Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba

We should ignore all these scare tactics. We have obama and he is black. A frowny face from him and the Russians will scurry back to Siberia.
From the 'Wayback Machine'...

'After my election I have more flexibility' Apparently Obama has held true to his word...:eusa_whistle:

[ame=""]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

There is alot of speculation as to what he meant. Was it ever revealed what that discussion was about? I'm not convinced that Obama has any idea of the plans Putin has in store for the USA. I don't think he does. I think he believed the reset button worked when Hillary pushed it!
I don't think Obama cares either...Birds of a feather and all of that...
It was the republicans in the Arizona and Georgia Senates that took the time to pass the bills about legalizing discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Anti-gay laws beaten back in Arizona, Georgia | Jay Bookman |

This is how easy the mind of a conservative is controlled. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

In response to the left trying to force people to labor against their deeply held views.
Indeed. forced acceptance/Slavery
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

Trying to get your conservative street cred back after fellating Putin for the past several months? :lol:

Compared to the asskissing you've given Obama for the past 5 years...
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

Agree, but with all due respect it's outrageous to blame just the left on this. Aren't there right leaning folks actively trying to pass a law - utilizing gov't resources, etc - that would shield cake makers form being forced to make gay cakes?

I don't say that in a way that's demonizing the law (try to stay neutral on the law itself), just pointing out that you could just as easily say that maybe "the right could worry less about passing the law" and more about Russia at our doorstep...

The distraction is bipartisan-generated.
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I've known for sometime that the Russians never dropped their agenda to one day attack America. They are salivating for that moment. Putin is a monster.

Have a look at this story I found today. I'll post the link and a clip from it for you. I don't care who the news source is the story wasn't from them but from someone else interviewed and confirms what I've heard from others who have had chance encounters with these Russians. Some of which - the wives are christians. Another Russian whose job was on a Russian sub confessed to a minister in Fla ( while he was onshore R & R ) that the submarine he was on was awaiting orders to strike the coastline of Fla. There were more along the eastern seaboard. The conscience is the wild card the Russians failed to factor in... loose lips sink ships! Let's pray for more Russian conversions to Jesus Christ.

Russian Admits They're Here To Kill Americans! | Politics

Steve, my mother just called in tears describing her horror story and validation of foreign troops in Danville, VA. My family farms in NC not far from Danville, VA and their neighbor (Bob) works in Danville to be near his family and first born grandchild. Often Bob will watch his granddaughter who attends school in Danville and brings her and friends over to my parents farm.

Yesterday Bob brought his 2nd grade granddaughter and her new girlfriend and mother to meet my parents. My mother welcomed them all as usual but noticed both had accents which made her that more inquisitive. After a short tour of the farm, and looking at some wild deer they came into the house.

Being cordial mom passed out cookies and said I detect an accent, do you mind if I ask where you were from and the little girl said they just moved here from Russia. My mother replied, oh that’s along way to come to Virginia, what does your Daddy do that he moved you all here and the girl replied, he’s here to shoot and kill Americans. The little girls mother instantly broke down crying, saying it’s true, grabbed the daughter and left. My parents were shocked and while they’ve heard rumors they never expected to hear this from a child.

i'm sure they are out to get revenge from their overtime loss
The Ukraine will be much better off if we didn't butt in. obama thinks he can make that country another Syria.

Obama seems to have this habit of destabilizing countries....

great foreign policy...../sarcasm...


The invasion of Iraq destabilized the entire region.

And that was predicted as well.

Actually, Saddam Hussein had been destabilizing the region long before we got there. Care to debate actual history with me?

When he started killing the Kurds and invading Iran and gassing his own people, the entire region was a tinderbox. All it did was draw the attention of major world powers. You could say it destabilized the world for a time.
We should ignore all these scare tactics. We have obama and he is black. A frowny face from him and the Russians will scurry back to Siberia.
From the 'Wayback Machine'...

'After my election I have more flexibility' Apparently Obama has held true to his word...:eusa_whistle:

[ame=""]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]

When obama said those words, he likely had no idea what Russia was hearing. obama thought that he was conveying only that he would be in a position to dismantle the military. He had no idea what that would actually mean in terms of geopolitics.
And the stupid Secy/State parrots Putin and worries about global warming.

It was the republicans in the Arizona and Georgia Senates that took the time to pass the bills about legalizing discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Anti-gay laws beaten back in Arizona, Georgia | Jay Bookman |

This is how easy the mind of a conservative is controlled. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

In response to the left trying to force people to labor against their deeply held views.

Okay...but wouldn't the "deeply held views" of the opposition cancel each other out? We are all entitled to our views, right?

