Russian Oil Market In Total Collapse As Shippers Refuse Loads After Biden Sanctions

Democrats have already rejected democracy as they cheated to win the last election. Like Saddam Husain would win with 100% of the vote, the Democrats are doing the same thing. Note that "Democrats" ends with "rats." Very appropriate.
This isn't a Democrat Republican issue. This is all on Putin. In the end the tyrant will die, it's so unfortunate he hasn't died already.
No worries, as we speak our NATO allies are looking for ways around these sanctions just like they did with Oil for Food.
I don't think so, putin went too far this time. He's only human, despite all his efforts to be inhuman.
Shipping companies are refusing to load tankers with the main grade of Russian crude, known in industry parlance as Urals, traders and shipping executives said. Commodity trading houses, meanwhile, are struggling to get banks to fund cargoes of Urals with letters of credit—a form of trade finance that keeps the wheels of international trade turning. And some refining companies are shunning Russian crude oil they normally would convert into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

The lack of demand has weighed on the price of Russian oil. The discount at which Urals is trading to benchmark Brent crude is up to 10 times wider than average in the physical market, traders said.

The main risk for shippers, refiners and bankers: taking hold of, or financing, Russian crude oil that gets hit by Western sanctions.

It’s only going to get worse for you
$20 bucks a gallon gas Memorial day weekend

Thanks biden!!
I detest war!
Too bad Neo-Marxist Dimm's took their eyes off the ball and ended up hating Trump more than war!!
Stupid asses....
Like putin, trump brought all his troubles on himself.
Shipping companies are refusing to load tankers with the main grade of Russian crude, known in industry parlance as Urals, traders and shipping executives said. Commodity trading houses, meanwhile, are struggling to get banks to fund cargoes of Urals with letters of credit—a form of trade finance that keeps the wheels of international trade turning. And some refining companies are shunning Russian crude oil they normally would convert into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

The lack of demand has weighed on the price of Russian oil. The discount at which Urals is trading to benchmark Brent crude is up to 10 times wider than average in the physical market, traders said.

The main risk for shippers, refiners and bankers: taking hold of, or financing, Russian crude oil that gets hit by Western sanctions.

It’s only going to get worse for you
Just wait till Putin refuses FRNs as payment for energy to keep Europe from freezing to death, and going without power...
That's when the "Fireworks" start...
I don't think so, putin went too far this time. He's only human, despite all his efforts to be inhuman.
Hardly. Those EU sissies are crying this up so we will cover the defense they are too cheap or poor to provide themselves. The Russia and Ukraine thing has been boiling over since that wuss Obama appeased Putin in Crimea and got his ass handed to him over moronic redline in Syria.

Now these folks want another Cold War over something that isn't in the same league as the Soviet Union. They actually are dumb enough to believe they can turn back the clock 40 or 50 years. That's not going to happen. The rest of the world isn't going to sit idly by. China has it's own ambitions and not many people are afraid of us after that disastrous Afghanistan fiasco. This wasn't our business and it will bite us in the ass.
Hardly. Those EU sissies are crying this up so we will cover the defense they are too cheap or poor to provide themselves. The Russia and Ukraine thing has been boiling over since that wuss Obama appeased Putin in Crimea and got his ass handed to him over moronic redline in Syria.

Now these folks want another Cold War over something that isn't in the same league as the Soviet Union. They actually are dumb enough to believe they can turn back the clock 40 or 50 years. That's not going to happen. The rest of the world isn't going to sit idly by. China has it's own ambitions and not many people are afraid of us after that disastrous Afghanistan fiasco. This wasn't our business and it will bite us in the ass.

Eurotrash had 70 years to get their shit togerther after WWII!
Instead they chose to suckle the ample tit of the U.S. mostly funded NATO alliance only because we were suckers!!
Fuck 'em. They're welfare *igga's!!!
And we're stupid.
This isn't a Democrat Republican issue. This is all on Putin. In the end the tyrant will die, it's so unfortunate he hasn't died already.
Nice try. This is a Democrat issue. Same as it was with Obama in 2014 and Russia attacking Crimea. Only, this time, he's taking the entire country of Ukraine. It's Biden, the media, Hollywood and everyone who voted for him that are to blame for all those who die in this war and the wars to come. You were told by Trump and others that if Biden wins, Putin will attack Ukraine. It's very simple. Biden stops the U.S. from being the producers and sellers of oil to Europe. Biden allows Putin to pump oil to Europe via Germany and sell to Europe. Biden weakens our presence in the Middle East. Putin doesn't have Trump in the way and Russia and OPEC become the sellers of oil to the world controlling the prices as well. Putin starts raking in a billion dollars a day from oil sales. Putin now can fund his military and engage in a war with Ukraine. He won't stop there. Hold on to your hats because he will attack NATO and we have a new world war. China will also take back Taiwan and begin to expand out attacking Japan. WW3 will become a reality. Nukes will eventually fly and the Second Coming of Christ will take place. All on Biden and the Democrats. No Republicans involved in this fiasco.
Sanctions will work against us but they will have devastating effects on the Russians. Putin brought this on by himself he is solely responsible.
Naaaah, NATO has been sanctioning Putin for years and it hasn't ever done anything. Sanctions are pretty much ineffective except for the ones that would hurt us too, so we don't use those.
That's funny. So check this out -- just one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, NATO countries (including the US) purchased a combined $350 million USD of oil from Russia.

Oh, and China just bought 100 million metric tons of coal from Russia. Certainly you can appreciate the message that move is sending.

Yeah, Putin is really feeling the economic pain. He'll surely capitulate any minute.

As usual, it's all a bunch of double speak and backhanded dealings with the media running cover to keep people locked in to the narratives.
The ruple is crashing.

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