Russian State Media Freak Out Over Joe Bidens Campaign Ressurection

I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

He's just mad because his Facebook posts didn't help hilary win......and his handlers in Russia were not happy....
I'm sorry...I did not mean to make light of the fact that you ARE Russian. I actually stopped listening to anything you said when you admitted you could not prove a word of what you posted.....

We get it....Oboingo was a demigod, and ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!

Fucking partisan hack dickhead.


Clearly you don't. If you THINK you do then either admit that Obama's sanctions were much more significant or go ahead and put up some sort of coherent refute to these facts.

No one is interested your idiotic clown responses.


Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.
But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Moron, I'm a capitalist.
Just what a Russian immigrant would say..... :p

Any capitalist would say that. DUH

Yeah, and Bernie claims he is a capitalist too, especially with his 3 dachas, right Anton-)
But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Moron, I'm a capitalist.
Just what a Russian immigrant would say..... :p

Any capitalist would say that. DUH

Yeah, and Bernie claims he is a capitalist too, especially with his 3 dachas, right Anton-)

Bernie claims to be a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST but still too far left for me so I will vote against Bernie and for Biden.

Anything else retard?

Who liked our military being rebuilt more...……..Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our energy being unleashed more, Putin, China, or North Korea?

Who liked our tariff and sanctions more?...………...Putin, China, Iran, or North Korea?

Anton rewrites history very well, it is called PROPAGANDA!

But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Mother Russias ideas were correct, they just had the wrong people putting those ideas in place; kinda like Cuba, Venezuela, China, and when Britain had it, them too!

Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)
Bernie claims to be a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST but still too far left for me so I will vote against Bernie and for Biden.
Anything else retard?

So you are going to vote for the guy who just said this week end that Democrats can not win and the best they can do is re-elect Donald Trump....?! move.



But we do know why now, that he is a Democrat! How does that old saying go---------> you can take a person out of Socialism, but you can't take the SOCIALISM out of the person!

Moron, I'm a capitalist.
Just what a Russian immigrant would say..... :p

Any capitalist would say that. DUH

Yeah, and Bernie claims he is a capitalist too, especially with his 3 dachas, right Anton-)

Bernie claims to be a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST but still too far left for me so I will vote against Bernie and for Biden.

Anything else retard?

Now, see how you people are-------------> I didn't call you one disparaging name, unless you consider being called a Democrat or SOCIALIST, a disparaging name.

And right out of the box, you call me a retard!

I don't have 3 dachas. I didn't get my son 1.5 billion to invest from a communist country. I didn't pass a bill that threw a bunch of Black Americans in jail, and yet you are upset with me.

I don't get it, but maybe some meds on your part are required, but then, I am not a doctor!
"The Russians are coming, the Russians are
coming! Wait....they are here...CAN'T YOU
BOUND...release me, before it's too late....the
Russians...the Russians...."

At least 3 versions of the Trump Dossier were
written and given to the FBI...they used 1.

After a 'National Security Breach' consisting of
'the Russians' hacking the DNC's server, the
President of the United States allowed the DNC
to forbid the world's top investigative agency to
investigate and confirm their claim, instead allowing
them to pay a Soros-connected company over $600k
for its 'PR' services to spin the 'Russian Hack' story.
According to Crowdstrike it NEVER investigated not
confirmed the DNC's claim the Russians hacked their
server....Afterwards the Crowdstrike founder was given
a position in Obama's administration. The FBI used both
ONE (1) of the Dossier versions and the DNC's false
claim that the Russians hacked the DNC Server to
commit FISA Court Abuses, illegally spy on Trump & his
team, and thus initiate a political coup - the largest
scandal in US government history.

Obama, his administration, and the Democrats have done
more themselves to divide / destroy this country for personal
/ political gain than the Russians ever dreamed of doing alone.

Had such a political coup been attempted against...let's say
Putin in Russia - or against Bernie's hero, Castro in Cuba, every
single one of the traitors would have been executed by now.

