Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba

Saddam stayed in his own country until Ronnie Raygun became his pal, sicced him on Iran and basically gave him chemical and biological weapons...Then April told him we didn't care about his border dispute with Kuwait...Pubs suq at just about everything but conning the hater dupes...
It was the republicans in the Arizona and Georgia Senates that took the time to pass the bills about legalizing discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Anti-gay laws beaten back in Arizona, Georgia | Jay Bookman |

This is how easy the mind of a conservative is controlled. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

Its always the rw's yammering about non-issues while President Obama takes care of business.

If a pub were prez right now, we'd be bombing several countries.

Just watch his press conference ... Thank you, Mr President.
Obama: "There willbe serious consequences if Russia intervenes militarily"

Putin: "WHAT BITCH!!! What you going to do, BITCH!!!?

Obama: "Oh, you know what will happen"

Putin: "Yeah, you'll back down and get on your knees again, BITCH. But this time I want you to bend over you little kitten"

Obama: "Yes sir Mr. Putin, sir"

Seriously, the United States won't do a damn thing because we can't. We are weak, our president is weak and there is no one anywhere who can or will stop Russia from doing whatever it wants.
Actually, Saddam Hussein had been destabilizing the region long before we got there. Care to debate actual history with me?

When he started killing the Kurds and invading Iran and gassing his own people, the entire region was a tinderbox. All it did was draw the attention of major world powers. You could say it destabilized the world for a time.

There are many unstable areas of the world. In my opinion, whatever Saddam was doing didn't justify the deaths of 4,800 US servicemen/women and $1-2 trillion in our tax money dumped into war businesses.

Also I felt like they (media, politicians) used the 9/11 tragedy as an insincere means to get Americans to back an Iraqi invasion (given that Saddam had no connection). I felt like they knew that the American people were primed for war and manipulated them into attacking a target that really had nothing to do with the thing that primed them for war in the first place.

I didn't like that.

There are many unstable areas of the world. In my opinion, whatever Saddam was doing didn't justify the deaths of 4,800 US servicemen/women and $1-2 trillion in our tax money dumped into war businesses.

So, that's like saying (Godwin's law shall now be in effect) whatever Hitler was doing to the Jews and Europe, didn't justify the millions of allied deaths and insane spending by FDR in the 1940's.

Also I felt like they (media, politicians) used the 9/11 tragedy as an insincere means to get Americans to back an Iraqi invasion (given that Saddam had no connection). I felt like they knew that the American people were primed for war and manipulated them into attacking a target that really had nothing to do with the thing that primed them for war in the first place.

This merits some consideration. Although, what were we going to do, sit there a moan like a child after being punched by the bully in the schoolyard when something like that happens? Bush wanted to finish his father's work, while also taking down the actual people who committed that heinous act.

That's our TK.

Rebel without a clue.

Seriuosly, sonny boy, you need to shut your yap and listen to the grown ups.

Oh and if you have time, get a job and take care of your elderly family instead of the other way around.
Maybe Christians can stop voting to hold back American society so we can finally end this stupid debate over whether or not gay people can get married, and then we can focus on real issues like how Bush's failed misadventures weakened America and put us hopelessly more into debt.

Uh....according to Obama the debt isn't a problem.

But let's look at the facts, shall we?


When Bush took office the debt was roughly $5 trillion.

When Bush left office the debt was roughly $10 trillion. $5 trillion belonged to him.

When Obama took office the debt was roughly $10 trillion. 5 years later it's $17.345 trillion. Looks like Obama is going to double what Bush spent.

So, you have alot of nerve talking about Bush and his spending.
So, that's like saying (Godwin's law shall now be in effect) whatever Hitler was doing to the Jews and Europe, didn't justify the millions of allied deaths and insane spending by FDR in the 1940's.

I'm sure you can agree that it's the President's job to only put US soldiers in harm's way (in such great numbers) when absolutely necessary. You cannot compare then need to send in troops to stop Hitler (at the moment FDR sent in troops) with the need to stop Saddam (at the moment Bush sent our guys into battle). I mean, Hitler was actively conquering Europe and Japan (allied with Hitler) had just attacked Pearl Harbor! I think that’s an unfair comparison you presented.

This merits some consideration. Although, what were we going to do, sit there a moan like a child after being punched by the bully in the schoolyard when something like that happens? Bush wanted to finish his father's work, while also taking down the actual people who committed that heinous act.

