Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

Barak Obama, his criminal administration, and the Clintons did more to interfere in our election than the Russians even thought of doing.
"stealing your opponent's emails is simply honorable international espionage. everyone does it...the Americans, the French, the British, the Germans. it's accepted international practice. if i could have broken into Russian servers, i would have done it" - General Michael Hayden
...and the all-powerful US technological prowess is incapable of stopping the Russians. We are doomed. What makes it ironically humorous is that they are using the same technology developed by the FBI, CIA and NSA.
Even after Hillary's reset and Obama's flexibility? LOL!Maybe if Hillary hadn't misspelled "reset", eh?

Clinton and Obama gave Putin a shot...but then he invaded the Ukraine and held illegitimate elections. Then he faced sanctions. So that's why he got his kompromat on Trump and supported his Presidential run with the Russian Troll Army. Your brains had already been turned to mush by almost 50 years of Conservative bullshit, so it was pretty easy for experienced propagandists like those in Russia to hack those mushy Conservative brains.

Let's see if we have this straight. You seem to be arguing that Trump defeated Hillary because Russians convinced Rupublicans to vote against her. That seems kind of dumb, almost like what a democrat would say.
Let's see if we have this straight. You seem to be arguing that Trump defeated Hillary because Russians convinced Rupublicans to vote against her. That seems kind of dumb, almost like what a democrat would say.

The above "conclusion" you draw must have come out of your biased ass......

Learn to read and comprehend.....or ask a grown up to help.,
Let's see if we have this straight. You seem to be arguing that Trump defeated Hillary because Russians convinced Rupublicans to vote against her. That seems kind of dumb, almost like what a democrat would say.

The above "conclusion" you draw must have come out of your biased ass......

Learn to read and comprehend.....or ask a grown up to help.,

It would seem that I have struck a nerve.
The winning Democrat strategy is to keep telling the people how stupid they are for not being democrats. It worked very well last time.
You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about.

The national election in Russia that Putin rigged in 2011.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

Seriously? Are you a Russian troll? 4,000 Russians have died fighting in the Ukraine as have 2,400 Ukranians.
It's neither. I have the ability to think critically, an ability which you lack.

Actually you don't have those skills because a critical thinker would not ignore evidence and information presented to them, confirmed by the sources. Facebook is the entity that identified the Russian propaganda, not Daily Beast. But again, if you had actually read the link given to you, you'd know that. But you didn't read the link, therefore you didn't engage in critical thinking.

If facebook's chief of security can't say definitively that those posts were from Russians, who the fuck are you to tell me they are?.

They do say definitively. In fact, there's a tool on Facebook (desktop versions only) where you can see for yourself if you liked, shared, or followed Russian troll accounts. I bet you're too scared to use it. Or you already know you shared Russian propaganda because you are a Russian propagandist.
Clinton relied on the support of the Ukraine AND Russian informants. Even paid for Russian informants.:lol:

No she didn't. That's a load of propaganda you're spreading. Looks like you've learned nothing. Your brain is still mush and under the control of Russian propagandists.
Unless Trump tries it?

When has he tried diplomacy? Being a Russian kompromat isn't diplomacy. Trump won't even impose sanctions on Russia for meddling in the election. Gee, I wonder why...

Naïve liberals? DURR.

Yes, liberals should have known better than to trust Conservatives, be they Bush or Putin. Lesson learned. It's exactly the reason why we don't trust you today. But at least they weren't conned by Russian propaganda and a reality TV show host like you.

I never solicited any foreign assistance to influence the election (unlike some libs, eh?).And how did such brain hacks cause liberal voters to vote for Trump or not vote at all?

You have proof liberal voters voted for Trump? Interesting. Show me that proof. It sounds to me like you are trying to pretend that it wasn't Conservatives who voted for Obama, then whose brains were turned to mush by Conservative politicians and Fox news. Because that's what happened. Sounds like you're trying to abscond responsibility and accountability for supporting, disseminating, and sharing Russian propaganda on social media and these boards. And no, you don't get to skirt away from responsibility for enlisting the help of Russia in the election. Not when you were on these boards arguing from Russian propaganda against Clinton. But again, being Conservative means you have an entitlement complex.

And my vote wasn't going to be for Hillary, Bernie or any other crusty old commie your side barfs up.So what was your point again?

That you love Russia and Putin. You said you didn't before, but I doubt your sincerity there.

I vote against Hillary, no con.

You voted against her, why? Because Russian propaganda hacked your brain, which was already turned to mush by Conservatism. You sure seem to fall for a lot of conmen and charlatans. Your intuition and instincts aren't all they're cracked up to be, obviously. I mean you supported Bush the Dumber, you supported Palin, you supported teabags, you support Russia...not the greatest track record there.

II'll let you know how my larger paycheck feels tomorrow. Go Trump!!!

LOL! Your "larger" paycheck won't make up for the increase to your health care costs that the tax cut caused by removing the mandate. And wait a second - why are you pretending you even draw a paycheck?
Is that why the Dems lost 63 seats in 2010? Those Republicans realized their error?

1. Obama wasn't running in 2010.
2. They voted against Obama because Conservatives lied about Obamacare, and continue to lie about it today.

Interesting the impact they had on young Bernie! voters though.

Young Bernie voters didn't vote for Trump. In fact, Trump got the lowest share of voters (37%) age 18-29 ever.

Bernie voters came around to Hillary? Link?And why would Bernie's young and ignorant (but then I repeat myself) voters dislike Russia?

Bernie voters didn't vote for Trump. Trump got the lowest share of the 18-29 vote ever. If only Millennials had voted, Clinton would have won the election with 55% of the vote. And I find it curious you ask for a link (usually a clue that your argument is about to fall apart), yet you never provide links for anything you these supposed liberal voters who voted for Trump. All we have is your word. Why the fuck should I trust your word when you openly and happily admit to supporting Russian propaganda efforts in the election?

ou keep using this word hacking. I do not think it means what you think it means.

You're trying to parse the word because you cannot deny that Russia meddled in the election, hacked your brain which was already mushy and goopy from 40 years of Conservative lies.[/quote]
Let's see if we have this straight. You seem to be arguing that Trump defeated Hillary because Russians convinced Rupublicans to vote against her. That seems kind of dumb, almost like what a democrat would say.

That's exactly what happened. Plenty of Republicans voted for Obama, but then they retreated to their echo chambers where Russia was lurking, ready to hack those mushy brains.
The winning Democrat strategy is to keep telling the people how stupid they are for not being democrats. It worked very well last time.

Actually the strategy now is to forget about people like you and concentrate instead on turning out non-voters.

Democrats have realized that Trumpanzees aren't going to vote for them anyway, so a better strategy is to concentrate on GOTV efforts, and it's already paid off. 36 Conservative seats have flipped from red to blue since Trump's election. And these are seats in heavy red/Trump districts and states.

A blue tsunami is coming.
Facebook is the entity that identified the Russian propaganda, not Daily Beast.
You don't understand the purpose of the quotation marks around the word likely?


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