Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba

Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |
Let us know when they dock in Miami.

why would they.....? Cuba is close enough to lob a few bombs in...
I've known for sometime that the Russians never dropped their agenda to one day attack America. They are salivating for that moment. Putin is a monster.

Have a look at this story I found today. I'll post the link and a clip from it for you. I don't care who the news source is the story wasn't from them but from someone else interviewed and confirms what I've heard from others who have had chance encounters with these Russians. Some of which - the wives are christians. Another Russian whose job was on a Russian sub confessed to a minister in Fla ( while he was onshore R & R ) that the submarine he was on was awaiting orders to strike the coastline of Fla. There were more along the eastern seaboard. The conscience is the wild card the Russians failed to factor in... loose lips sink ships! Let's pray for more Russian conversions to Jesus Christ.

Russian Admits They're Here To Kill Americans! | Politics

Steve, my mother just called in tears describing her horror story and validation of foreign troops in Danville, VA. My family farms in NC not far from Danville, VA and their neighbor (Bob) works in Danville to be near his family and first born grandchild. Often Bob will watch his granddaughter who attends school in Danville and brings her and friends over to my parents farm.

Yesterday Bob brought his 2nd grade granddaughter and her new girlfriend and mother to meet my parents. My mother welcomed them all as usual but noticed both had accents which made her that more inquisitive. After a short tour of the farm, and looking at some wild deer they came into the house.

Being cordial mom passed out cookies and said I detect an accent, do you mind if I ask where you were from and the little girl said they just moved here from Russia. My mother replied, oh that’s along way to come to Virginia, what does your Daddy do that he moved you all here and the girl replied, he’s here to shoot and kill Americans. The little girls mother instantly broke down crying, saying it’s true, grabbed the daughter and left. My parents were shocked and while they’ve heard rumors they never expected to hear this from a child.

This is worth a read just to be able to recognize the enemy when the day comes. I don't expect the scenario this author does but I do believe it confirms the fact the enemy is already inside the gate.

When the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Forces) Troops Invade the US, How Are You Going to Recognize Them? | The New SurvivalistWhen the Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) troops invade the US, how are you going to recognize them? The Chinese soldiers, some already positioned in Mexico, will be easy to recognize, but the Russians are Caucasians who look like typical Americans. Both will be invited into the country by the communist traitors in Washington DC, to help fight “terrorism” (that’s YOU) and to help “restore order,” so you won’t be told who or where they are. These special purpose/special forces troops from Russia (recruited in kindergarten and brought up their entire lives in military training) already speak perfect English with no accent, and they will be wearing American uniforms (possibly Department of Homeland Security uniforms–see video linked in postscript below.)

* note to Screaming Eagle * I don't believe our govt is plotting against us with the Russians but I do believe the Russians shouldn't have been trusted and have no interest in a nwo they didn't create from the ground up.

Here's the tipping point for a Russian invasion. Note the last paragraph. Then look at the date. This is from over 10 yrs ago. Today the Chinese are making provocative moves towards invading Taiwan. Whose going to respond when we respond? First the Chinese - then a Russian invasion.

I don't believe the Ukraine will effect us but Taiwan will.

Clinton kept lidon PLA jet threatsThe U.S. crew, described as very young, was flying a mission in the South China Sea to track weapons systems the PLA recently bought from Russia, which forged military ties with China during the Clinton administration.

“They were following the Sovremenny destroyer,” the senior Senate aide said.

China’s 7,300-ton Sovremenny destroyer, armed with eight nuclear-tipped SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship missiles, is of particular concern to the U.S. Pacific fleet because it is chiefly designed to kill American aircraft carriers — which stand as a major deterrent
to the mainland Chinese communists taking U.S. ally Taiwan by force.

Despite Beijing’s claims, Hill sources say flight-path coordinates show the EP-3E plane was flying outside the internationally recognized 12-mile limit on territorial waters, and did not intrude into China’s airspace.


Do you ever leave your bunker?
What if we are busy fighting amongst ourselves over a cake when they invade us? Then what?

Someone left the cake out in the rain will be a song that takes on an entire different meaning.... ( in that day )
I've known for sometime that the Russians never dropped their agenda to one day attack America. They are salivating for that moment. Putin is a monster.

