Russian Warships Armed With Nuclear Weapons Deployed: Norway

Your reaction to Covid was to get a vaccine that does nothing to prevent getting or spreading Covid.

You were spoon fed nothing but propaganda and the result was…

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My reaction to COVID was to get a vaccine that would lessen the severity of COVID if I got it due the fact I have COPD and COVID and COPD do not play well together. IT is the same reason I get a flu shot most years.

No panic at all, it was done at the advice of a medical professional I trust with my life who at the time was working in the COVID unit treating the worst of the cases.
My reaction to COVID was to get a vaccine that would lessen the severity of COVID if I got it due the fact I have COPD and COVID and COPD do not play well together. IT is the same reason I get a flu shot most years.

No panic at all, it was done at the advice of a medical professional I trust with my life who at the time was working in the COVID unit treating the worst of the cases.
The REAL question is whether or not you supported MANDATORY Covid vaccinations/restrictions on OTHERS.
The REAL question is whether or not you supported MANDATORY Covid vaccinations/restrictions on OTHERS.

I am against all Govt mandated COVID vaccinations.

I support the right of a private business to make it a requirement for entry into their property
I am against all Govt mandated COVID vaccinations.

I support the right of a private business to make it a requirement for entry into their property
Your answers seem evasive. Were you opposed to school restrictions/closures in 2021 or 2022? How about employment and health mandates on businesses? Have you now changed your mind? Please answer honestly.
Your answers seem evasive.

Not in the least.

Were you opposed to school restrictions/closures in 2021 or 2022?

In the fall of 2021 and all 2022, yes.

How about employment and health mandates on businesses?

I did not and do not agree with any Govt forced mandates on businesses.

Have you now changed your mind? Please answer honestly.

Nope, I was against Govt mandates then, I am against them now.
Interesting how people are still scared shitless of the paper tiger known as Russia
Interesting how the people who are scared of Russia are Democrats with access to U.S. intelligence agencies, and obviously would know more than the civilian population what Russia has and doesn't have. Unless they're faking it.
Interesting how the West thinks it can continue to escalate this war (which isn't even their war), without consequence.
I agree that it has been a very precarious thing that has become a serious slippery slope, otherwise that can't continue to be ignored or is continued to be foolishly escalated by armatures.
How bout some peace talks?
Putin is today's version of Kill-em-all Adolph Hitler in the 40s. Putin doesn't want peace. He wants other people's property, and he's willing to kill off half the young men in Russia to sate his greed. Some of the Russian people don't like it but they're afraid of the death their families would get if they said it out loud.
Putin is today's version of Kill-em-all Adolph Hitler in the 40s. Putin doesn't want peace. He wants other people's property, and he's willing to kill off half the young men in Russia to sate his greed. Some of the Russian people don't like it but they're afraid of the death their families would get if they said it out loud.
How many people are you willing to kill to stop putin?

I hear democrats are more than welcome to go fight along side the nazis in Ukraine. You should join them.
Don’t all the nuclear powers *always* have armed subs deployed as part of the MAD doctrine?
Can they please nuke Philly , Seattle , SF and DC
Lol! I doubt very many are "scared shitless" as you so childishly assert. It just that many people are mature enough to not want to place other people's lives, needlessly in danger, over a conflict that is not our own. But if it does come to the point of trading nukes... Here's to hoping your war mongering ilk survive just long enough to realize everyone you ever cared about is dead.
Any threat of naked aggression, is a threat to all civilized people.
Don’t all the nuclear powers *always* have armed subs deployed as part of the MAD doctrine?
The intelligence agency noted the presence of the weapons on the vessels in its annual report. It is believed that this is the first time in 30 years the fleet has gone to sea with the nuclear weapons on board.
From the article.
Der Tagesspiegel: "We're next in line" - Norwegian secret services told about their fear of Russia.
Would you look at them, first they are engaged in terrorism by order of the U.S., then they are snotty about it...

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