russians at our southern border.


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
As reported in the news there are thousands of russians at our southern border requesting asylum waiting for Title 42 to ended. so what is celery stick joe going to do. is he going extend the welcome mat for them because we are a nation of immigrants. Hey joe we are a nation of laws too. you have to safe guard the security of our citizens too
As reported in the news there are thousands of russians at our southern border requesting asylum waiting for Title 42 to ended. so what is celery stick joe going to do. is he going extend the welcome mat for them because we are a nation of immigrants. Hey joe we are a nation of laws too. you have to safe guard the security of our citizens too

No link, didn't happen.
Looks like once dear Uncle P has sorted out Ukey Land his next SMO will be the US, perhaps working with the Cartels until they can be dispensed with.

America would respond well to a young and active President who only understands success .

Perhaps he and The Donald could work out a new joint strategy with the Great Russo Americano Empire stretching across the globe .
What are you waiting for, get it started instead of just talking bout in on some random forum
You would hate that as the extreme filth and degeneracy within leftist culture and ideology would be too magnified for all to see….Imagine if they couldn’t hide their behavioral traits among white conservative christians. Imagine a region with nothing but faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and feminazis….another region with nothing but dark people and another with nothing but white conservative christians…..Hmmm, I wonder what the statistics would look like, I wonder which region would end up invaded by the degenerate filth?
It should say under the guise of fleeing Vladimir Putins draft! Trojan Horse!
It would be foolish of Putin not to take advantage of the border collapse and send Russian agents. Putin is no one's fool. A Russian attack in the interior is just what is needed.
You would hate that

Nope I would love it.

I would love for one of you people on here to do something more than post on an internet forum.

Biggest bunch of pussies I have every ran across, you all nothing but talk.
You would hate that as the extreme filth and degeneracy within leftist culture and ideology would be too magnified for all to see….Imagine if they couldn’t hide their behavioral traits among white conservative christians. Imagine a region with nothing but faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and feminazis….another region with nothing but dark people and another with nothing but white conservative christians…..Hmmm, I wonder what the statistics would look like, I wonder which region would end up invaded by the degenerate filth?

Goofy Gator's region has already been invaded by degenerate filth. You couldn't pay me to set foot in that state.

Sorry, unlike you, we have jobs.

Get a life.

Weak ass excuse.

If you all actually believed half the shit you people post on here you have to be the biggest pussies in the history of the world to just let it happen.
Goofy Gator's region has already been invaded by degenerate filth. You couldn't pay me to set foot in that state.


There is a shit ton of Red in this state....and you shit on them all.

Might pop over and see how I can best help out .

We will need to find a way into the Cheyenne Mountain complex which I must admit will be a tricky task .
Cheyenne Mountain has no interest in attacking Colorado Springs. A small tactical nuke, though, at the White House would get someone's attention.

Colorado is buckling under the weight of invaders as it is.
Weak ass excuse.

If you all actually believed half the shit you people post on here you have to be the biggest pussies in the history of the world to just let it happen.
True. If Americans would get a leader, organize, and send a force of say, 20,000 to the border it would be closed by now.

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