Russian Oil

I responded to your question: "Did the CIA put a gun to the USSR to get them to invade (Afghanistan)"

I replied the CIA put thousands of guns in the hands of rabid, right-wing religious fanatics around the world (including some inside the USSR) thereby inciting the Soviets to invade Afghanistan;

Brzezinski Interview | David N. Gibbs

"Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahiddin began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979.

"But the reality, closely guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention [emphasis added throughout]".

I served back in those days..........I don't care about your propoganda,............No one made their asses invade Afghanistan............they wanted it for themselves to put in more pipelines and and take more resources.............As found out it was a mistake..........same as our Vietnam........They supplied weapons to the Viet Cong.........We supplied it to the Afghanistan people .......Some bit us in the ass.................

Such is the Cold War.......Where we fought each other via our weapons all over the world.........And now Putin wants a return to that...........

Biden to suspend oil and gas leases on U.S. federal land​

You can't deny that Biden suspended oil leases no matter how you like to spin it. Some leases are more productive than others so your assumption that Federal land gas leases are not important is just bullshit. Naturally when Government limits access to oil land, companies will take advantage. Biden is too stupid and ignorant to know or care.

lol you can't even respond to what I said; obviously you finally decided to look up the real facts and found out I'm 100% correct, You also found out Federal leases are not the main source of oil production, and drilling on private leases has almost doubled from Trump's last days in office. You think the government owed you cheap oil, cheap labor, and cheap food.
He attacked them from day one...............These guys don't care............they get funded by big Oil and I work at big oil..........Now prices go up and they just blame everything else like normal because they are lying sacks.

Says some unproductive loser with a poor paying unskilled job who can't even afford cheap gas.
I work in the oil industry..........Make good money at it............And you are a ass...........fitting symbol of the DNC who hurts the poor and Laughs at them. I'm not poor.....

You are just a dirt bag who feeds on the misery thinking your are some GOD..........I don't give a damn about your personal problem.

So you're some desperate transient ex-con who lives in a shed in a boom town and faces layoffs and going back to dishwashing jobs and cleaning sewers with the wetbacks again. Now dream up some more strawmen along with your fellow useful idiots.
lol you can't even respond to what I said; obviously you finally decided to look up the real facts and found out I'm 100% correct, You also found out Federal leases are not the main source of oil production, and drilling on private leases has almost doubled from Trump's last days in office. You think the government owed you cheap oil, cheap labor, and cheap food.
So, if Federal leases are not the main source of oil production, why prohibit oil research and production on that land? Why are you afraid of American supremacy in the energy sector?
So you're some desperate transient ex-con who lives in a shed in a boom town and faces layoffs and going back to dishwashing jobs and cleaning sewers with the wetbacks again. Now dream up some more strawmen along with your fellow useful idiots.
You laugh at the less fortunate that are thrust into poverty by the Biden administration? Callous does not describe your anti humanity.
So, if Federal leases are not the main source of oil production, why prohibit oil research and production on that land? Why are you afraid of American supremacy in the energy sector?

So post the numbers. Why are you constantly throwing out strawmen? You really think oil companies these days just run around randomly poking holes on the ground to find oil? lol they quit doing that before the start of the 20th Century.
You laugh at the less fortunate that are thrust into poverty by the Biden administration? Callous does not describe your anti humanity.

lol as if you right wingers ever care about 'The Poor'. Get and education an a better job, hell get three more jobs. That's the 'solution' you social darwinists peddle to everybody else.
lol as if you right wingers ever care about 'The Poor'. Get and education an a better job, hell get three more jobs. That's the 'solution' you social darwinists peddle to everybody else.
Get an education and you wont need three jobs

as if very few single moms on welfare need or want three jobs anyway

thats largely a lib myth
So you're some desperate transient ex-con who lives in a shed in a boom town and faces layoffs and going back to dishwashing jobs and cleaning sewers with the wetbacks again. Now dream up some more strawmen along with your fellow useful idiots.
More nonsense from a loser who supports a drooling Imbecile in the WH.

You are a Legend in your own mind
lol as if you right wingers ever care about 'The Poor'. Get and education an a better job, hell get three more jobs. That's the 'solution' you social darwinists peddle to everybody else.
Yawn. From one who supports politucians whos districts have poop maps. You are walking talking Cluster Fucks of America.
Get an education and you wont need three jobs

as if very few single moms on welfare need or want three jobs anyway

thats largely a lib myth

Seems like he doesn't want to take the same advice you guys throw out for 'everybody else' working for chump change.
Such is the Cold War.......Where we fought each other via our weapons all over the world.........And now Putin wants a return to that...........
Putin is responding to a New Cold War launched by US business interests aiming to monopolize the market for American shipments of LNG to Europe by using NATO expansion to remove Russian competition.

MARCH 1, 2022

America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century


"The long-term dream of U.S. New Cold Warriors is to break up Russia, or at least to restore its Yeltsin/Harvard Boys managerial kleptocracy, with oligarchs seeking to cash in their privatizations in Western stock markets.

"OGAM (Oil, Gas and Mining) still dreams of buying majority control of Yukos and Gazprom.

"Wall Street would love to recreate a Russian stock market boom.

"And MIC investors at happily anticipating the prospect of selling more weapons to help bring all this about."
The Taliban came into existence because the Mujahideen were systematically looting all of Afghanistan after Carter and Reagan brought them to power in order to drive the Soviets from Afghanistan.

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia

Stop talking nonsense you fucking degenerate, they were just protecting the Northern Alliance from Pashtun invaders and genocide.
The countries of the Northern Alliance are not Afghanistan at all. The Afgans are Pashtuns, and the Northern Alliance is the former South Turkestan, where Hazarjat, half of Tajikistan, half of Uzbekistan and half of Turkmenistan are located.

Territories occupied by the Taliban smelly dogs, with the de facto support of Biden (this is Biden's crime)
The fact that the Soviet troops of the criminal regime of the KGB and Biden were on the same left side and supported the Pashtun occupation of the Northern Alliance is further evidence of who they really are - the left.
The KGB de facto supported the Pashtun occupiers just like the Taliban.

Reagan and Massoud eliminated the left-wing accomplices of the occupation.

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