Russian State Media Freak Out Over Joe Bidens Campaign Ressurection

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

No, but the Daily Beast---which wrote this Horse Shit---damn sure is trying to elect Joe Biden before he has to go to a nursing home.

It isn't the Daily Beast that's going to elect him.

It's the majority of voters, including the millions of moderate Republicans that voted for him in the Primaries.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

No, but the Daily Beast---which wrote this Horse Shit---damn sure is trying to elect Joe Biden before he has to go to a nursing home.

It isn't the Daily Beast that's going to elect him.

It's the majority of voters, including the millions of moderate Republicans that voted for him in the Primaries.
The Electoral vote is not the majority of votes.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense
The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.

LOL. You should call this guy and tell him

With notable irritation, Vzglyad griped about Joe Biden’s state primary victories in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama, claiming that the pro-Biden votes in rural states were secured by “rednecks, who shoot skunks for fun, bowl, beat their wives and associate the word ‘socialist’ with the communist threat.” The newspaper bitterly surmised that through Biden’s anticipated nomination, the U.S. elites won yet another Cold War against Socialism.

Looks like it was written by mascale...Think I'll invest heavily in tin foil stocks.

Russians, Republicans, You can't tell them apart these days.

View attachment 311105

No they're all in the article with actual quotes from them.

Your a cult follower with very limited capacity, that only drinks from cups you're directed to, so it's quite understandable you willfully ignored them.

The problem you have, is the normal people in the world saw them very clearly.

How about those numbers of moderate Republicans casting their votes for Biden in the Primaries?

Not making predictions, but I would start warming up on your new memes of denial and projection.
Pfffft....You nose picking moonbat fucks have been pushing this RUSSIA! swill since before the 2016 election....Yet all you dweebs can come up with of any certainty were some inconsequential troll farms that bought a measly $100,00 worth of ads on Fakebook...And even those were playing both ends against the middle.

Wrap that tin foil around your head a little tighter....It'll work eventually!
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...
They don’t want some nutbag who can’t form a coherent sentence with his finger on the nuke button, that’s why they are afraid of Quid Pro Joe.
All loyalist and friends of Russia must increase their efforts to reelect Donald Trump in 2020. Flooding of social media with negative and misleading memes and insults against Biden must continue and be increased. Trump must be praised at every opportunity. What is good for Trump is good for Russia and what is good for Russia is good for America. Real-world peace will come when Russia and America become one.​
Awe you poor little snowflake. A few memes making fun of Biden. While all the major news networks report over 90% negative on Trump. Give me a break.

Only 90% negative? He does more stupid stuff than that.
The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.

LOL. You should call this guy and tell him

With notable irritation, Vzglyad griped about Joe Biden’s state primary victories in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama, claiming that the pro-Biden votes in rural states were secured by “rednecks, who shoot skunks for fun, bowl, beat their wives and associate the word ‘socialist’ with the communist threat.” The newspaper bitterly surmised that through Biden’s anticipated nomination, the U.S. elites won yet another Cold War against Socialism.

Looks like it was written by mascale...Think I'll invest heavily in tin foil stocks.

Russians, Republicans, You can't tell them apart these days.

View attachment 311105

No they're all in the article with actual quotes from them.

Your a cult follower with very limited capacity, that only drinks from cups you're directed to, so it's quite understandable you willfully ignored them.

The problem you have, is the normal people in the world saw them very clearly.

How about those numbers of moderate Republicans casting their votes for Biden in the Primaries?

Not making predictions, but I would start warming up on your new memes of denial and projection.
Ok, so what made Russia choose the Republicans to support as in according to the leftist ???

Was it that the Republican message is that great or is it that the Democrats are just that bad ??? Sure there are choices being based on strategic interest, global markets, security and etc with these two big players involved with each other in the world, but there is also the standards, beliefs, cultures, and character of each nation to be considered in it all just as well. What is Russia seeing that makes it want to support whom ever it wants to in this country ??
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...
Hilarious how you let the Russian state media tell you what to think.

