Russian Oil

A blip during a pandemic doesn't mean we are energy independent. But, it's a strong political lie. Much like peak oil was in the late 1950s.
I already corrected you on this. That was before the plandemic. You love to declare shit that is just wrong.
I've seen photos from Afghanistan taken in the 1950s that could have been taken in the US:
Fashion Freedom in Pre-War Afghanistan


When the US decided to lure the Soviets into Afghanistan during the Carter administration, our chosen puppets where among the most right-wing, religious bigots in that country, and they had a completely different vision of individual liberty.

History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia

"Amid corruption charges and malfeasance against the royal family and the poor economic conditions created by the severe 1971–72 drought, former Prime Minister Mohammad Sardar Daoud Khan seized power in a non-violent coup on July 17, 1973, while Zahir Shah was receiving treatment for eye problems and therapy for lumbago in Italy.[126]

"Daoud abolished the monarchy, abrogated the 1964 constitution, and declared Afghanistan a republic with himself as its first President and Prime Minister.

"His attempts to carry out badly needed economic and social reforms met with little success, and the new constitution promulgated in February 1977 failed to quell chronic political instability."
pass, pass, not sure.
They were muscle.. they may not have been told it was a suicide mission. Who knows. It had been decades since a hijacking ended in crashing the plane. Are you talking about the wahabbi?
I'm still unclear about any distinction between Wahhabism and Salafismo_O

CO16254 | Salafis and Wahhabis: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

"THE STUDY of modern Salafism will not be complete without looking into Wahhabism – a reference to the teachings of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and its relation to Salafism.

"In the current discourse on Islam, the term 'Salafi' and 'Wahhabi' are often used interchangeably.

"Many confuse the two while others refer to them as one.

"Wahhabi is a label given to those who follow the teachings of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

"The Wahhabis are always referred to as Salafis, and in fact they prefer to be called as such. As a rule, all Wahhabis are Salafis but not all Salafis are Wahhabis.

"The term Salafism did not become associated with the Wahhabi creed until the 1970s.

"It was in the early 20th century that the Wahhabis referred to themselves as Salafis."
There were more than one anti-Soviet faction in Afghanistan; why did the US pick the one with leaders who threw acid in the faces of un-veiled women?
I really dont know other than to say that the CIA was incompetent long before biden took office

so anything is possible
The number of operating drilling rigs hasn't gone down under Biden. That's just some bullshit fake news. Gas prices are so high because it is controlled by cartels who can set any prices they want for it, same as with food, electricity, toilet paper, and every other product sold in this country. Shutting down the rip off of taxpayers on those $2 an acre leases of government land is in fact a good idea, no matter who does it. Blame spot market speculators for inflated commodity prices on everything, including oil.
Biden pushed rip off green policies, vowed to shut down gas vehicles, stopped new drilling etc. We went back to buying oil from opec and Russia. Because of these policies gas prices have doubled and Putin is emboldened to invade Ukraine. Markets react to bad economic policies.
Biden pushed rip off green policies, vowed to shut down gas vehicles, stopped new drilling etc. We went back to buying oil from opec and Russia. Because of these policies gas prices have doubled and Putin is emboldened to invade Ukraine. Markets react to bad economic policies.

Rubbish. Again, the number of drilling rig went up, not down, and no amount of spin from Town Squall or FreeperLoons is going to refute the obvious. Gas prices go up whenever the big oil monopolies decide they can get away with raising them.

Prices are still dirt cheap relative to the value of the dollar, not even half of 1970 prices. If people can't afford the current prices, it's because they're lazy, unskilled, and need to work more hours, and get an education and skills that pay more and stuff. This is the solution most right wingers throw out on how to get out of poverty. I guess they keep forgetting to follow their own advice.
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Rubbish. Again, the number of drilling rig went up, not down, and no amount of spin from Town Squall or FreeperLoons is going to refute the obvious. Gas prices go up whenever the big oil monopolies decide they can get away with raising them.

Prices are still dirt cheap relative to the value of the dollar, not even half of 1970 prices. If people can't afford the current prices, it's because they're lazy, unskilled, and need to work more hours, and get an education and skills that pay more and stuff. This is the solution most right wingers throw out on how to get out of poverty.
Big monopolies saw a chance to increase their profits when Biden decided to limit oil exploration and started buying from OPEC and Russia. Biden doesn't understand economics like Trump did. Calling people 'lazy' because suddenly their cost of living went up is one of the most unhinged, ludicrous excuses I have heard for Biden's abject failures. Education is great but not enough to compensate when the company one works for is itself hamstrung by bad economic policies. The notion that we can just turn off the oil spigot and rely on pie in the sky 'green' fuel that there is no infrastructure for is childish and ignorant.
Rubbish. Again, the number of drilling rig went up, not down, and no amount of spin from Town Squall or FreeperLoons is going to refute the obvious. Gas prices go up whenever the big oil monopolies decide they can get away with raising them.