So in the spirit of the thread, shouldn't the OP be pointed at the people who spent time crafting the legalized discrimination laws at least as well if not more?
With the announced dismantling of American armed forces, Russia intends to build military bases of its own.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday the military was engaged in talks with Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Algeria, Cyprus, the Seychelles, Vietnam and Singapore. - See more at: Russia Seeks Access to Bases in Eight Countries for Its Ships and Bombers | CNS News

They may as well, only China might stop them, and China isn't interested.
I've known for sometime that the Russians never dropped their agenda to one day attack America. They are salivating for that moment. Putin is a monster.

Have a look at this story I found today. I'll post the link and a clip from it for you. I don't care who the news source is the story wasn't from them but from someone else interviewed and confirms what I've heard from others who have had chance encounters with these Russians. Some of which - the wives are christians. Another Russian whose job was on a Russian sub confessed to a minister in Fla ( while he was onshore R & R ) that the submarine he was on was awaiting orders to strike the coastline of Fla. There were more along the eastern seaboard. The conscience is the wild card the Russians failed to factor in... loose lips sink ships! Let's pray for more Russian conversions to Jesus Christ.

Russian Admits They're Here To Kill Americans! | Politics

Steve, my mother just called in tears describing her horror story and validation of foreign troops in Danville, VA. My family farms in NC not far from Danville, VA and their neighbor (Bob) works in Danville to be near his family and first born grandchild. Often Bob will watch his granddaughter who attends school in Danville and brings her and friends over to my parents farm.

Yesterday Bob brought his 2nd grade granddaughter and her new girlfriend and mother to meet my parents. My mother welcomed them all as usual but noticed both had accents which made her that more inquisitive. After a short tour of the farm, and looking at some wild deer they came into the house.

Being cordial mom passed out cookies and said I detect an accent, do you mind if I ask where you were from and the little girl said they just moved here from Russia. My mother replied, oh that’s along way to come to Virginia, what does your Daddy do that he moved you all here and the girl replied, he’s here to shoot and kill Americans. The little girls mother instantly broke down crying, saying it’s true, grabbed the daughter and left. My parents were shocked and while they’ve heard rumors they never expected to hear this from a child.

i'm sure they are out to get revenge from their overtime loss

Maybe it was the USA taking the gold medal from them at the 1980 Olympic Hockey games. :eek:
Actually, Saddam Hussein had been destabilizing the region long before we got there. Care to debate actual history with me?

When he started killing the Kurds and invading Iran and gassing his own people, the entire region was a tinderbox. All it did was draw the attention of major world powers. You could say it destabilized the world for a time.

There are many unstable areas of the world. In my opinion, whatever Saddam was doing didn't justify the deaths of 4,800 US servicemen/women and $1-2 trillion in our tax money dumped into war businesses.

Also I felt like they (media, politicians) used the 9/11 tragedy as an insincere means to get Americans to back an Iraqi invasion (given that Saddam had no connection). I felt like they knew that the American people were primed for war and manipulated them into attacking a target that really had nothing to do with the thing that primed them for war in the first place.

I didn't like that.
Actually, Saddam Hussein had been destabilizing the region long before we got there. Care to debate actual history with me?

When he started killing the Kurds and invading Iran and gassing his own people, the entire region was a tinderbox. All it did was draw the attention of major world powers. You could say it destabilized the world for a time.

There are many unstable areas of the world. In my opinion, whatever Saddam was doing didn't justify the deaths of 4,800 US servicemen/women and $1-2 trillion in our tax money dumped into war businesses.

Also I felt like they (media, politicians) used the 9/11 tragedy as an insincere means to get Americans to back an Iraqi invasion (given that Saddam had no connection). I felt like they knew that the American people were primed for war and manipulated them into attacking a target that really had nothing to do with the thing that primed them for war in the first place.

I didn't like that.

There are many unstable areas of the world. In my opinion, whatever Saddam was doing didn't justify the deaths of 4,800 US servicemen/women and $1-2 trillion in our tax money dumped into war businesses.

So, that's like saying (Godwin's law shall now be in effect) whatever Hitler was doing to the Jews and Europe, didn't justify the millions of allied deaths and insane spending by FDR in the 1940's.

Also I felt like they (media, politicians) used the 9/11 tragedy as an insincere means to get Americans to back an Iraqi invasion (given that Saddam had no connection). I felt like they knew that the American people were primed for war and manipulated them into attacking a target that really had nothing to do with the thing that primed them for war in the first place.

This merits some consideration. Although, what were we going to do, sit there a moan like a child after being punched by the bully in the schoolyard when something like that happens? Bush wanted to finish his father's work, while also taking down the actual people who committed that heinous act.
Actually, what's behind all the chaos in the world these days is the 2008 Pub World Depression and the the last 4 years of them mucking up the recovery with mindless obstruction...Great, job. pubbies. Much like the last time they wrecked the world and we got Hitler and tPearl Harbor. Luckily, this time Dems got in fast to keep it just a Great Recession. Only cost 5 trillion.

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