Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.
Lmfao that's all you have the daily beast illegal wetback?

You asked for Russian memes and I gave you a link to 30 of them.

How many of those did you share across social media? 5? 10? All of them?
You don't know that they were Russian memes.

Yes, they were Russian memes. Stop being an idiot.
You don't have any knowledge that they were Russian memes. Stop your damn lying.

Yes, I do because Facebook is the one who identified them as such.

If you bothered to read the link I provided you, you'd know that too.

So why didn't you? Simple; you're either lazy as fuck, or a Russian troll yourself.

So which is it?
It's neither. I have the ability to think critically, an ability which you lack.

If facebook's chief of security can't say definitively that those posts were from Russians, who the fuck are you to tell me they are?

Earlier this week, Facebook’s chief security officer, Alex Stamos, revealed that Russia had “likely” used 470 deceptive accounts to buy about $100,000 worth of political advertising before and after the 2016 presidential election.
30 Batsh*t Crazy, Mostly Racist Facebook Memes the Russians Used to Corrupt Your Mind

You don't know shit.
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage,

Unless Trump tries it?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable.

Naïve liberals? DURR.

But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election

I never solicited any foreign assistance to influence the election (unlike some libs, eh?).
And how did such brain hacks cause liberal voters to vote for Trump or not vote at all?

No, you're just a regular old Conservative

And my vote wasn't going to be for Hillary, Bernie or any other crusty old commie your side barfs up.
So what was your point again?

You sure did get conned man

I vote against Hillary, no con.

In fact, you're probably already feeling it

I'll let you know how my larger paycheck feels tomorrow. Go Trump!!!
Russia didn't have to convince Republicans to vote against Hillary.

Yes they did. Plenty of Republicans voted for Obama.

Interesting the impact they had on young Bernie! voters though.

They had none. Bernie voters came around because Trump's a fascist who needed Russia's help to win. And then Trump goes and refuses to impose sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election. Gee, I wonder why...

It's possible that young liberals are even dumber than old liberals.........

Well, you're a phony and your ideas have no credibility. So fuck off, I guess.

Plenty of Republicans voted for Obama.

Is that why the Dems lost 63 seats in 2010? Those Republicans realized their error?

Interesting the impact they had on young Bernie! voters though.
They had none. Bernie voters came around because Trump's a fascist who needed Russia's help to win.

Bernie voters came around to Hillary? Link?
And why would Bernie's young and ignorant (but then I repeat myself) voters dislike Russia?
And then Trump goes and refuses to impose sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election.

You keep using this word hacking. I do not think it means what you think it means.
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine.

You need pictures of the "vacationing Russian soldiers"?
Guilty of what?
Trying to win an election?

Trying to win an election by relying on the support of Russia.

Seems like treason to me.

Clinton relied on the support of the Ukraine AND Russian informants. Even paid for Russian informants.


I am not sure if you remember, but I didn't like Clinton.. and I liked Trump's show I gave him a chance in the beginning of the campaign even though my family still gives me a hard time for it..

I just don't think that it is smart to try and blame what is going on in America right now on Clinton, she lost the election over a year ago..

Take this seriously today Tiny because it is not a made up Fairy Tail, it is real.. I could really give a shit what Hillary did because I didn't vote for her..

I did vote for my party...stop using her as an excuse.

I'll choose to stand with Trump but don't judge him on that. Since Watergate of all the investigations (including Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Obama's birth certificate, Benghazi) the only one I paid close attention to was the Keating Five. And that was only because I had voted for 3 of the 5 (John Glenn, Dennis DeConcini, John McCain).
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine.

You need pictures of the "vacationing Russian soldiers"?


The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally. There was no invasion. And the Crimean Parliament voted to return to Mother Russia. Why? Because Crimea is ETHNICALLY RUSSIAN.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed that took over Kiev and wanted to remove Crimea's autonomy. We've been thru this history before.

I'll never convince you that Russia had no need to invade Crimea. And despite the very successful coup that we backed, there was no way in hell Russia was going to give up her seaports that by the way were being handsomely paid for to NATO.

No freaking way.
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine.

You need pictures of the "vacationing Russian soldiers"?


The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally. There was no invasion. And the Crimean Parliament voted to return to Mother Russia. Why? Because Crimea is ETHNICALLY RUSSIAN.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed that took over Kiev and wanted to remove Crimea's autonomy. We've been thru this history before.