God bless America.....
Bernie claims to be a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST but still too far left for me so I will vote against Bernie and for Biden.
Anything else retard?

So you are going to vote for the guy who just said this week end that Democrats can not win and the best they can do is re-elect Donald Trump....?! move.


...are you back to doing heavy drugs again?
Putin likes whoever will talk nice about his regime, will work to remove sanctions, cause friction within NATO alliance and otherwise benefit Russia. What fucking part of that do you not understand?

Putin does not give a crap about marginal flactuations in American millitary spending due to mutually assured nuclear destruction should there be any real conflict that actually involves the full millitary force. In fact he would probably favor us deficit spending ourselves into economic collapse.

But I can tell you he enjoys the shit out of Trump causing Europe's re-evaluation of their realtionship with us.

IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)

You don't get it, Russia has no capacity to seriously fight a war against NATO aliance. As soon as shit gets escallated to that point (not that it ever will) their finger goes straight to nuclear option.

It is absolutely moot in this context if US spends 750 or 800 billion a year on the military.
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...are you back to doing heavy drugs again?

No, Boris - YOU said you would vote for the guy who declared this weekend that Democrats can't beat Trump and the best they could do would be to re-elect him.
IC, IC, so you are insinuating, that Russia would go to NUCLEAR WAR over, say, Syria or Iran and destroy themselves?

Interesting concept, if you actually believe it!

Or rather, do you understand that any SANE country would NEVER use nuclear weapons, unless their homeland was invaded, in which case it would be conventional weapons everywhere else BESIDES their homeland, meaning Trump just stuffed a big one up Russias a**!

Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)

You don't get it, Russia has no capacity to seriously fight a war against NATO aliance. As soon as shit gets escallated to that point (not that it ever will) their finger goes straight to nuclear option.

It is absolutely moot in this context if US spends 750 or 800 billion a year on the military.

As long as nobody invades Russia, never will. We can kick their a** back to their border and no further, and never see a missile.

But, if you are correct, as soon as the space force gets lasers set up to blow missiles out of the sky if they are launched, then you should tell Trump to invade, correct!
...are you back to doing heavy drugs again?

No, Boris - YOU said you would vote for the guy who declared this weekend that Democrats can't beat Trump and the best they could do would be to re-elect him.

Retard, he didn't say that, you need to lay off the crazy drugs.

"We cannot get -- re-elect -- we cannot win this re-election -- excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump -- if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here."

Biden could have stopped right there....there is no way he or the other old, white, elitist is going to defeat Trump and this economy. :p
Ohh, nukes are crazy but full 800 billion/year American millitary force is somehow on the table?

Seriously dummy?

Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)

You don't get it, Russia has no capacity to seriously fight a war against NATO aliance. As soon as shit gets escallated to that point (not that it ever will) their finger goes straight to nuclear option.

It is absolutely moot in this context if US spends 750 or 800 billion a year on the military.

As long as nobody invades Russia, never will. We can kick their a** back to their border and no further, and never see a missile.

But, if you are correct, as soon as the space force gets lasers set up to blow missiles out of the sky if they are launched, then you should tell Trump to invade, correct!


Really? When are we kicking their ass back to their border and out of Ukraine's Crimea?

Why don't we ask Trump?

Trump reportedly claimed to leaders at the G7 that Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian

Oooohh whoops.
...are you back to doing heavy drugs again?

No, Boris - YOU said you would vote for the guy who declared this weekend that Democrats can't beat Trump and the best they could do would be to re-elect him.

Retard, he didn't say that, you need to lay off the crazy drugs.

"We cannot get -- re-elect -- we cannot win this re-election -- excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump -- if, in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad here."

Biden could have stopped right there....there is no way he or the other old, white, elitist is going to defeat Trump and this economy. :p

Fucktard, in what world does that equate to what you claimed he said???