Prices are still dirt cheap relative to the value of the dollar, not even half of 1970 prices. If people can't afford the current prices, it's because they're lazy, unskilled, and need to work more hours, and get an education and skills that pay more and stuff. This is the solution most right wingers throw out on how to get out of poverty. I guess they keep forgetting to follow their own advice.
Virtue signalling out the ass. In blue shit hole cities why are so many living on the streets? Because of people like you.
Big monopolies saw a chance to increase their profits when Biden decided to limit oil exploration and started buying from OPEC and Russia. Biden doesn't understand economics like Trump did. Calling people 'lazy' because suddenly their cost of living went up is one of the most unhinged, ludicrous excuses I have heard for Biden's abject failures. Education is great but not enough to compensate when the company one works for is itself hamstrung by bad economic policies. The notion that we can just turn off the oil spigot and rely on pie in the sky 'green' fuel that there is no infrastructure for is childish and ignorant.
Not to worry Duddley is building Pixie Dust plants. With Unicorns delivering everything
Big monopolies saw a chance to increase their profits when Biden decided to limit oil exploration and started buying from OPEC and Russia. Biden doesn't understand economics like Trump did. Calling people 'lazy' because suddenly their cost of living went up is one of the most unhinged, ludicrous excuses I have heard for Biden's abject failures. Education is great but not enough to compensate when the company one works for is itself hamstrung by bad economic policies. The notion that we can just turn off the oil spigot and rely on pie in the sky 'green' fuel that there is no infrastructure for is childish and ignorant.

Except that Biden didn't limit oil exploration; oil companies decide via private deals whether or not they are going to drill somewhere. You want to keep pretending all our oil reserves come from government leases go ahead, just be careful not to link to real facts.

Throw in some more strawmen, and whatever you do avoid posting the data on new wells drilling, since they are almost double the last numbers of Trump's last year in office, and you also don't want to post all those links to oil company announcements they are going to pay out dividends to shareholders to take advantage of their latest windfalls and not reinvest nearly as much back into new drilling this year. They don't need to since they can make bigger profits by just raising your prices.
Not to worry Duddley is building Pixie Dust plants. With Unicorns delivering everything

Says another propaganda victim who isn't going to admit to real facts. If you weren't so lazy you could learn some valuable skills for the job market and make more money instead of crying for the government to bail you out. Just go get another job.
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Who ever is purchasing Russian Oil is funding genocide and Russian invasion.

Fred Koch made the family fortune building up Joseph Stalin's oil industry, so that wold include some of the right wing's biggest propagandists today, his sons.
I responded to your stupid statement on Afghanistan.
I responded to your question: "Did the CIA put a gun to the USSR to get them to invade (Afghanistan)"

I replied the CIA put thousands of guns in the hands of rabid, right-wing religious fanatics around the world (including some inside the USSR) thereby inciting the Soviets to invade Afghanistan;

Brzezinski Interview | David N. Gibbs

"Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahiddin began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979.

"But the reality, closely guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention [emphasis added throughout]".
Except that Biden didn't limit oil exploration; oil companies decide via private deals whether or not they are going to drill somewhere. You want to keep pretending all our oil reserves come from government leases go ahead, just be careful not to link to real facts.

Throw in some more strawmen, and whatever you do avoid posting the data on new wells drilling, since they are almost double the last numbers of Trump's last year in office, and you also don't want to post all those links to oil company announcements they are going to pay out dividends to shareholders to take advantage of their latest windfalls and not reinvest nearly as much back into new drilling this year. They don't need to since they can make bigger profits by just raising your prices.

Biden to suspend oil and gas leases on U.S. federal land​

You can't deny that Biden suspended oil leases no matter how you like to spin it. Some leases are more productive than others so your assumption that Federal land gas leases are not important is just bullshit. Naturally when Government limits access to oil land, companies will take advantage. Biden is too stupid and ignorant to know or care.
Says another propaganda victim who isn't going to admit to real facts. If you weren't so lazy you could learn some valuable skills for the job market and make more money instead of crying for the government to bail you out. Just go get another job.
I work in the oil industry..........Make good money at it............And you are a ass...........fitting symbol of the DNC who hurts the poor and Laughs at them. I'm not poor.....

You are just a dirt bag who feeds on the misery thinking your are some GOD..........I don't give a damn about your personal problem.

Biden to suspend oil and gas leases on U.S. federal land​

You can't deny that Biden suspended oil leases no matter how you like to spin it. Some leases are more productive than others so your assumption that Federal land gas leases are not important is just bullshit. Naturally when Government limits access to oil land, companies will take advantage. Biden is too stupid and ignorant to know or care.
He attacked them from day one...............These guys don't care............they get funded by big Oil and I work at big oil..........Now prices go up and they just blame everything else like normal because they are lying sacks.

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