I'll never convince you that Russia had no need to invade Crimea. And despite the very successful coup that we backed, there was no way in hell Russia was going to give up her seaports that by the way were being handsomely paid for to NATO.

No freaking way.

The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally.

I'm talking about the ones "vacationing" in eastern Ukraine.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed

Russians were terrified of a couple of dozen "Nazis"?
When did Russians turn into such pussies?
Guilty of what?
Trying to win an election?

Trying to win an election by relying on the support of Russia.

Seems like treason to me.

Clinton relied on the support of the Ukraine AND Russian informants. Even paid for Russian informants.


I am not sure if you remember, but I didn't like Clinton.. and I liked Trump's show I gave him a chance in the beginning of the campaign even though my family still gives me a hard time for it..

I just don't think that it is smart to try and blame what is going on in America right now on Clinton, she lost the election over a year ago..

Take this seriously today Tiny because it is not a made up Fairy Tail, it is real.. I could really give a shit what Hillary did because I didn't vote for her..

I did vote for my party...stop using her as an excuse.


I'm not using Clinton as an excuse for jack shit. Just pointing out that various nations took sides in the 2016 election. Not just Russia. The Ukrainian interference was widespread and pro Clinton.

Britain took sides depending on the party. France and Germany were all pro Clinton and their anti Trump hit pieces were continually picked up by the AP, Reuters and others by pro Clinton media in the US.

It was the nature of the beast in 2016. AND may I also point out part of Obama's world tour campaign pre election was designed to show the EU supporting him and not McCain.

The EU gave Obama the platform. They meddled. :)
By being all "reset buttony" in 2009 and all flexible in 2012..

And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

You think that's a good idea? After all, they're a "geopolitical foe".

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Yeah, first time they're invaded a neighbor or held a sham election, eh?

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

I'm not defending Russia. Russia sucks. Putin sucks.
He needs to pull his troops out of Ukraine, immediately.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

I'm not a Dem voter in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania or Michigan.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

I didn't vote for Hillary. No conning on my side of the screen.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine.

You need pictures of the "vacationing Russian soldiers"?


The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally. There was no invasion. And the Crimean Parliament voted to return to Mother Russia. Why? Because Crimea is ETHNICALLY RUSSIAN.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed that took over Kiev and wanted to remove Crimea's autonomy. We've been thru this history before.

I'll never convince you that Russia had no need to invade Crimea. And despite the very successful coup that we backed, there was no way in hell Russia was going to give up her seaports that by the way were being handsomely paid for to NATO.

No freaking way.

The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally.

I'm talking about the ones "vacationing" in eastern Ukraine.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed

Russians were terrified of a couple of dozen "Nazis"?
When did Russians turn into such pussies?

If there are Russians in the eastern regions this would be no different than all the western support for the anti Assad jihadists who came from around the world to overthrow Assad and the Syrian government.

Military advisors and support for rebels is something we in the west do on a continual basis. Syria was just the latest.

As to those Nazis the Crimeans had every right to fear Kiev.
Giant disclaimer: I have no problem whatsoever with any nation attempting to control its electoral process. I believe it is imperative to do so in this day and age. But we also have to remember to keep our noses and dollars out of other countries elections as well.

Oh and stop with the regime change bullshit.
And then Putin held rigged elections and invaded the Ukraine. So, that's that. I don't know why you keep harping on those two things when all it does is show that Obama and Clinton both tried to make a better relationship with Russia, who decided instead to hold bullshit elections and invade its neighbor. So...shame on Obama and Clinton for thinking Putin would be reasonable and behave himself?

I think diplomacy is always a good idea...unless the other party doesn't want to engage, which Putin made pretty clear when he held bullshit elections and invaded the Ukraine.

Again, you can blame Obama and Clinton for being naive to think Putin would be reasonable. But what you guys did, soliciting their help to hack the brains of Conservatives in the election, sure seems antithetical to the patriotism you pretend to have.

But you stop short when it comes to him meddling in our election. Which is very telling. Obviously, you like Putin enough to accept his help in winning vicariously through Trump. So I doubt your sincerity.

No, you're just a regular old Conservative whose brain was already turned to mush before the election and before Russia hacked it.

