Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit

Sassy , I am not talking about the election...I am talking about the Russian hacking of people's identities to comment by the thousands and change a bill on Gov websites..

To tell us that they are still very actively hacking, making fake websites and fake links..

Do you feel that the WH is giving enough information out to the Americans right now?

I think you read too much nonsense.

I was watching the news last night and they were asking random people on the street about "Russia Russia Russia" BS at LEAST 8 out of 10 people said it was tiresome and old.

Sick of hearing it already if Mewler has something put it out there, if not go home
I question our intelligence's intelligence

Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


youtube obama voting can't be hacked - Bing video

BFD... I already acknowledged that we have been manipulated for a long stop with the excuses. Do you feel that the WH is giving Americans the accuracy of what is really going on?

You think we were hacked, he tells you it couldn't happen. Did Bambi lie? The WH?
What is Mueller investigating?
Of course you do...this is why I am angry, not because of the election.. But because of the distrust that Trump has put out there instead of telling them the truth .
Distrusting the opposition, and damaging our intelligence.. very dangerous

You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit

Sassy , I am not talking about the election...I am talking about the Russian hacking of people's identities to comment by the thousands and change a bill on Gov websites..

To tell us that they are still very actively hacking, making fake websites and fake links..

Do you feel that the WH is giving enough information out to the Americans right now?

I think you read too much nonsense.

I was watching the news last night and they were asking random people on the street about "Russia Russia Russia" BS at LEAST 8 out of 10 people said it was tiresome and old.

Sick of hearing it already if Mewler has something put it out there, if not go home

Yes I am very sick of it too, but pretending that it is not going to go away is like ignoring a bad illness and it gets worse..

You need to look into this, our ignorance will affect our children.. ( why did we ignore ) anyway I have to run..I will give you more info later.

Identities stolen for net neutrality comments - CNN Video
You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit

Sassy , I am not talking about the election...I am talking about the Russian hacking of people's identities to comment by the thousands and change a bill on Gov websites..

To tell us that they are still very actively hacking, making fake websites and fake links..

Do you feel that the WH is giving enough information out to the Americans right now?

I think you read too much nonsense.

I was watching the news last night and they were asking random people on the street about "Russia Russia Russia" BS at LEAST 8 out of 10 people said it was tiresome and old.

Sick of hearing it already if Mewler has something put it out there, if not go home

Yes I am very sick of it too, but pretending that it is not going to go away is like ignoring a bad illness and it gets worse..

You need to look into this, our ignorance will affect our children.. ( why did we ignore ) anyway I have to run..I will give you more info later.

Identities stolen for net neutrality comments - CNN Video

Save the CNN crap I don't trust them
You can't be fucking serious? After all the BS that has come out about the FBI and DoJ you think they are squeaky clean? You're a dunce

So tell me do you feel that the Russian hacking has been handled correctly?


Hacking? They changed votes? Convinced anyone to vote for anyone? Good grief...

Stupid shit is stupid shit

Sassy , I am not talking about the election...I am talking about the Russian hacking of people's identities to comment by the thousands and change a bill on Gov websites..

To tell us that they are still very actively hacking, making fake websites and fake links..

Do you feel that the WH is giving enough information out to the Americans right now?

I think you read too much nonsense.

I was watching the news last night and they were asking random people on the street about "Russia Russia Russia" BS at LEAST 8 out of 10 people said it was tiresome and old.

Sick of hearing it already if Mewler has something put it out there, if not go home

Yes I am very sick of it too, but pretending that it is not going to go away is like ignoring a bad illness and it gets worse..

You need to look into this, our ignorance will affect our children.. ( why did we ignore ) anyway I have to run..I will give you more info later.

Identities stolen for net neutrality comments - CNN Video

See what I mean.. Putin has got his wish by people like you..

How so? I dumped the Democrats long before Putin was on the scene, and I have long stated that I do not consider Democrats to be American by any foundational definition. They have devolved into an equivalent of foreign interlopers within our constitutional system

Well I prove my point...Putin saw a way into the dysfunctions and cracks..and he is seceding..

There has been hate for years of the other side, but to support a country hacking us, and not calling it what it is...
A Terrorist Attack ..


I noticed the hate on both sides, not just one and that is the bigger issue. The two parties trust Russia more than they trust the other party.

The two party’s have created this mess with Russia, call it like it is and quit playing partisan games, that is the only way to rid ourselves of outside influence.

Stop making this a right /left thing distracting what is happening, if you look at my comments I have said that we have been manipulated for a long time. Russia saw that crack, and is using it against Americans...Period..

When they stole the American identities to use of the Gov. website, they stole from both republican and democrats

It is a left right issue and BOTH are to blame, the discord they create in this country allows Russia to come on in. Pretty easy stuff.

In your post you mentioned "There has been hate for years of the "other side", who is the "other side"? You got an answer? Just curious who your claim is as to the "other side"
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

What a complete crock that ALL of the intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians did meddle. Stop lying. But feel free to get back to us when even one fucking intelligence agency gets around to examining the DNC servers.
And as all you left wing whackos bitch about the potential of foreign meddling you really have no case for "higher ground" considering for years on end the US has overthrown regimes and leaders that America doesn't like. With military force.

