Debate Now Russian Vote Tampering


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
For more than a year now, all we hear and see on the news 24/7 is about Russia tampering. All about emails, secret meetings, pahments, Facebook and all sorts of other crap. So much so that I've had to tune it out.

What I have not yet heard or seen is anything about ACTUAL vote tampering, which is the only potential crime that means anything to me.

So my question is this... Has anyone heard, read, or seen anything directly linking Russian agents (or their subjects) to actually ADDING, REMOVING, or CHANGING votes on Election Day 2016?

Two Rules:

1. This topic is about DIRECT vote tampering, not about payments, emails, Facebook ads, etc....

2. Please only quote mainstream media sources. Not interested in Consporacy sites or what your Ouija board told you.
Apparently nobody has any proof that the Russians actually altered the election, despite 17 months of BS discussions about it.

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