You are a Putin puppet.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....
LOL. You should call this guy and tell him

With notable irritation, Vzglyad griped about Joe Biden’s state primary victories in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama, claiming that the pro-Biden votes in rural states were secured by “rednecks, who shoot skunks for fun, bowl, beat their wives and associate the word ‘socialist’ with the communist threat.” The newspaper bitterly surmised that through Biden’s anticipated nomination, the U.S. elites won yet another Cold War against Socialism.

Looks like it was written by mascale...Think I'll invest heavily in tin foil stocks.

Russians, Republicans, You can't tell them apart these days.

View attachment 311105

No they're all in the article with actual quotes from them.

Your a cult follower with very limited capacity, that only drinks from cups you're directed to, so it's quite understandable you willfully ignored them.

The problem you have, is the normal people in the world saw them very clearly.

How about those numbers of moderate Republicans casting their votes for Biden in the Primaries?

Not making predictions, but I would start warming up on your new memes of denial and projection.
Pfffft....You nose picking moonbat fucks have been pushing this RUSSIA! swill since before the 2016 election....Yet all you dweebs can come up with of any certainty were some inconsequential troll farms that bought a measly $100,00 worth of ads on Fakebook...And even those were playing both ends against the middle.

Wrap that tin foil around your head a little tighter....It'll work eventually!

From the 1970s the democrats have loved them some Russians........they supported every little communist dictatorshiip, and Ted Kennedy asked for their help in defeating Reagan.........and now we are to believe they don't like the Russians....when their last two Presedenital candidates, obama and hilary sucked up to putin like vacuum cleaners.......
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

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LOL. You should call this guy and tell him

With notable irritation, Vzglyad griped about Joe Biden’s state primary victories in North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama, claiming that the pro-Biden votes in rural states were secured by “rednecks, who shoot skunks for fun, bowl, beat their wives and associate the word ‘socialist’ with the communist threat.” The newspaper bitterly surmised that through Biden’s anticipated nomination, the U.S. elites won yet another Cold War against Socialism.

Looks like it was written by mascale...Think I'll invest heavily in tin foil stocks.

Russians, Republicans, You can't tell them apart these days.

View attachment 311105

No they're all in the article with actual quotes from them.

Your a cult follower with very limited capacity, that only drinks from cups you're directed to, so it's quite understandable you willfully ignored them.

The problem you have, is the normal people in the world saw them very clearly.

How about those numbers of moderate Republicans casting their votes for Biden in the Primaries?

Not making predictions, but I would start warming up on your new memes of denial and projection.
Ok, so what made Russia choose the Republicans to support as in according to the leftist ??

Republican support for Trump, who always had nothing but nice things to say about Putin due to his bussiness entaglements (Miss Universe and trying to build Trump towers in Moscow). While Trump ran for president he predictably opposed sanctions on Russia that a Democrat President named Obama led the effort on after Russia's 2014 misadventures in Ukraine. He also went on TV and publicly defended Putin's murdering of journalists and sqaushing political opposition.

Trump defends Putin: 'You think our country's so innocent?' - CNNPolitics

Hillary on the other hand was on Putin's shit list since 2012 after she voiced support for anti-Putin demostrations. Her firm support for sanctions against Russia made her public enemy #1 there.

When Trump won Russians who are fed daily dose of Putin-vision were publicly celebrating like it was New Years eve.


And then of course the American inteligence high confidence finding that Russians conducted electioneering operations to help Trump get elected and 20 something Russian operatives directly indicted for it in the Mueller probe.

To deny to this day that Russia is pulling for Trump is not know up from down.
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Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday victories in 10 out of 14 state primaries caused shock waves not only in the United States, but in Russia. State media there have been confidently predicting the Democratic Party's nomination of Bernie Sanders, which would lead, they are sure, to the re-election of their favorite, President Donald J. Trump.

Reporting on the U.S. elections for Russian state TV channel Rossiya 24, Alyona Pivkina made a gesture of surprise and said: “Suddenly, Biden surged ahead.” The revelation was followed by an awkward moment of silence between Pivkina and the seemingly stunned host of the news broadcast.

