"Russian" TV defends men over sex pest claims


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Look like western rapists are very save in hands of " Friend Voka" , is it any chance that Muscovy will became the new Mecca for all western rapists?

Russian TV has broadcast sharp criticism of the Western focus on sexual harassment - and some of the critics show little or no sympathy for the women involved.

The very idea of gender equality frequently comes under attack.

Dmitry Kiselyov, a major player in the Kremlin's media machine, hosts a Sunday news show. "What did they expect?" he asked, referring to alleged victims of sexual harassment in Hollywood. "They went up to a man's hotel room on their own, without compulsion."

He added, however, that he in no way wanted to advocate sexual harassment in the workplace.

Women's allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein triggered dozens of rape and harassment claims against male celebrities and politicians in the US and Western Europe.

'Great hypocrisy'
A host on Russian state TV's Channel One, Valery Fadeyev, bemoaned "the great battle against men's desire for women". He spoke of "great hypocrisy" supposedly exhibited by those who tried to thwart such desire.

There is sarcasm too. Ren TV, a fiercely pro-Kremlin channel, showed a graphic depicting a modern ideal man fit to become the next US president: "An obvious impotent - limbless so he can't touch women, a mute so he can't make salacious jokes and blind so he can't leer at them lasciviously.""


Ren TV sarcastically reimagines the modern man

Russian TV defends men over sex pest claims
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"Shock horror!" Russian state TV airs some sarcastic views on sexual harassment claims in the West

Of course over in Russia, the men routinely beat their super hot women on a regular basis as they're constantly drunk, and in general treat them as if they're nothing more than baby producing cattle. This is why 90% of Russian women want to get the fuck out of their country and immigrate to the USA and shack up with real men.
Of course over in Russia, the men routinely beat their super hot women on a regular basis as they're constantly drunk, and in general treat them as if they're nothing more than baby producing cattle. This is why 90% of Russian women want to get the fuck out of their country and migrate to the USA.

LOL, have you seen Muscovite demography? "baby producing cattle" don't produce kids anymore. except, Muslim Chechens, Avars, etc.



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