Have a look at this story I found today. I'll post the link and a clip from it for you. I don't care who the news source is the story wasn't from them but from someone else interviewed and confirms what I've heard from others who have had chance encounters with these Russians. Some of which - the wives are christians. Another Russian whose job was on a Russian sub confessed to a minister in Fla ( while he was onshore R & R ) that the submarine he was on was awaiting orders to strike the coastline of Fla. There were more along the eastern seaboard. The conscience is the wild card the Russians failed to factor in... loose lips sink ships! Let's pray for more Russian conversions to Jesus Christ.

Russian Admits They're Here To Kill Americans! | Politics

Steve, my mother just called in tears describing her horror story and validation of foreign troops in Danville, VA. My family farms in NC not far from Danville, VA and their neighbor (Bob) works in Danville to be near his family and first born grandchild. Often Bob will watch his granddaughter who attends school in Danville and brings her and friends over to my parents farm.

Yesterday Bob brought his 2nd grade granddaughter and her new girlfriend and mother to meet my parents. My mother welcomed them all as usual but noticed both had accents which made her that more inquisitive. After a short tour of the farm, and looking at some wild deer they came into the house.

Being cordial mom passed out cookies and said I detect an accent, do you mind if I ask where you were from and the little girl said they just moved here from Russia. My mother replied, oh that’s along way to come to Virginia, what does your Daddy do that he moved you all here and the girl replied, he’s here to shoot and kill Americans. The little girls mother instantly broke down crying, saying it’s true, grabbed the daughter and left. My parents were shocked and while they’ve heard rumors they never expected to hear this from a child.

This is worth a read just to be able to recognize the enemy when the day comes. I don't expect the scenario this author does but I do believe it confirms the fact the enemy is already inside the gate.

When the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Forces) Troops Invade the US, How Are You Going to Recognize Them? | The New SurvivalistWhen the Russian Spetsnaz (special forces) troops invade the US, how are you going to recognize them? The Chinese soldiers, some already positioned in Mexico, will be easy to recognize, but the Russians are Caucasians who look like typical Americans. Both will be invited into the country by the communist traitors in Washington DC, to help fight “terrorism” (that’s YOU) and to help “restore order,” so you won’t be told who or where they are. These special purpose/special forces troops from Russia (recruited in kindergarten and brought up their entire lives in military training) already speak perfect English with no accent, and they will be wearing American uniforms (possibly Department of Homeland Security uniforms–see video linked in postscript below.)

* note to Screaming Eagle * I don't believe our govt is plotting against us with the Russians but I do believe the Russians shouldn't have been trusted and have no interest in a nwo they didn't create from the ground up.

Here's the tipping point for a Russian invasion. Note the last paragraph. Then look at the date. This is from over 10 yrs ago. Today the Chinese are making provocative moves towards invading Taiwan. Whose going to respond when we respond? First the Chinese - then a Russian invasion.

I don't believe the Ukraine will effect us but Taiwan will.

Clinton kept lidon PLA jet threatsThe U.S. crew, described as very young, was flying a mission in the South China Sea to track weapons systems the PLA recently bought from Russia, which forged military ties with China during the Clinton administration.

“They were following the Sovremenny destroyer,” the senior Senate aide said.

China’s 7,300-ton Sovremenny destroyer, armed with eight nuclear-tipped SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship missiles, is of particular concern to the U.S. Pacific fleet because it is chiefly designed to kill American aircraft carriers — which stand as a major deterrent
to the mainland Chinese communists taking U.S. ally Taiwan by force.

Despite Beijing’s claims, Hill sources say flight-path coordinates show the EP-3E plane was flying outside the internationally recognized 12-mile limit on territorial waters, and did not intrude into China’s airspace.

Read more at Clinton kept lidon PLA jet threats

Do you ever leave your bunker?

I'm not in a bunker, Rothstein. Nor do I have a desire to be. Therein the offering of information. On the outside chance someone might want to consider something deeper than cake batter? I thought it worth the try. My mistake. :eusa_angel:
Want another one?

FLASHBACK: Sarah Palin Mocked For Saying Russia Could Invade Ukraine…


Hmmm, look who was right.

Via Foreign Policy (10/22/08):

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.

Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

“After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.”

As we’ve said before, this is an extremely far-fetched scenario. And given how Russia has been able to unsettle Ukraine’s pro-Western government without firing a shot, I don’t see why violence would be necessary to bring Kiev to heel. Watch the upcoming parliamentary elections in December to see if Moscow gets the pliable new government it wants.

dimocraps all have one thing in common -- They're stupid
Remember this?