Russian Media Freak Over Joe Biden’s Election Resurrection

Not saying the Russians are trying to reelect Trump or anything, but...

Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible and still each of them found that playing nice with Russia does not pay off. There is simply no reconciliation for Putin's nationalist, imperial impulses and Euro-American interests.

Russia will be in the economic isolation shithole that it has been untill it learns how to run competetive elections that will keep corrupt fuck up leaders like Putin in check.
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Moron.....the Russians hope biden wins.....they hope bernie wins....Trump is their nightmare since he has unleashed the U.S. energy sector, damaging Russia's oil exports, he has told NATO to pay up and build up their militaries.

wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.
wow way to call someone moron while saying batshit crazy nonsense

Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin pulled hard for Trump, and is still working to try to keep him in power.
Bernie loved Russia when it was the soviet union, he is a useful idiot for every communist dictatorship, and he is a dunce on top of all of really think they wouldn't love to have him in office instead of Trump?

You really aren't that bright....

Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

But not everything is relative; we should not slip into collective amnesia over the Obama administration’s weak and underwhelming response to Russian aggression. Throughout his presidency, Obama consistently underestimated the challenge posed by Putin’s regime. His foreign policy was firmly grounded in the premise that Russia was not a national security threat to the United States. In 2012, Obama disparaged Mitt Romney for exaggerating the Russian threat—“the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,” Obama quipped.

This breezy attitude prevailed even as Russia annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria, and hacked the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

Obama’s response during these critical moments was cautious at best, and deeply misguided at worst.

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Obama, confident that history was on America’s side, for the duration of his time in office underestimated the damaging impact Russia could achieve through asymmetric means.
Ignoramus, Russia today has little to nothing to do with socialist USSR. It is a capitalist oligarchy with a double dose of corruption and nationalism with a pop-authoritarian named Putin at the helm.

Putin loves Trump, because Trump supported ending sanctions on Russia, saught help from Russian officials during election while trying to secury Moscow Trump tower project while publicly defended Putin murdering jounalists.

Trump never says anything but nice things about Putin's regime.

At Helsinki press conference Trump said he belived Putin's denials over American intelligence findings. And when Putin was asked if he supported Trump during last election he very directly said that he absolutely did, because he thought he could work best with Trump.

Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin prefers.
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Because everyone knows that you conduct smart foreign policy by demagoging and isolating people with whom you seek to mend relationships.

Horseshit, Trump kissing Putin's ass has nothing to do with mending American relationship with Russia.

Bush and Obama worked to mend relationship with Russia early in their terms, there was no ass kissing or defending the indefensible.
Blablablabla....Oboingo kissed Putin's ass by selling out the Ukrainians.....Then there was that asininie "reset" button.

Your team of hapless and corrupt chumps has screwed the pooch every which way it could with RUSSIA! and PUTiN!, so sit down ans STFU.

Moron, reset button was years before Putin's Ukranian land grab in 2014. Obama responded to this Russian agression by putting their economy into a recession with crippling international sanctions. Sanctions that to this day are a drag on Russian economy and make life tougher for Putin's oligarchs. it is these sanctions Trump opposed when he ran for office.

That is why Putin supported, and still supports Trump.

Wrong, moron.....

Don’t rehabilitate Obama on Russia

Even the imposition of sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by so much propitiation and restraint elsewhere that it didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including the risky 2016 influence operation in the United States.

Idiot, if you were Putin who would you preffer as an American president? Someone who supports crippling sanctions on Russia and talks about your regime murdering people or someone who is trying to do bussiness in your country, says nothing but nice things about your regime and opposes sanctions?

Try using your empty little head just this one fucking time.

I am originally from Russia, have some familiarity with what is going on there today and you don't have to look much further than Russia's government tilted media to know exactly who Putin preffers.
You are from Russia? No wonder you are a member of the Dimsocialist party.

Just another Putin Puppet.

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