So shut the fuck up over $100,000 worth of facebook ads you whining maggots.
And as all you left wing whackos bitch about the potential of foreign meddling you really have no case for "higher ground" considering for years on end the US has overthrown regimes and leaders that America doesn't like. With military force.

So shut the fuck up over $100,000 worth of facebook ads you whining maggots.
Go look into what was done Tiny. They are still hacking us today.
Why isn't that a problem with you.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
What a complete crock that ALL of the intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians did meddle.

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress
A lot of the posts on the first page of this thread look suspiciously like Russian interference in this thread.
It is a left right issue and BOTH are to blame, the discord they create in this country allows Russia to come on in. Pretty easy stuff.

No. What made it easy for Russia to hack the brains of Conservatives was that Conservative brains had been turned to mush by 8 years of Republican lies about Obama, 8 years of Stupidity Politics of Bush, 8 years of moral hypocrisy during Clinton, 12 years of delusion during Reagan and Bush, and 12 years of the Southern Strategy.

Democrats and liberals had nothing to do with that. It was entirely self-inflicted by the Conservatives. They are to blame for having their own brains hacked by Russia. And when the shit finally hits the fan, which it will, none of those people will get any forgiveness, any understanding, and won't be allowed to "No true Scotsman" their way outta this like they did with Bush the Dumber.
A lot of the posts on the first page of this thread look suspiciously like Russian interference in this thread.

Putin has helped to create the Trump cult.........

Conservatives and the Cult of Trump

And as all you left wing whackos bitch about the potential of foreign meddling you really have no case for "higher ground" considering for years on end the US has overthrown regimes and leaders that America doesn't like. With military force.

So shut the fuck up over $100,000 worth of facebook ads you whining maggots.
Go look into what was done Tiny. They are still hacking us today.
Why isn't that a problem with you.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

They are still hacking us today.

Even after Hillary's reset and Obama's flexibility? LOL!

Maybe if Hillary hadn't misspelled "reset", eh?
Even after Hillary's reset and Obama's flexibility? LOL!Maybe if Hillary hadn't misspelled "reset", eh?

Clinton and Obama gave Putin a shot...but then he invaded the Ukraine and held illegitimate elections. Then he faced sanctions. So that's why he got his kompromat on Trump and supported his Presidential run with the Russian Troll Army. Your brains had already been turned to mush by almost 50 years of Conservative bullshit, so it was pretty easy for experienced propagandists like those in Russia to hack those mushy Conservative brains.

There is no "conspiracy," lunatic. The media is just left. They aren't conspiring for shit. They're just leftists who lie and make up their crap like the rest of you do

Once again an echo of a meme which has no basis in fact. The MSM may have a liberal biases, but it does not post fake news or lie with the intent to mislead the audience. Those who believes the MSM is promulgating lies and fake stories are biddable, and are only fooling themselves and others easily fooled.

Blogs on the internet, AM Conservative Radio and Trump himself are the source of fake news. . They seem to believe Breitbart, Info Wars, Hannity, Limbaugh and others of their ilk have ethics and report the truth which they echo. Conservative TV, Radio and Print survive on lies, half-truths, Rumors and Innuendo all wrapped in demagoguery.

There is no "conspiracy," lunatic. The media is just left. They aren't conspiring for shit. They're just leftists who lie and make up their crap like the rest of you do

Once again an echo of a meme which has no basis in fact. The MSM may have a liberal biases, but it does not post fake news or lie with the intent to mislead the audience. Those who believes the MSM is promulgating lies and fake stories are biddable, and are only fooling themselves and others easily fooled.

Blogs on the internet, AM Conservative Radio and Trump himself are the source of fake news. . They seem to believe Breitbart, Info Wars, Hannity, Limbaugh and others of their ilk have ethics and report the truth which they echo. Conservative TV, Radio and Print survive on lies, half-truths, Rumors and Innuendo all wrapped in demagoguery.

Conservatives have had their brains turned to mush over the last 50 years; 12 years of the Southern Strategy, 12 years of Delusion, 8 years of moral hypocrisy, 8 years of Stupidity Politics, and 8 years of lies about Obama.

Russia had no trouble hacking those mushy brains...they wanted to be hacked.
Even after Hillary's reset and Obama's flexibility? LOL!Maybe if Hillary hadn't misspelled "reset", eh?

Clinton and Obama gave Putin a shot...but then he invaded the Ukraine and held illegitimate elections. Then he faced sanctions. So that's why he got his kompromat on Trump and supported his Presidential run with the Russian Troll Army. Your brains had already been turned to mush by almost 50 years of Conservative bullshit, so it was pretty easy for experienced propagandists like those in Russia to hack those mushy Conservative brains.

Clinton and Obama gave Putin a shot...

But then the 1980s called and wanted their foreign policy back, eh comrade?

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