Russian Oil

Stop talking nonsense you fucking degenerate, they were just protecting the Northern Alliance from Pashtun invaders and genocide.

"The roots of the Taliban movement started in 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

"The Soviets were there to prop up a communist Afghan government that was supported by a minority of mostly urban residents.

"But the vast majority of Afghans lived in rural areas, where authority came from tribal and ethnic groups, and life revolved around conservative practices of Islam.

"Rural Afghans formed militias called mujahideen and drove out the Soviets.

"But then they fell into a civil war with each other.

"Out of that chaos emerged a group of Islamic teachers and students called the Taliban.

"They swept through the country, destroying mujahideen groups and imposing strict order.

"In 1996, the Taliban took the capital city of Kabul, and they ruled Afghanistan until 2001, when the US invaded."

The Taliban, explained
"The Soviets were there to prop up a communist Afghan government that was supported by a minority of mostly urban residents.
The USSR, under the protectorate of the ultra-left KGB, was there to break the Northern Alliance's resistance to the Pashtun occupation.


"Out of that chaos emerged a group of Islamic teachers and students called the Taliban.
lol They arose precisely because Reagan and Massoud threw out the KGB, instead of the Soviet troops
There was a coup in the USSR, Gorbachev came and they became loyal to Reagan. The Pashtun occupiers had to look for other options for military support.

"The roots of the Taliban movement started in 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

"The Soviets were there to prop up a communist Afghan government that was supported by a minority of mostly urban residents.

"But the vast majority of Afghans lived in rural areas, where authority came from tribal and ethnic groups, and life revolved around conservative practices of Islam.

"Rural Afghans formed militias called mujahideen and drove out the Soviets.

"But then they fell into a civil war with each other.

"Out of that chaos emerged a group of Islamic teachers and students called the Taliban.

"They swept through the country, destroying mujahideen groups and imposing strict order.

"In 1996, the Taliban took the capital city of Kabul, and they ruled Afghanistan until 2001, when the US invaded."

The Taliban, explained
Check your facts. The Taliban were war orphans . They were formed in Kandahar in 1994. They stopped the rapes, carjackings and opium production, but they were young and stupid so they went too far.
They stopped the rapes, carjackings and opium production
I'm sure it's a lie, except for the opium. Apparently they do not like opium because it is a competitor to alcohol and cannabinoids - the traditional drugs of the left.
The war against opium is the usual policy of the left, otherwise it is pure populism, they do it only in words and on paper. They themselves come from a culture of sexual promiscuity and terror, they never said they would give it up.
Now they also claim that they have zero crime and no faggots. It's very charming when faggots and criminals say this.
Check your facts. The Taliban were war orphans . They were formed in Kandahar in 1994. They stopped the rapes, carjackings and opium production, but they were young and stupid so they went too far.
The Taliban were a creation of Pakistan's ISI long before they arrived in Kandahar. I suppose there was an assist from the CIA at some point?

Taliban - Wikipedia

"Sources state that Pakistan was heavily involved, already in October 1994, in the 'creating' of the Taliban.[119][120]

"Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), strongly supporting the Taliban in 1994, hoped for a new ruling power in Afghanistan favourable to Pakistan.[8]

"Even if the Taliban received financial support from Pakistan in 1995 and 1996, and even if 'Pakistani support was forthcoming from an early stage of the Taliban movement’s existence, the connection was fragile and statements from both the Pakistani ISI as well as the Taliban early on demonstrated the uneasy nature of the relationship. The ISI and Pakistan aimed to exert control, while the Taliban leadership manoeuvred between keeping its independence and sustaining support.'"
I'm sure it's a lie, except for the opium. Apparently they do not like opium because it is a competitor to alcohol and cannabinoids - the traditional drugs of the left.
The war against opium is the usual policy of the left, otherwise it is pure populism, they do it only in words and on paper. They themselves come from a culture of sexual promiscuity and terror, they never said they would give it up.
In Islam alcohol and drugs of any kind are forbidden. Muslims are for the most part very conservative and family oriented. Where have you lived in the Arab world?
Reagan was a genius. If his system had been preserved, there wouldn't be so many wiki-degenerates now. Under Reagan, the average IQ in the Marine Corps was 130, and the American Rambo was respected even in countries on the left. Reagan God, and America is now in complete shit.
In Islam alcohol and drugs of any kind are forbidden. Muslims are for the most part very conservative and family oriented. Where have you lived in the Arab world?
This applies to the left system as a whole. With regard to conservatism in relation to the prohibition of drugs, this is the same hypocrisy as the attitude towards faggots, whom even the Koran (al Iskander) praises.

Most ordinary Muslims do not drink much alcohol, but they smoke cannabis and use nasvay.

But it was about the left as a whole, and not about Muslims. Muslims are not homogeneous, and not all Islamic leaders are under Arabs and Pashtuns.
Mujahideen who grew opium are also Muslims.
Reagan was a genius. If his system had been preserved, there wouldn't be so many wiki-degenerates now. Under Reagan, the average IQ in the Marine Corps was 130, and the American Rambo was respected even in countries on the left. Reagan God, and America is now in complete shit.
130 IQs. That's a damned lie. Remember, Reagan said Russia is the evil empire.
This applies to the left system as a whole. With regard to conservatism in relation to the prohibition of drugs, this is the same hypocrisy as the attitude towards faggots, whom even the Koran (al Iskander) praises.

Most ordinary Muslims do not drink much alcohol, but they smoke cannabis and use nasvay.

But it was about the left as a whole, and not about Muslims. Muslims are not homogeneous, and not all Islamic leaders are under Arabs and Pashtuns.
Mujahideen who grew opium are also Muslims.
The mujahideen were tribal warlords who wouldn't give up power. Where did you see Muslims smoking pot?
wherever I saw them, for example in the army. By the way, they ate pork there. No one gave them a separate table and no one demanded.
We're there many Muslims in your army? There is always gossip and speculation. How many years were you there?
We're there many Muslims in your army?
We have many Muslim nations.

By the way, they also drink vodka and beer, I have seen them drunk thousands of times in restaurants. This is all complete bullshit.
rupol2000 The Koran forbids doing harm. When I was little Americans could drink in Arabia. But, a minor prince got liquored up and shot an American... So booze was forbidden.
We have many Muslim nations.

By the way, they also drink vodka and beer, I have seen them drunk thousands of times in restaurants. This is all complete bullshit.
So where did you live and for how long?

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