9/11 right? Of course I don’t think we should have just sat there and moaned, as I was all for going full force against the terrorist organization that orchestrated these attacks. Afghanistan made sense. But Iraq “because Bush wanted to finish his father’s work”? It was completely dishonest for the government to piggy-back off the 9/11 tragedy as a means to garner support for an Iraq war – ie something that was wholly unrelated.

Hitler was an imminent threat to mankind in 1942. Saddam was not in 2003.
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Russia on our doorstep while the Left yammers on about gay wedding cakes

Screaming Eagle's cartoonish characterization of the actual situation. Russia's far more worried about its situation in eastern and southeastern Europe than with the U.S.
LGBQRSTUV's need to stop attempting to divide the nation with trivial matters. Russia is an issue, China is an issue, Cuba is an issue, The border with Mexico is an issue. Cutting the number of troops we have and then spreading them thinly across the world with new deployment regions in Africa, South America and South East Asia is an issue. North Korea launching missiles is an issue and Iran and Iraq becoming one nation is an issue. But gay marriage, that is the epitome of a non-issue.
Russia on our doorstep while the Left yammers on about gay wedding cakes

Screaming Eagle's cartoonish characterization of the actual situation. Russia's far more worried about its situation in eastern and southeastern Europe than with the U.S.

the actual situation hasn't played out yet.....i'm sure you and your dear leader would rather bake cakes than face Putin...
Russia on our doorstep while the Left yammers on about gay wedding cakes
Partisan nonsense, Russia is not ‘on our doorstep.’

Conservatives resorting to ‘red scare’ demagoguery having suffered recent legal and political losses – how quaint.

Otherwise, there’s no more important issue than Americans being denied their civil liberties.
Russia on our doorstep while the Left yammers on about gay wedding cakes
Partisan nonsense, Russia is not ‘on our doorstep.’

Conservatives resorting to ‘red scare’ demagoguery having suffered recent legal and political losses – how quaint.

Otherwise, there’s no more important issue than Americans being denied their civil liberties.

Russia is in our face as well as on our doorstep...that's what you call new Russian bases in our hemisphere....that's what happens when we have a president who apologizes to the world, shows weakness, and is an appeaser...

but he's a real tough one when it comes to fighting for gay pattycakes.....:rolleyes:
Russia on our doorstep while the Left yammers on about gay wedding cakes
Partisan nonsense, Russia is not ‘on our doorstep.’

Conservatives resorting to ‘red scare’ demagoguery having suffered recent legal and political losses – how quaint.

Otherwise, there’s no more important issue than Americans being denied their civil liberties.

Russia is in our face as well as on our doorstep...that's what you call new Russian bases in our hemisphere....that's what happens when we have a president who apologizes to the world, shows weakness, and is an appeaser...

but he's a real tough one when it comes to fighting for gay pattycakes.....:rolleyes:
And squelching the First Amendment.
Oh please don't take it a moment longer. Get off your assistance and do something about it.
Was Screaming E even born in the 80's??

You know, back when Russia was actually a threat.
Was Screaming E even born in the 80's??

You know, back when Russia was actually a threat.
And they aren't NOW with an EX KGB guy at their helm that STILL believes in the old Communist State? Are YOU serious? Wake up.

WE spent that 'peace dividend' far too soon.
With the announced dismantling of American armed forces, Russia intends to build military bases of its own.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday the military was engaged in talks with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Algeria, Cyprus, the Seychelles, Vietnam and Singapore. - See more at: Russia Seeks Access to Bases in Eight Countries for Its Ships and Bombers | CNS News

They may as well, only China might stop them, and China isn't interested.

It might explain what they are doing with in the Ukraine. Going to build some bases.
LGBQRSTUV's need to stop attempting to divide the nation with trivial matters. Russia is an issue, China is an issue, Cuba is an issue, The border with Mexico is an issue. Cutting the number of troops we have and then spreading them thinly across the world with new deployment regions in Africa, South America and South East Asia is an issue. North Korea launching missiles is an issue and Iran and Iraq becoming one nation is an issue. But gay marriage, that is the epitome of a non-issue.

In Arizona a republican legislature passed the bill and a republican governor vetoed it. They're the ones bringing up the issue.

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