Russian Oil

haha you know this is a lie, we started buying oil from russia during the clinton admin

reached a peak during obama, slowed down during trump when we became energy independent and hit another peak under xiden

so stop repeating this already debunked lie
Show me how much oil the US bought from Russia during the Obama presidency.
You're correct, George.
Apparently there is more profit in war than in peace?

“We do not want stability in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and even Saudi Arabia. . . . The real issue is not whether, but how to destabilize. We have to ensure the fulfillment of the democratic revolution.” — Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, 2002"

Possibly capitalism is destabilizing before our eyes?
Overall, the United States imports more than it exports, making it a net importer of petroleum. In 2017, imports provided 19% of the country's demand for petroleum. Most of the petroleum imported by the U.S. is crude oil (70-80% of total petroleum imports, varying slightly from year to year).
2017? Way to cherry pick......
"In November 2019, the United States exported 772,000 barrels per day (b/d) more petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products) than it imported, marking the third consecutive month in which the United States was a net petroleum exporter"
2017? Way to cherry pick......
"In November 2019, the United States exported 772,000 barrels per day (b/d) more petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products) than it imported, marking the third consecutive month in which the United States was a net petroleum exporter"
it took some time to feel the effects of undoing obama and xiden’s pro-putin policies and get our oil production up to speed
he CIA assisted the anti russian forces which included bin laden
The CIA created the anti-Russian forces in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion:

"Operation Cyclone
was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia

"The mujahideen were also supported by Britain's MI6, who conducted separate covert actions.

"The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups, including groups with jihadist ties, that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Soviet-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan administration since before the Soviet intervention.[1]"
The CIA created the anti-Russian forces in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion:

"Operation Cyclone
was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia

"The mujahideen were also supported by Britain's MI6, who conducted separate covert actions.

"The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups, including groups with jihadist ties, that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Soviet-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan administration since before the Soviet intervention.[1]"
Did the CIA put a gun to the USSR to get them to invade??

They chose to invade. No one made them do it. Same as Ukraine
Why are gas prices so high now then? They are twice as high as during Trump's Presidency. Could is be because Biden shut down our energy production by denying oil leases and shutting down drilling? His 'green' fantasy has caused world chaos.

The number of operating drilling rigs hasn't gone down under Biden. That's just some bullshit fake news. Gas prices are so high because it is controlled by cartels who can set any prices they want for it, same as with food, electricity, toilet paper, and every other product sold in this country. Shutting down the rip off of taxpayers on those $2 an acre leases of government land is in fact a good idea, no matter who does it. Blame spot market speculators for inflated commodity prices on everything, including oil.
Apparently there is more profit in war than in peace?

“We do not want stability in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and even Saudi Arabia. . . . The real issue is not whether, but how to destabilize. We have to ensure the fulfillment of the democratic revolution.” — Michael Ledeen, American Enterprise Institute, 2002"

Possibly capitalism is destabilizing before our eyes?
One thing you might find interesting:. The young engineers who were mostly veterans of WW2 and Korea decided they weren't in Saudi Arabia to change the culture or religion or government. They were there to exploit the oil not the people. KSA didn't evolve like Iran or Iraq. The American model was better. Michael ladeen makes me sick.
They began keeping records in 1974. You can find it on the internet.
The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 even though both total energy production and consumption were lower in 2020 than in 2019. Total U.S. energy exports exceeded total energy imports by 3.46 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) in 2020, the largest margin on record. U.S. energy exports in 2020 totaled 23.47 quads, and energy imports fell 13% to 20.0 quads, the lowest level since 1992.

The number of operating drilling rigs hasn't gone down under Biden. That's just some bullshit fake news. Gas prices are so high because it is controlled by cartels who can set any prices they want for it, same as with food, electricity, toilet paper, and every other product sold in this country. Shutting down the rip off of taxpayers on those $2 an acre leases of government land is in fact a good idea, no matter who does it. Blame spot market speculators for inflated commodity prices on everything, including oil.
KSA is no longer our swing producer. They told us that a few years ago. They don't have excess capacity. They are on target to raise production to 13 million bpd according to oil minister Nasser. I agree about the cheap leases.
The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 even though both total energy production and consumption were lower in 2020 than in 2019. Total U.S. energy exports exceeded total energy imports by 3.46 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) in 2020, the largest margin on record. U.S. energy exports in 2020 totaled 23.47 quads, and energy imports fell 13% to 20.0 quads, the lowest level since 1992.

A blip during a pandemic doesn't mean we are energy independent. But, it's a strong political lie. Much like peak oil was in the late 1950s.
Did the CIA put a gun to the USSR to get them to invade??

They chose to invade. No one made them do it. Same as Ukraine
The 2014 coup in Ukraine which the US instigated and CIA support for radical Islamists in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion in December of 1979 put thousands of guns to the head of Russia and the USSR.

There are more than 20 examples of covert US involvement in regime change in the 20th century for those who aren't afraid to look:

Foreign policy of the United States - Wikipedia

"United States foreign policy also includes covert actions to topple foreign governments that have been opposed to the United States.

"According to J. Dana Stuster, writing in Foreign Policy, there are seven 'confirmed cases' where the U.S.—acting principally through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but sometimes with the support of other parts of the U.S. government, including the Navy and State Departmentcovertly assisted in the overthrow of a foreign government: Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Congo in 1960, the Dominican Republic in 1961, South Vietnam in 1963, Brazil in 1964, and Chile in 1973.

"Stuster states that this list excludes 'U.S.-supported insurgencies and failed assassination attempts' such as those directed against Cuba's Fidel Castro, as well as instances where U.S. involvement has been alleged but not proven (such as Syria in 1949).[77]"
The 2014 coup in Ukraine which the US instigated and CIA support for radical Islamists in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion in December of 1979 put thousands of guns to the head of Russia and the USSR.

