Russian Oil

Ukraine is among the most corrupt, kleptocratic states on earth, and western corporate media is not making people aware of that fact for the same reason$ they alway$ lie about war and rumor$ of war"
"A top Ukrainian news site has reported that EU officials have called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to release Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the country’s largest opposition party. The politician was placed under house arrest earlier this year.":

Release opposition leader, EU tells Ukraine's Zelensky – media

Imho, the US wants investor-friendly policies in Ukraine similar to those that pillaged Russia in the 1990s. Opening Ukrainian markets to foreign investors and giving control of its economy the giant multinational corporation trumps any alleged concerns for democracy.
And that matters not at all regarding russian territorial aggression

Maybe the best example of what US democracy has decayed into comes from Thomas Ferguson:

Investment theory of party competition - Wikipedia.

"The Investment theory of party competition is a political theory developed by Thomas Ferguson, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The theory focuses on how business elites, not voters, play the leading part in political systems."

I'm not interested in pictures. I said direct honest democracy is patriarchy. The head of the family->clan->tribe, and so on, the council of the union of tribes. It's like a fractal. The people know their leaders.

The second version of the plebeian ochlocracy, when a housewife "votes" on an advertisement in a television series, and the left-wing buys propaganda shit on the tv-air for her brain
This is fucking leftist bullshit. Pashtun fags - the Taliban illegally occupied South Turkestan - the countries of the Northern Alliance. Reagan financed their struggle for independence from the Taliban motherfuckers.
slide_2.jpg (P. 4)

"In 1993-1994, Afghan Sunni Muslim clerics and students, mostly of rural, Pashtun origin, formed the Taliban movement. Many were former anti-Soviet fighters known as mujahideen.

"After the 1989 Soviet withdrawal and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet-supported Afghan government in 1992, a civil war among mujahideen parties broke out.

"Those former fighters who had become disillusioned with the civil war formed the backbone of the Taliban. Many members of the movement had studied in seminaries in neighboring Pakistan and chose the name Taliban (plural of talib, a student, in this case, of Islam) to distance themselves from the mujahideen. 1

"According to the 9/11 Commission Report, Pakistan supported the Taliban because of the group’s potential to 'bring order in chaotic Afghanistan and make it a cooperative ally,' thus giving Pakistan 'greater security on one of the several borders where Pakistani military officers hoped for what they called "strategic depth.’” 2

"Taliban beliefs and practices were consonant with, and derived in part from, the conservative tribal traditions of Pashtuns, who represent a plurality (though not a majority) of Afghanistan’s complex ethnic makeup and who have traditionally ruled Afghanistan.3"
And that matters not at all regarding russian territorial aggression
It does when US meddling in Ukrainian politics brings a hostile regime to Russian borders, and this was not done to promote democracy:

What you should really know about Ukraine | MR Online

"In Ukraine, the IMF had long planned to implement a series of economic reforms to make the country more attractive to investors.

"These included cutting wage controls (i.e., lowering wages), 'reform[ing] and reduc[ing]' health and education sectors (which made up the bulk of employment in Ukraine), and cutting natural gas subsidies to Ukrainian citizens that made energy affordable to the general public.

"Coup plotters like U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland repeatedly stressed the need for the Ukrainian government to enact the 'necessary' reforms."

"John Deni (Wall Street Journal, 12/22/21): 'The West ought to stand firm, even if it means another Russian invasion of Ukraine,' because even though 'the human toll will be extensive… the long-term damage suffered by Moscow…is likely to be substantial as well.'"
It does when US meddling in Ukrainian politics brings a hostile regime to Russian borders, and this was not done to promote democracy:

What you should really know about Ukraine | MR Online

"In Ukraine, the IMF had long planned to implement a series of economic reforms to make the country more attractive to investors.

"These included cutting wage controls (i.e., lowering wages), 'reform[ing] and reduc[ing]' health and education sectors (which made up the bulk of employment in Ukraine), and cutting natural gas subsidies to Ukrainian citizens that made energy affordable to the general public.

