Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba

Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

Another report from the world of paranoid delusions and fear.

It must suck living there.
Russian forces have seized government buildings in the Crimea (part of The Ukraine).

Ukraine: Russia behind airport takeovers - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Which, IMO, is not unexpected.

(Sorry about linking al jazeera but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM hasn't gotten the okay from dimocrap scum HQ to report this yet)

That's where the Russian Black Sea Fleet and over 25,000 Russian troops are.

The trick now is to see if they go any further. If Putin will be satisfied with securing his Military bases and Naval Stations or if he'll go in and take out the new Ukraine... The one that wants to side with the West.

Keep in mind, with the Ukraine, Putin can rebuild the Soviet Empire, without it -- No way.

And Putin has called the collapse of the Soviet Union the 'Greatest tragedy in human history.'

at this point they have declined to say who they are, and are wearing no identifying insignia but you know Putin is not going to give up Crimea and his access to the Black Sea...

BBC News - Ukrainian ex-leader Viktor Yanukovych vows fightback
I'm all for normalizing relations with Cuba....

Right after we kill every communist motherfucker on the Island

Lemme guess - you didn't do so well on the "plays well with others" section of your conduct grades did you?

If the Cubans have no problem with their government, why should we?

But I'll tell you what, normalize relations with Cuba and you will see them drift our way. Once we start dropping all those tourism dollars on 'em and start importing all those cigars - they are not gonna want to let all that money go. They will try a whole lot harder to work with us.

You work in stupidity like a master artist works in oils....

In Cuba, if you don't like the government, that's fine.

As long as you don't mind spending the rest of your life in prison.

Or being murdered.

Yeah, I knew I was right about that whole "plays well with others thing."
Intervention would be a 'grave mistake' huh...????

So now they interveined mr Kerry.. Now what genius?

Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

Another report from the world of paranoid delusions and fear.

It must suck living there.

so the gay muslim shows up to point out OUR delusions.....:cuckoo:
Here is another article on the latest developments on China moving in on Taiwan. Once again, when Taiwan gets invaded we need to understand USA will respond and that is when Russia is going to make her move against us.

China preps military for 'short, sharp war' with Japan, US Navy analyst says | Fox News

That is the assessment of a top U.S. Navy intelligence analyst, who told colleagues that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is currently conducting training exercises in a practice scenario in which the military takes the Senkaku Islands, near Taiwan.

“We witnessed the massive amphibious and cross-military region enterprise,” Capt. James Fannell, deputy chief of staff intelligence and information operations for the U.S. Pacific Fleet (PACFLEET) said at the West 2014 conference on Feb. 13 in San Diego.

“[We] concluded that the PLA has been given the new task to be able to conduct a short, sharp war to destroy Japanese forces in the East China Sea following with what can only be expected a seizure of the Senkakus or even a southern Ryukyu [islands] — as some of their academics say.”

It’s alleged that in the past year, China has increased its military activity, including high-profile actions in the South China Sea as well as combat drills in the south Philippine Sea.
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Obama's socialist Left would rather have you talk about bakers.....not bankers....

Obama a socialist? No way. Look at the people he's appointed to positions of power and his completion of trade deals started by bush. He'll wander into left field on gun control or gay rights maybe, but that's where it stops. Eonomic issues, he's right of center at best.
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

Another report from the world of paranoid delusions and fear.

It must suck living there.

so the gay muslim shows up to point out OUR delusions.....:cuckoo:

Gay muslim? Has anybody ever seen Obama in a mosque or caught him praying toward Mecca?
It's bizarre, the way so many conservatives are now in terror of being forced to bake penis-cakes. Their yellow peril and red peril stuff is all pretty standard conservative bedwetting, but their recent penis-cake fixation is setting a new weirdness standard.

Tyranny, the loss of liberty and Arizona?s SB1062 - Tea Party Nation
Should a devout baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia?
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

And just what would you have the U.S. do, specifically, that we're not doing?
It's bizarre, the way so many conservatives are now in terror of being forced to bake penis-cakes. Their yellow peril and red peril stuff is all pretty standard conservative bedwetting, but their recent penis-cake fixation is setting a new weirdness standard.

Tyranny, the loss of liberty and Arizona?s SB1062 - Tea Party Nation
Should a devout baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia?

Remember when conservatives used to try to convince us that the Tea Party was all about economic/fiscal/small government issues,

and not just a re-brand of the old same as it ever was Christian Right?

lol, who won that argument?
If the Chinese invade Taiwan, obama will give a speech saying this is unacceptable and there will be consequences. Then he will do nothing except give a follow up announcement that the world is at peace and the US no longer needs a military.
We should ignore all these scare tactics. We have obama and he is black. A frowny face from him and the Russians will scurry back to Siberia.
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

And just what would you have the U.S. do, specifically, that we're not doing?

Kerry could kill himself on live TV.

That would help.

Like a former KGB Agent is going to worry about a known traitor, a man who called his own brothers-in-arms baby killers and rapists, a man who got three Purple Hearts while never shedding an ounce of blood, a man who put himself in for (and got) a Silver Star for shooting a thirteen year-old kid in the back with a .50 cal MG...

IOW, what we would call a "PX Hero".

Like Vlad Putin gives a flying FUCK about scumbags like that and what an effeminate douchebag like the lying cocksucker-in-chief might think?


Especially after the knob-gobbler-in-chief went out of his way to send a shitload of his fellow knob-gobblers to Sochi to try to embarrass a proud (albeit a ruthless thug) man.

You see, my short-peckered dimocrap pals... The DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM has no power in Russia.

They can't lie for the lying bitch, obama, there.

They can't intimidate his enemies, lie about his opponents and get scum like fatass Candy Crowley to do his dirty work.

Although Putin is a pig, he will kick the Stuttering Clusterfuck's ass up between his shoulder blades if he fucks with him.

Putin is the kind of man who may just destroy Ukraine if only to spit in obama's eye. He's still fuming over Sochi and he doesn't like obama personally

obama is a weak-kneed douchebag of an effeminate and feckless pretend-man. Nobody respects him. Especially men. Real men.

We know what he's all about. He's all talk. The only thing you gotta worry about with fags like obama is never turning your back on him. Because that's when he'll get you...

But Putin knows that.

He's gonna spit in America's eye because you were so stupid, you voted for a piece of shit like obama.

Good luck Ukraine. You're gonna need it

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