Russian State Media Freak Out Over Joe Bidens Campaign Ressurection

Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.
Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.
Yeah....Obiongo had such tough sanctions that a significant portion of the US uranium supply was sold to the,m. :icon_rolleyes:

How about Trump makes a multi-billion dollar uranium deal with RUSSIA!....Then a few weeks later, Don jr. gives a meaningless speech to score a nice $500K payday.

Don't sit there and lie to us that you wouldn't be screeching PAY FOR PLAY! and BRIBERY! from the highest mountaintop....Go ahead and lie to us, you shameless hack loser.
I doubt the Russians give shit one who the Dems run. They know Trump will win this year.

They are smarter than the lefty loons on this board and that's for sure.
Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

I never admited any such thing you fucking idiot.

I don't have polling on Russian-Americans but general polling of Russians shows big support for Trump....unlike pretty much everywhere else in the world.

Donald Trump top pick for US President... in Russia | YouGov

Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!
Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.
Yeah....Obiongo had such tough sanctions that a significant portion of the US uranium supply was sold to the,m. :icon_rolleyes:

How about Trump makes a multi-billion dollar uranium deal with RUSSIA!....Then a few weeks later, Don jr. gives a meaningless speech to score a nice $500K payday.

Don't sit there and lie to us that you wouldn't be screeching PAY FOR PLAY! and BRIBERY! from the highest mountaintop....Go ahead and lie to us, you shameless hack loser.

You are completely ignorant what you are talking about.

Read up on the facts, then talk.

The Facts on Uranium One
Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia.

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending. It's moot due to America's vast millitary-economic superiority and mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.
Last edited:
Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime and remove sanctions. What fucking part of that do you not understand?
Putin Loved Barry.....the uranium, Crimea, the 3 years of un-challenged interference / hacking / etc.....

Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!
Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are too crazy to use but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?
Ohh, nukes are crazy but full millitary force is somehow on the table? Seriously dummy?

YES....there is no way the Russians are going to instigate direct military action against the United States in an attempt to divide / destroy the US.....especially when the Democrats have been doing such a great job the last 4 years.
Well this has been another fun episode of trying to keep a rational conversation with batshit-crazy Trumpsters.
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia
We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

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