Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

Hillary did allow Russia to interfer in 2016

Listen, many didn't like Hillary..she didn't win.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

So many are still in the dark of really what happened, calling it a conspiracy theory or laugh thinking it was just a few hackers to a few websites.
This is further from the truth, these Russian hacker trolls are still infiltrating our internet , going onto American government websites stealing people's identities and commenting enough to remove important bills protecting us.

What their main purpose is to divide the country and cause complete hate and arguing between the American people, which to me looks like Putin seceded ..
Very upsetting to see people believing a man like Putin over their own Americans..


No, the media and libs were already stirring up hate and division in this country way before russia was trying to exert its influence.

Yes, the divide started to happen with political forums and social media back with Bush..

But it has gotten so bad that people believe a man who wants to hurt America over their own people. This is serious folks..


It was serious. O hated america and it showed in his incompetent foreign and domestic policies.
Well, Trump CULTISTS have stated their choice.........

Our intelligence agencies are ALL bad......

The FSB and Putin are ALL heroes......

Once again you idiot, remind us when the National guard investigates collusion ?

There is no "conspiracy," lunatic. The media is just left. They aren't conspiring for shit. They're just leftists who lie and make up their crap like the rest of you do
Our intelligence agencies are neither left nor right. They are simply patriots trying to protect us.

There are a lot of good people there, but our intelligence agencies are regularly spying Unconstitutionally on the American people without warrants. And the politicos in the agencies are a different animal completely. They've been leaking like a sieve to harm Republicans. Yeah, it's Republicans in the agencies doing that ...

When do you get to the "reasonable" part? You sound like a monolithic blind leftist hack so far
Hillary did allow Russia to interfer in 2016

Thank you Frank, the evidence you've presented in this concise post is so credible no further investigation is necessary to lock her up.

[sarcasm alert] ^^^

Q. Why does CrusaderFrank continue to post idiot-grams

A. A desperate need for attention from his deplorable friends

Are you saying that Trump ordered the faked Russian dossier?
Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.

If this was a democrat president shirking his duty?! You mean like Obama?
Obama shirked Nothing. He warned Trump about Russia but fat boy is so indebted to Putin he ignored the warnings.

Liar: I have no business with Russia. I have nothing to do with them.

He repeatedly said these things while negotiating a deal with Russians to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

He lied his ass off to you Trump whores and you bought it.

FACT CHECK: Did Obama Know About Russian Meddling And Do ‘NOTHING’?
Well, Trump CULTISTS have stated their choice.........

Our intelligence agencies are ALL bad......

The FSB and Putin are ALL heroes......

It's Democrats who worship the Russians, Sport.

And you're protecting them by insisting that we investigate Trump, not the Russians.

Russians gave Hitlary $145 million then got 20% of our uranium reserves. Want to investigate that? No so much, huh?

And why did the DNC refuse to turn over their server to prove they were hacked? It's just a baseless accusation since your Gods are actually hindering proving that they did.

It's the Democrat party with a LONG history of cozying up to the Russians. You are proving who the cultists are. You
Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.

If this was a democrat president shirking his duty?! You mean like Obama?
Obama shirked Nothing. He warned Trump about Russia but fat boy is so indebted to Putin he ignored the warnings.

Liar: I have no business with Russia. I have nothing to do with them.

He repeatedly said these things while negotiating a deal with Russians to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

He lied his ass off to you Trump whores and you bought it.

And yet another...
Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling
Ironic that's what Putin was doing with the USA not elect a corrupt hillary.

.....and ANY DAY now you're going to "lock her up"?????...........LOL

Why lock her up when Putin our friend saved America from electing her?

Uncle Vlad saved the Republic, much as Lafayette did

I keep thinking the same thing, when the Americans saw the French ships they knew they were saved...

Uncle Val ships against the corrupt DNC and Hillary's army coming to rescue the US constitution :)

download (6).jpeg
Ironic that's what Putin was doing with the USA not elect a corrupt hillary.

.....and ANY DAY now you're going to "lock her up"?????...........LOL

Why lock her up when Putin our friend saved America from electing her?

Uncle Vlad saved the Republic, much as Lafayette did

I keep thinking the same thing, when the Americans saw the French ships they knew they were saved...

Uncle Val ships against the corrupt DNC and Hillary's army coming to rescue the US constitution :)

View attachment 176666

Uncle Vlad just gave us the chance to defeat Progressive Fascism, we have to carry the fight from here
18 pages mostly used by Trump supporters to derail the investigation of Russia's interference in our election.

There is no proof, no credible evidence, to exculpate Russian efforts to harm HRC! In 18 pages all we've seen contributed by Trump supporters or HRC haters are idiot-grams and ad hominems.

Their rhetoric would be laughable, if the issues were not so serious.
Had Hillary won, we'd never have discovered how truly and deeply Obama transformed us into a Fascist Banana Republic where the government spies on political opponents
18 pages mostly used by Trump supporters to derail the investigation of Russia's interference in our election.

There is no proof, no credible evidence, to exculpate Russian efforts to harm HRC! In 18 pages all we've seen contributed by Trump supporters or HRC haters are idiot-grams and ad hominems.

There rhetoric would be laughable, if the issues were not so serious.

Show us on the doll where Uncle Vlad touched you and made you switch your vote to Trump
Well, Trump CULTISTS have stated their choice.........

Our intelligence agencies are ALL bad......

The FSB and Putin are ALL heroes......

It's Democrats who worship the Russians, Sport.

And you're protecting them by insisting that we investigate Trump, not the Russians.

Russians gave Hitlary $145 million then got 20% of our uranium reserves. Want to investigate that? No so much, huh?

And why did the DNC refuse to turn over their server to prove they were hacked? It's just a baseless accusation since your Gods are actually hindering proving that they did.

It's the Democrat party with a LONG history of cozying up to the Russians. You are proving who the cultists are. You

....Democrat Senator Mark Warner 6 million in Russia money

18 pages mostly used by Trump supporters to derail the investigation of Russia's interference in our election.

There is no proof, no credible evidence, to exculpate Russian efforts to harm HRC! In 18 pages all we've seen contributed by Trump supporters or HRC haters are idiot-grams and ad hominems.

Their rhetoric would be laughable, if the issues were not so serious.

It is a very serious issue not to let the libtards gain power, or control the supreme court.
Had Hillary won, we'd never have discovered how truly and deeply Obama transformed us into a Fascist Banana Republic where the government spies on political opponents

We also would of never known how really immature and insecure the left really is..

Crying over an election?
Need safe places, crayons and play doh for grown men and women?

God damn.
Had Hillary won, we'd never have discovered how truly and deeply Obama transformed us into a Fascist Banana Republic where the government spies on political opponents

We also would of never known how really immature and insecure the left really is..

Crying over an election?
Need safe places, crayons and play doh for grown men and women?

God damn.

She was ahead by 60% too! Trump had no chance, she was 400+EV, that shows you that they're just reflexively Fascist. They had no real reason to spy on Trump, except that Fascist is in their DNA
Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.
and if trump did 1/10th the shit obama did you'd shit yourself crying for trumps impeachment as well.
According to Sean Hannity who no sane person takes seriously.

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