"Coup plotters like U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland repeatedly stressed the need for the Ukrainian government to enact the 'necessary' reforms."

"John Deni (Wall Street Journal, 12/22/21): 'The West ought to stand firm, even if it means another Russian invasion of Ukraine,' because even though 'the human toll will be extensive… the long-term damage suffered by Moscow…is likely to be substantial as well.'"
Surely you are not suggesting putin is doing this for humanitarian reasons

if so thats laughable
Surely you are not suggesting putin is doing this for humanitarian reasons

if so thats laughable
I'm pretty sure Putin's humanitarian concerns extend no further than Trump's. I am suggesting the US deliberately provoked Putin into a choice between a military intervention, and watching a hostile foreign military force establish bases on his borders.

Colin Powell's chief-of-staff, Larry Wilkerson, has speculated that Putin's invasion of Ukraine my destroy Russia the same way the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ended the USSR.

Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay
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I'm pretty sure Putin's humanitarian concerns extend no further than Trump's. I am suggesting the US deliberately provoked Putin into a choice between a military intervention, and watching a hostile foreign military force establish bases on his borders.

Colin Powell's chief-of-staff, Larry Wilkerson, has speculated that Putin's invasion of Ukraine my destroy Russia the same way the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ended the USSR.

Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay
Any associate of colin powell cannot be trusted

the best answer is that US foreign policy is out of control and too incompetent to carry out such a devious plan

US presidents in both parties tended to put ukraine on the back burner for the sake of more urgent problems
Any associate of colin powell cannot be trusted

the best answer is that US foreign policy is out of control and too incompetent to carry out such a devious plan
There's nothing incompetent about the US military-industrial-complex.

It is hitting on all cylinders exactly as it was created to do as proven the the level of bipartisanship currently on display in DC when it comes to killing, maiming, and displacing more innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet for the greater glory of Wall Street and America's richest 10 percent

Wilkerson is far more trustworthy than Biden, Putin or Trump, and he's clear on who's responsible for instigating the violence we are currently watching in Ukraine:

Why is Biden Pushing Putin on Ukraine? - Larry Wilkerson (December, 2021)

"I think [Vladimir] Putin’s doing what he feels like he has to do, at least in the verbal sphere, counter the things NATO and, principally its major member, America, are doing.

"I don’t think they make much sense.
I don’t think they make a whole lot more sense than what we’re doing.

"Both sides, now, are acting a lot like little boys in a sandbox, but we started it all.

"As Ambassador Jack Matlock made very clear recently, we started it all, and we’re paying the piper now for having started it.

"And rather than diplomatically and otherwise, back down slowly and surely, and maybe do a few mea culpas, we just keep exacerbating the situation.

"As long as we do that, Putin will exacerbate it equally from his side."
There's nothing incompetent about the US military-industrial-complex.
Thats nonsense

when the balloon goes up we are still a kick-ass military IN THE FIELD

but the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA are a collection of woke fools
There are no sanctions on Russia's oil or gas.

Sanctions with no teeth.
When your "family" receives 3 million dollars from the Mayor of Moscows' wife, You don't impose sanctions on Russian Oil. And it would help Ukraine who ruined your get rich scheme by investigating Burisma and Hunter
when the balloon goes up we are still a kick-ass military IN THE FIELD

but the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA are a collection of woke fools
Are you trying to separate the Pentagon from the performance of the US military IN THE FIELD?

How did that military fare in the fields of Afghanistan?

How did US defense contractors fare in those same fields?


"The withdrawal of the US military from war-torn Afghanistan has been widely seen as a failure in politics.

"However, analysts pointed out that the 20-year war means rather an 'extraordinary success' for the American Military-Industrial Complex (AMIC) composed of private arm dealers, lobbyists and Pentagon's officials who perpetuated war and got immense profits from the attacks."

Black money behind war: How the US military-industrial complex has thrived after attacks in Middle East - Global Times

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