Russian Oil

private land

Here, by the way, "privacy" is very conditional. This is a joint-stock property that is managed through controlling stakes, and big capital is not much different from state property, it is under the hood of the federals.

Roosevelt easily channeled all the capital into the military industry, despite the fact that it was "private".
It all depends on who sucks dick to the feds, not how legally "private" it is.
The feds have enough power and instruments to put pressure on any "private owner", no one will go against their policy if they are not supported by the right.
And fucking Trump destroyed the right-wing movement in the US, so get ready for the fact that the US will be an appendage of Europe.
America is like a bone in Europe's throat, they don't need America, the American people interfere with them. Americans are the only strong right-wing people who stand in their left way.
Americans are generally the only people on earth who are politically literate in the mass and understand what is what, where is the left side, and where is the right. Before Trump blew American minds with his anti-Mexican propaganda, Americans had the most clear political vision possible for the masses.
This is exactly what Europe is afraid of: the politically literate masses. It is easy to subdue the tops, but it is more difficult to zombify the mass population. They need legitimacy - that is, the loyalty of the illiterate masses. They haven't get it in America yet.
Yes, not ideal.



Monument to Bandera

Above it is the national flag.
What do we have here?

a ruskie?
And from the point of view of political resource security, what is the point for us to pump out our reserves, instead of preserving it for our people and future generations? Chinese consumer goods are just labor, and you will not collect our wealth with Chinese like iPhones. What is the point of us squandering our wealth. Because Eurofags want it?
Europeans have nothing to do with US oil production.
What do we have here?

a ruskie?
These are Bandera, they killed native Ukrainians of Polish origin. They put a monument in Ukraine, for the fact that they killed the Ukrainians. In the photo, the way of killing Ukrainians, Bandera saved cartridges, so they simply tied the Ukrainians to the poles with wire
Ukraine is not a perfect democracy

but you are too impatient

A democrat society takes time to evolve just as it did in South Korea and Taiwan
Ukraine is among the most corrupt, kleptocratic states on earth, and western corporate media is not making people aware of that fact for the same reason$ they alway$ lie about war and rumor$ of war"
"A top Ukrainian news site has reported that EU officials have called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to release Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the country’s largest opposition party. The politician was placed under house arrest earlier this year.":

Release opposition leader, EU tells Ukraine's Zelensky – media

Imho, the US wants investor-friendly policies in Ukraine similar to those that pillaged Russia in the 1990s. Opening Ukrainian markets to foreign investors and giving control of its economy to giant multinational corporations trumps any alleged concerns for democracy.
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The direct meaning of this word is the power of the people. There are 2 forms of democracy - right-wing democracy, when a group nominates a leader, and the leader represents the group in the Senate, and left-wing plebeian democracy - plutocracy and ochlocracy. Reagan is a right-wing democracy, Biden and RINOs are a left-wing democracy of scammers.

Maybe the best example of what US democracy has decayed into comes from Thomas Ferguson:

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia.

"The Investment theory of party competition is a political theory developed by Thomas Ferguson, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The theory focuses on how business elites, not voters, play the leading part in political systems."

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