Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

What a complete crock that ALL of the intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians did meddle.

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress

Once again you moron since when does the national guard investigate collusion?


Did you read "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency" and your brain saw "National Guard"?

No the fucking national guard you retard...they are part of the fucking 17
No the fucking national guard you retard...they are part of the fucking 17

So you, as a Russian, are questioning why the National Guard would be concerned with attacks against national democracy.

You're just flinging as much poo against the wall as possible, huh?
No the fucking national guard you retard...they are part of the fucking 17

So you, as a Russian, are questioning why the National Guard would be concerned with attacks against national democracy.

You're just flinging as much poo against the wall as possible, huh?

National guard , coast guard the treasury....again you stupid fuck since when would these investigate collusion?

They signed a piece of paper God you are stupid.
National guard , coast guard the treasury....again you stupid fuck since when would these investigate collusion?

Since collusion threatened and assaulted our democratic institutions.

So your problem is that too many agencies said there was Russian interference? LOL. Sounds like something a guilty as fuck person would say.

Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?
You don't know that they were Russian memes.

Yes, they were Russian memes. Stop being an idiot.

Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?
You don't know that they were Russian memes.

Yes, they were Russian memes. Stop being an idiot.
You don't have any knowledge that they were Russian memes. Stop your damn lying.

Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?

There was no link to 30 of them you liar ...
I only saw two and they were lame as hell


Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?

There was no link to 30 of them you liar ...
I only saw two and they were lame as hell

View attachment 176760

And the 2nd one is not a fact???

Of course liberals are lazy ignorant bastards and that's a fact


Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?

There was no link to 30 of them you liar ...
I only saw two and they were lame as hell

View attachment 176760

Yes there was. If you opened the link, you would have seen that 30 memes were identified as Russian by Facebook because they first appeared on Russian Facebook accounts.

I think you're one of those Russian trolls.
Is that why Obama and Hillary were kissing Russian butt?

How so? By imposing sanctions and calling Putin's election illegitimate. Sounds like you don't quite grasp the figurative concept of "kissing butt".

Because they're a geopolitical foe?

They tried to make inroads with Russia, but Putin chose to invade the Ukraine and hold bullshit elections instead. So that's that. What I can't figure out is why you're defending Russia in all this. I think it's because you don't want to admit that your brain was hacked after being turned to mush; the biggest threat to you is having to admit you're not as clever or intuitive as you think. That you got conned. And I get it...I get why you don't want to admit these things. But the problem is that you end up fucking everyone over because you can't get over yourself.

How so?

By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012.
What, were you sleeping?

They tried to make inroads with Russia

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

but Putin chose to invade the Ukraine and hold bullshit elections instead.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

What I can't figure out is why you're defending Russia in all this.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

you don't want to admit that your brain was hacked after being turned to mush

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

That you got conned.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?
You don't know that they were Russian memes.

Yes, they were Russian memes. Stop being an idiot.
You don't have any knowledge that they were Russian memes. Stop your damn lying.

Yes, I do because Facebook is the one who identified them as such.

If you bothered to read the link I provided you, you'd know that too.

So why didn't you? Simple; you're either lazy as fuck, or a Russian troll yourself.

So which is it?
Hillary got 240,000 fewer votes in Wisconsin than Obama because Russians did something to liberal mush brains.

No, they hacked the mush brains of mostly white, resentful, underachieving Conservatives.

Russia didn't have to convince Republicans to vote against Hillary.
Interesting the impact they had on young Bernie! voters though.
It's possible that young liberals are even dumber than old liberals.........
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.
Russia didn't have to convince Republicans to vote against Hillary.

Yes they did. Plenty of Republicans voted for Obama.

Interesting the impact they had on young Bernie! voters though.

They had none. Bernie voters came around because Trump's a fascist who needed Russia's help to win. And then Trump goes and refuses to impose sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election. Gee, I wonder why...

It's possible that young liberals are even dumber than old liberals.........

Well, you're a phony and your ideas have no credibility. So fuck off, I guess.

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