Obama Chides Romney: 'The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back' - YouTube

Has that asshole ever been right about anything?

No. He should just resign and go back to that crime-ridden, filth-infested pustule known as Chicago....

Which in the language of the Miami and Pottowatomie Indians literally meant, "Land of bad air" because it was originally a swamp.

It hasn't changed much. It still produces a lot of bad air

that's why they call it the 'Windy City'......:lol:

We just can't afford anymore wars. Get us out of these wars and bring our troops home will do a great deal more good at taking care of the debt. fact.

I'm all for bringing every single one of our troops back home to America. Let's send the UN international troops taking their place on American soil back to wherever they came from. Sounds like a plan to me.
What if we are busy fighting amongst ourselves over a cake when they invade us? Then what?

Someone left the cake out in the rain will be a song that takes on an entire different meaning.... ( in that day )

and all the complaining gay assholes will finally learn what real oppression is...
How about we let gays marry and argue for staying neutral (At least more often then now)like some Europeans countries(swish, danes, etc).

Invest in science, tech and infrastructure ;) Maybe even a educational system for all Americans that doesn't cost a arm and a leg.
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Russian forces have seized government buildings in the Crimea (part of The Ukraine).

Ukraine: Russia behind airport takeovers - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Which, IMO, is not unexpected.

(Sorry about linking al jazeera but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM hasn't gotten the okay from dimocrap scum HQ to report this yet)

That's where the Russian Black Sea Fleet and over 25,000 Russian troops are.

The trick now is to see if they go any further. If Putin will be satisfied with securing his Military bases and Naval Stations or if he'll go in and take out the new Ukraine... The one that wants to side with the West.

Keep in mind, with the Ukraine, Putin can rebuild the Soviet Empire, without it -- No way.

And Putin has called the collapse of the Soviet Union the 'Greatest tragedy in human history.'
We would all learn what oppression really is. Not just the gay community. It would be a most sobering lesson to realize too late what was at stake. We have the benefit of listening to people who have lived in Communist nations if we are willing to listen them and heed their warnings.
Obama is playing post-Olympic games with Russia in Ukraine.....Russia is not pleased and is more of a national security threat to us than most realize....but let's keep the political chatter focussed on gay wedding cakes....:rolleyes:

A Russian spy ship has slipped into Havana for an unannounced visit, a day after the country's defence minister announced plans to expand Russia's worldwide military presence.

Russian spy ship docks in Havana during surprise visit to Cuba | World news |

Remarkable how Americans realizing their civil liberties angers most on the right.
A good case for normalizing relations with Cuba.

I'm all for normalizing relations with Cuba....

Right after we kill every communist motherfucker on the Island

Lemme guess - you didn't do so well on the "plays well with others" section of your conduct grades did you?

If the Cubans have no problem with their government, why should we?

But I'll tell you what, normalize relations with Cuba and you will see them drift our way. Once we start dropping all those tourism dollars on 'em and start importing all those cigars - they are not gonna want to let all that money go. They will try a whole lot harder to work with us.
Some good stuff, including live videos, here

WATCH: The Russian Invasion of Ukrainian Crimea Begins | Mediaite

The Ukrainian government later confirmed that a sortie of 11 attack helicopters entered that country’s airspace and landed at an airport in Sevastopol, further cementing Russian control over the airport.

Shortly before noon, Eastern time, on Friday, the British Foreign Office recommended that its citizens immediately evacuate Crimea by any commercial means available to them.

UPDATE: More amateur video of Russian airborne forces entering Ukraine has surfaced:

Boy, I'm sure glad the Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure put Palin and Romney in their places :lmao:
A good case for normalizing relations with Cuba.

I'm all for normalizing relations with Cuba....

Right after we kill every communist motherfucker on the Island

Lemme guess - you didn't do so well on the "plays well with others" section of your conduct grades did you?

If the Cubans have no problem with their government, why should we?

But I'll tell you what, normalize relations with Cuba and you will see them drift our way. Once we start dropping all those tourism dollars on 'em and start importing all those cigars - they are not gonna want to let all that money go. They will try a whole lot harder to work with us.

You work in stupidity like a master artist works in oils....

In Cuba, if you don't like the government, that's fine.

As long as you don't mind spending the rest of your life in prison.

Or being murdered.

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