Russian State Media Freak Out Over Joe Bidens Campaign Ressurection

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........
Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin prefers.

Putin already paid hilary 145 million dollars, and she signed off on giving him uranium.........he had her bought and paid for and then she dope.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

What are you saying? Oh, that's're simply here to provoke people with yet another piece of garbage inferring Trump is a Russian "puppet" when the fact of the matter is...Trump has been harder on Russia than Barack Obama EVER was!
Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.

Trump has been tougher on the Russians than obama ever was......he put on santions, he expanded American energy production, improved our military, got NATO countries to pay more for their defense....against Russia, and told Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia.....

You don't have any idea what you are talking about...

obama and hilary loved Russia........

At some point you've got to learn - JUST BECAUSE TRUMP ADMIN SAYS SOMETHING DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE. They are liars. Full stop.

There is absolutely nothing that Trump administration did that comes even close to matching the crippling effect Obama led sanctions have had and continue to have on Russian economy. They caused around 2% GDP contraction in 2014-2015 period and directly led to a recession there.

Trump admin did put in additional sanctions - AFTER CONGRESS FORCED THEM TO, against Trump's complaints.

That was followed by administration blowing one deadline after another in actual implementation.

Donald Trump refuses to impose new sanctions on Russia

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Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin prefers.

Putin already paid hilary 145 million dollars, and she signed off on giving him uranium.........he had her bought and paid for and then she dope.

Moron, stop peddling bullshit. Putin NEVER paid Hillary anything, nor did Hillary "give uranium". It is illegal to export Uranium out of the US unless you get explicit permission to. Nor does Russia have any stratigic interest in our uranium, they have Khazakstan in their backyard, holding half of the world's uranium.

PolitiFact - No, Russia did not donate $145 million to the Clinton Foundation
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Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...
So a Russian journalist stating “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead” and 'awkward silence' is considered a 'Russian FREAK-OUT' by snowflakes?

You sure they didn't just have a 'Biden/Pelosi Dementia Moment'? :p

....and why do snowflakes give a damn about what Russian State-Run media does / says or doesn't say?
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...
So a Russian journalist stating “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead” and 'awkward silence' is considered a 'Russian FREAK-OUT' by snowflakes?

You sure they didn't just have a 'Biden/Pelosi Dementia Moment'? :p

....and why do snowflakes give a damn about what Russian State-Run media does / says or doesn't say?

They are Putin Puppets. He controls their every thought.

Just look at how the OP jumped up to push the Putin message.:21:
Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
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here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

....and of course you can support this with a link or some form of actual FACT / LEGITMATE SOURCE, right, snowflake?

The Russians are just as shocked as everyone else that Joe Biden's campaign has been resurrected by the DNC Deep State establishment who have unified to reject their guy, Bernie, the Moscow Honeymooning 'Castro FanBoy'...
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
I don't need your propaganda, Putin Puppet.
here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

....and of course you can support this with a link or some form of actual FACT / LEGITMATE SOURCE, right, snowflake?


No I can't (no data that I'm aware of) beyond just the Russians I come in contact with here in the tri-state. For every anti-Trump Russian there are probably 5 pro-Trump. And this is in a deep blue New York fn city.
Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
I don't need your propaganda, Putin Puppet.

Psychiatric help is what you need. Your posting is straight nuts.
Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
I don't need your propaganda, Putin Puppet.

Phsychiatric help is what you need.

I don't need your Putin talking points, Boris.
Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
I don't need your propaganda, Putin Puppet.

Phsychiatric help is what you need.

I don't need your Putin talking points, Boris.

Anton is my name retard.
No I can't (no data that I'm aware of) beyond just the Russians I come in contact with here in the tri-state.

So you hang out with Russians.........

Thanks for admitting you can't prove what you claim and can only share what the Russians you hang out with tell you.....

You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

You are an ignorant tool, running your mouth about matters you have no clue about.

here is another clue for you - immigrants from Russia usually still consume Russian media and voted for Trump in droves.

Here is some reading, if you have any interest in gaining perspective:

The Peculiar Business of Being Russian-American in Trump’s USA
I don't need your propaganda, Putin Puppet.

Phsychiatric help is what you need.

I don't need your Putin talking points, Boris.

Anton is my name retard.
We don't care what your Russian code name is, Boris.
No I can't (no data that I'm aware of) beyond just the Russians I come in contact with here in the tri-state.

So you hang out with Russians.........

Thanks for admitting you can't prove what you claim and can only share what the Russians you hang out with tell you.....


Yes moron, being a Russian-American means you probably hang out with some other Russians, starting with your immediate family.

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