There are more than 20 examples of covert US involvement in regime change in the 20th century for those who aren't afraid to look:

Foreign policy of the United States - Wikipedia

"United States foreign policy also includes covert actions to topple foreign governments that have been opposed to the United States.

"According to J. Dana Stuster, writing in Foreign Policy, there are seven 'confirmed cases' where the U.S.—acting principally through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but sometimes with the support of other parts of the U.S. government, including the Navy and State Departmentcovertly assisted in the overthrow of a foreign government: Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Congo in 1960, the Dominican Republic in 1961, South Vietnam in 1963, Brazil in 1964, and Chile in 1973.

"Stuster states that this list excludes 'U.S.-supported insurgencies and failed assassination attempts' such as those directed against Cuba's Fidel Castro, as well as instances where U.S. involvement has been alleged but not proven (such as Syria in 1949).[77]"
. The afghan communists overthrew the monarchy in 1974. Syria was in terrible shape from drought, the collapse of agriculture and the oil sector years before Assad kidnapped and tortured the schoolboys.
One thing you might find interesting:. The young engineers who were mostly veterans of WW2 and Korea decided they weren't in Saudi Arabia to change the culture or religion or government. They were there to exploit the oil not the people. KSA didn't evolve like Iran or Iraq. The American model was better. Michael ladeen makes me sick.
Ledeen is another neocon who never met a war he didn't support or fight in. KSA's evolution seems to include a divergence among Salafist elites. The Saudi regime and its establishment Salafist allies have little use for the revolutionary Salafists: (P.3)

"The revolutionary Salafists are outsiders.

"Their movement, from its origins a century ago until today, has been at odds with the Sunni establishment.

"By tracing the movement’s ideological development over the past century, it becomes clear why al Qaeda’s leaders have chosen their present strategy: the experience of their movement drives them to view their opponents within Sunni Islam—'the near enemy'—as a more important target than non-Muslims—'the far enemy.'"

I suppose the 15 Saudis among the 911 hijackers were among the revolutionaries?
Ledeen is another neocon who never met a war he didn't support or fight in. KSA's evolution seems to include a divergence among Salafist elites. The Saudi regime and its establishment Salafist allies have little use for the revolutionary Salafists: (P.3)

"The revolutionary Salafists are outsiders.

"Their movement, from its origins a century ago until today, has been at odds with the Sunni establishment.

"By tracing the movement’s ideological development over the past century, it becomes clear why al Qaeda’s leaders have chosen their present strategy: the experience of their movement drives them to view their opponents within Sunni Islam—'the near enemy'—as a more important target than non-Muslims—'the far enemy.'"

I suppose the 15 Saudis among the 911 hijackers were among the revolutionaries?
They were muscle.. they may not have been told it was a suicide mission. Who knows. It had been decades since a hijacking ended in crashing the plane. Are you talking about the wahabbi? They aren't terrorists..
The 2014 coup in Ukraine which the US instigated and CIA support for radical Islamists in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion in December of 1979 put thousands of guns to the head of Russia and the USSR.

There are more than 20 examples of covert US involvement in regime change in the 20th century for those who aren't afraid to look:

Foreign policy of the United States - Wikipedia

"United States foreign policy also includes covert actions to topple foreign governments that have been opposed to the United States.

"According to J. Dana Stuster, writing in Foreign Policy, there are seven 'confirmed cases' where the U.S.—acting principally through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but sometimes with the support of other parts of the U.S. government, including the Navy and State Departmentcovertly assisted in the overthrow of a foreign government: Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Congo in 1960, the Dominican Republic in 1961, South Vietnam in 1963, Brazil in 1964, and Chile in 1973.

"Stuster states that this list excludes 'U.S.-supported insurgencies and failed assassination attempts' such as those directed against Cuba's Fidel Castro, as well as instances where U.S. involvement has been alleged but not proven (such as Syria in 1949).[77]"
I responded to your stupid statement on Afghanistan.
Americans have some real fanciful ideas about the CIA.. I get tickled when I hear the idiot's refrain: CIA, Saudi Arabia, George Soros.
The CIA created the anti-Russian forces in Afghanistan prior to the Soviet invasion:

"Operation Cyclone
was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia

"The mujahideen were also supported by Britain's MI6, who conducted separate covert actions.

"The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups, including groups with jihadist ties, that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Soviet-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan administration since before the Soviet intervention.[1]"
As you concede it was anti soviet
The afghan communists overthrew the monarchy in 1974. Syria was in terrible shape from drought, the collapse of agriculture and the oil sector years before Assad kidnapped and tortured the schoolboys
I've seen photos from Afghanistan taken in the 1950s that could have been taken in the US:
Fashion Freedom in Pre-War Afghanistan


When the US decided to lure the Soviets into Afghanistan during the Carter administration, our chosen puppets where among the most right-wing, religious bigots in that country, and they had a completely different vision of individual liberty.

History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia

"Amid corruption charges and malfeasance against the royal family and the poor economic conditions created by the severe 1971–72 drought, former Prime Minister Mohammad Sardar Daoud Khan seized power in a non-violent coup on July 17, 1973, while Zahir Shah was receiving treatment for eye problems and therapy for lumbago in Italy.[126]

"Daoud abolished the monarchy, abrogated the 1964 constitution, and declared Afghanistan a republic with himself as its first President and Prime Minister.

"His attempts to carry out badly needed economic and social reforms met with little success, and the new constitution promulgated in February 1977 failed to quell chronic political instability."

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