He clearly said that Democrats engaging in circular firing squad will get Trump re-elected. Not that Decrats will do that, or it's the best they can do.
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Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Actually, the rise in Biden is positive for The Donald. Mr. Trump has publicly stated that he like to compete against the Mentally challenged like VP Biden. Sleepy Joe is a sleepy fellow, who poses Zero threat to Trump

The Russian Federation would much rather Trump lose, and Biden's ascendancy makes that dream less certain
Hey, it isn't me talking about MAD, you are. And I notice, as soon as it is mentioned that if we so desire, we can throw Russia out of Iran and Syria without breaking much of a sweat, and you get all defensive.

You and Mother Russia still like hugging each other, or what!

If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)

You don't get it, Russia has no capacity to seriously fight a war against NATO aliance. As soon as shit gets escallated to that point (not that it ever will) their finger goes straight to nuclear option.

It is absolutely moot in this context if US spends 750 or 800 billion a year on the military.

As long as nobody invades Russia, never will. We can kick their a** back to their border and no further, and never see a missile.

But, if you are correct, as soon as the space force gets lasers set up to blow missiles out of the sky if they are launched, then you should tell Trump to invade, correct!


Really? When are we kicking their ass back to their border and out of Ukraine's Crimea?

Why don't we ask Trump?

Trump reportedly claimed to leaders at the G7 that Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian

Oooohh whoops.

Actually, Trump isn't that wrong. Crimea is historically part of the Russian Federation, and was only moved from the Ukrainian SSR to Russia during the reign of Ukrainian strongman Nikita Khrushchev.

In any event, the Democrats promised to protect those borders of Ukraine which include Crimea, not President Trump who was engaged in the Battle of the Billionaires when the arrangements were being made. Maybe Mr. Biden can recruit American college students who love him so much to go to Crimea and wrest it back to give to Ukraine?
He clearly said that Democrats engaging in circular firing squad will get Trump re-elected. Not that Decrats will do that, or it's the best they can do.

The DNC just screwed Bernie again....he is NOT going to give up. The circular firing squad will continue.....and even if they don't, the Democrats have NO ONE who can beat Trump and this economy. The Democrats DARE NOT run on their own ideas - listen to them....all they say is 'Beat Trump'! They prey on the hate-obsessed sheep who don't WANT to listen how they will reverse all the successes to return millions to 'economic slavery'.
If you can't keep track of the conversation thats on you, not me.

Suggestion that Putin minds us generally spending more on millitary is simply nonsense. Our full millitary capacity is completely moot beyond certain point.

Question is, at what point?

What do you think is more important Anton, the ability to wage NUCLEAR war, or the ability to fight a conventional war?

After Obama and friends cut the ability to wage CONVENTIONAL war, we were screwed unless we wanted to light up a missile. Now we can handle your Mother Russia conventional, and unless we invade their home territory, no missiles fly anywhere.

Sounds like a plan to me! Saves us, and Mother Russia too-)

You don't get it, Russia has no capacity to seriously fight a war against NATO aliance. As soon as shit gets escallated to that point (not that it ever will) their finger goes straight to nuclear option.

It is absolutely moot in this context if US spends 750 or 800 billion a year on the military.

As long as nobody invades Russia, never will. We can kick their a** back to their border and no further, and never see a missile.

But, if you are correct, as soon as the space force gets lasers set up to blow missiles out of the sky if they are launched, then you should tell Trump to invade, correct!


Really? When are we kicking their ass back to their border and out of Ukraine's Crimea?

Why don't we ask Trump?

Trump reportedly claimed to leaders at the G7 that Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian

Oooohh whoops.

Actually, Trump isn't that wrong. Crimea is historically part of the Russian Federation, and was only moved from the Ukrainian SSR to Russia during the reign of Ukrainian strongman Nikita Khrushchev.

In any event, the Democrats promised to protect those borders of Ukraine which include Crimea, not President Trump who was engaged in the Battle of the Billionaires when the arrangements were being made. Maybe Mr. Biden can recruit American college students who love him so much to go to Crimea and wrest it back to give to Ukraine?

...from "Ukranian SSR to Russia"? Are you serious?


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