Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

Had Hillary won, we'd never have discovered how truly and deeply Obama transformed us into a Fascist Banana Republic where the government spies on political opponents

We also would of never known how really immature and insecure the left really is..

Crying over an election?
Need safe places, crayons and play doh for grown men and women?

God damn.
Lmao. Your serial sex offender is the most insecure politician ever. His staff can’t even bring up anything about Russia or he throws a fit.
He refuses to read anything because it cuts into his “ executive time” ( TV watching)
They have to handle him with kid gloves because he’s like a child.
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Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.
and if trump did 1/10th the shit obama did you'd shit yourself crying for trumps impeachment as well.
According to Sean Hannity who no sane person takes seriously.

View attachment 176681
Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.
and if trump did 1/10th the shit obama did you'd shit yourself crying for trumps impeachment as well.
According to Sean Hannity who no sane person takes seriously.

Using the FBI to spy on political opponents is not a scandal.

Had Hillary won, we'd never have discovered how truly and deeply Obama transformed us into a Fascist Banana Republic where the government spies on political opponents

We also would of never known how really immature and insecure the left really is..

Crying over an election?
Need safe places, crayons and play doh for grown men and women?

God damn.
Lmao. Your serial sex offender is the most insecure politician ever. His staff can’t even bring up anything about Russia or he throws a fit.
He refuses to read anything because it cuts into his “ executive time” ( TV watching)
They have to handle him with kid gloves because he’s like a child.

What kind of childish retort is that?

So when was Trump convicted as a sex offender?
Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.

THE FUNNY THING IS that Russia has ALWAYS meddled! And they are still meddling in things all over the world! Why do we act like this is something new just discovered? Oh yeah, because it finally hit home in a way that the Left didn't like. Had they stopped Trump from winning, or Bernie, it would be NO ISSUE AT ALL. Not that there is any proof that Russia had any SIGNIFICANT effect in CHANGING the outcome of the election. Hillary lost because she was an overrated, conceited ass who, like Jeb, really believed you could just BUY your way into the presidency.

If we are truly honest in worrying about Russia affecting our elections, then we need to go back to paper ballots and instituting Voter ID. Otherwise, SHOVE IT.

HUGE Russia is mostly a wasteland with only the 12th largest economy in the world, behind tiny South Korea! And just ahead of Australia which is mostly Outback?! Brazil and India have much better economies. WE ARE NUMBER ONE. Best thing to do with Russia is to keep feeding those SAMS to the Kurds so that they can just keep shooting down the Russia Migs over Syria. Until Russia is brought to bear in being held accountable for their actions, nothing will ever change. Next time they buzz us in the air within 5 feet provoking us with highly unsafe acts, just shoot the asshole down. Tell them it was an accident, that our pilot was startled by their jet and accidentally hit his fire button and blew him out of the air. And never EVER let them gain a permanent foothold in the Middle East as Obama did when he opened the door to them. You remember---- he would be oh so much more "flexible" after the 2012 election?
View attachment 176681
Our intelligence chiefs clearly tell us Russia will continue to meddle in our elections until they are deterred not to.
Trump refuses to protect our country against a foreign power that wants to subvert our democracy.
If this was a democrat president shirking his duty the Trump whores would be calling for his or her impeachment.
And you know I’m right.
and if trump did 1/10th the shit obama did you'd shit yourself crying for trumps impeachment as well.
According to Sean Hannity who no sane person takes seriously.

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You lie like a rug following in the not so grand tradition of your Liar in Chief.
2100 documented lies and still counting.
View attachment 176638 With Trump’s dereliction of duty to protect us from Russia’s influence, we’re never going to know if any election is valid in this country as long as he’s in office.
This is a sad state of affairs.
Bullshit. Trump put together a commission to investigate voter fraud and suppression, even though he won.
I am far more concerned with Democratic interference than with any Russian interference.

What "energetic methods" are you Democrats suggesting beyond obfuscating the issue with nonsensical claims of collusion on the part of the Trump campaign?

See what I mean.. Putin has got his wish by people like you..

How so? I dumped the Democrats long before Putin was on the scene, and I have long stated that I do not consider Democrats to be American by any foundational definition. They have devolved into an equivalent of foreign interlopers within our constitutional system

Well I prove my point...Putin saw a way into the dysfunctions and cracks..and he is seceding..

There has been hate for years of the other side, but to support a country hacking us, and not calling it what it is...
A Terrorist Attack ..


I noticed the hate on both sides, not just one and that is the bigger issue. The two parties trust Russia more than they trust the other party.

The two party’s have created this mess with Russia, call it like it is and quit playing partisan games, that is the only way to rid ourselves of outside influence.

Stop making this a right /left thing distracting what is happening, if you look at my comments I have said that we have been manipulated for a long time. Russia saw that crack, and is using it against Americans...Period..

When they stole the American identities to use of the Gov. website, they stole from both republican and democrats

It is a left right issue and BOTH are to blame, the discord they create in this country allows Russia to come on in. Pretty easy stuff.

In your post you mentioned "There has been hate for years of the "other side", who is the "other side"?
The same thread, rinsed and repeated ad nauseum.

A simple Yes or No answer was requested and required.......Do you have a difficult time with that response?

No, you don't deserve any consideration for getting what you want in a thread because you are a fucking dipshit.

Whiny bitch whines.

Idiot-gram ^^^ wrapped in an ad hominem w/ a dash of misogyny

That's the only type of response Nat-douche deserves, and you are on that line as well.

About as useless as asking PETA for whole hog BBQ techniques.
Only 3 hand picked agencies were used. I know this hurts but you'll be ok.
A rather large New York Times correction

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress

Nope sorry. I would have pulled it from the NYT but it was behind a paywall.
Poor Nat, THREE, handpicked by Clapper. I know it hurts.
How could we become so simple minded, because some one is a Republican, all Republicans are bad.
because some one is a Democrat all Democrats are bad. where is this sheep mentality coming from?
lets just take one small issue, Net Neutrality, my thinking is that if it is dumped we will end up paying more & getting less.
there is no way to prove this till/unless it happens. should I just roll over & wait for the results. or should I speak out ?
because you disagree that means I am your enemy ? could there be other things that we are in agreement on?
this division seems to be hurting us all.
It wasn't just other countries voicing their preferences like it has been for years and years.. What has happened is a country hacked into our internet to cause complete chaos in the cracks that was already there previously..


Whose vote was changed?

I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence


I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?

Whose vote was changed?

I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence


I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit
Whose vote was changed?

I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence


I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


youtube obama voting can't be hacked - Bing video
I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence


I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit

Sassy , I am not talking about the election...I am talking about the Russian hacking of people's identities to comment by the thousands and change a bill on Gov websites..

To tell us that they are still very actively hacking, making fake websites and fake links..

Do you feel that the WH is giving enough information out to the Americans right now?
I am not looking at the election at all, I really don't care about that now.. I am looking at years of trouble ahead with the division that it caused..
Our own leadership has refused to say this is happening.. It has been proven by our own intelligence


I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


youtube obama voting can't be hacked - Bing video

BFD... I already acknowledged that we have been manipulated for a long stop with the excuses. Do you feel that the WH is giving Americans the accuracy of what is really going on?

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