after the meeting, historians note that the Nazis' mass killing of Jews was already well underway. Several concentration camps were up and running, and Hitler had previously repeatedly declared his lethal intentions for the Jews. If anything, they said it was the Nazis who were trying to use al-Husseini for their own propaganda interests and that Hitler didn't need any outside inspiration. When Hitler did consider deporting Jews, it was in the context of sending them to countries like Ukraine and Lithuania where they would face persecution or death. Moshe Zimmermann, a prominent Holocaust and anti-Semitism researcher at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said Netanyahu made a "far-reaching argument" that didn't hold up. "Any attempt to deflect the burden from Hitler to others is a form of Holocaust denial," he told The Associated Press. "It cheapens the Holocaust."


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