You sure did get conned man, and you'll feel it very soon. In fact, you're probably already feeling it, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give me the satisfaction. That's OK. I know you know that's the case. That's all the satisfaction I need.

You keep bringing up rigged elections. What are you talking about. And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine. And the death toll among Ukrainian soldiers when this so called invasion took place.

And please show pictures of Russia invading the Ukraine.

You need pictures of the "vacationing Russian soldiers"?


The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally. There was no invasion. And the Crimean Parliament voted to return to Mother Russia. Why? Because Crimea is ETHNICALLY RUSSIAN.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed that took over Kiev and wanted to remove Crimea's autonomy. We've been thru this history before.

I'll never convince you that Russia had no need to invade Crimea. And despite the very successful coup that we backed, there was no way in hell Russia was going to give up her seaports that by the way were being handsomely paid for to NATO.

No freaking way.

The soldiers were already stationed in the Crimea legally.

I'm talking about the ones "vacationing" in eastern Ukraine.

No brainer and of course they were terrified of the Nazis that the West backed

Russians were terrified of a couple of dozen "Nazis"?
When did Russians turn into such pussies?

If there are Russians in the eastern regions this would be no different than all the western support for the anti Assad jihadists who came from around the world to overthrow Assad and the Syrian government.

Military advisors and support for rebels is something we in the west do on a continual basis. Syria was just the latest.

As to those Nazis the Crimeans had every right to fear Kiev.

If there are Russians in the eastern regions


this would be no different than all the western support for the anti Assad jihadists who came from around the world to overthrow Assad and the Syrian government.

Putin can invade Ukraine because......Syria?
We have over 11 million illegal aliens in our country and the Corrupt Democratic Party is blocking our Voter ID laws so that they can vote in our elections and cancel-out the votes of American citizens.
This is about 11,000,000X more interfering in our elections than the Russians.
If it ever comes to having another low life crooked candidate like Hillary again, then I am ALL FOR INTERFERING IN HER ELECTION AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

A rough translation of the above would be this.........

"I hated Clinton more than I love the democratic electoral process of the U.S...So, YES, I welcome foreign (enemy) assistance to defeat whom I hate...."

How's THAT, Mr. Freak....????

Sorry, no, total miss as always. An ACCURATE translation would be: I love this country too much to allow a seditious, self-serving, power-mad treasonous hapless bitch sell-out her country to foreign interests as their puppet for personal gain to not use any and all means possible to stop her from further ruining this country just as I would use any and all means necessary to stop a bus from running over my child! Hillary was to the "democratic process" what forcible gang rape in an all-male prison would be to tender love making! And always remember, the enemy of your enemy is always YOUR FRIEND!
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
They did meddle. And even though every guy on trumps team is guilty of colluding, unless we catch trump red handed you’ll pretend he didn’t know

And my lawyers pay women who claimed they slept with me right after my youngest autistic child was born $150,000 to not say I had sex with her, even though I didn’t have sex with her or ask him to pay her. Trump didn’t know? You’re a fucking idiot!
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?

The same thread, rinsed and repeated ad nauseum.


exactly,dude give it up already.I hate Trump as much as the next guy,you know that,But you are STILL desperatly grasping at straws to no avill on this tiresome debunked issue,give it up.
If one "chooses" to believe that Russia did NOT interfere or meddle in our electoral processes, then NONE of the accusations against Trump will have any validity.

Like it or not, ALL of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians DID meddle.....and we must now acknowledge whether our intelligence agencies are corrupt, inept and partisan or not.

Of course, one can see the why Trump refuses to do anything about this important issue since such an admission would place a "cloud" upon the legitimacy of his win in 2016.......and, after all, we all also know that for Trump, it is his ego that comes before anything....including the safety of our country's electoral systems.

So, it may be time to take a side.........Should we, COLLECTIVELY, demand that energetic methods be employed to stop or curb the influences of Russian meddling in our democratic electoral processes?.........................Yes or No?
They did meddle. And even though every guy on trumps team is guilty of colluding, unless we catch trump red handed you’ll pretend he didn’t know

And my lawyers pay women who claimed they slept with me right after my youngest autistic child was born $150,000 to not say I had sex with her, even though I didn’t have sex with her or ask him to pay her. Trump didn’t know? You’re a fucking idiot!

I hate Trump as well but same as always in your babble that the republicans are corrupt but the dems are not,as always,you are grasping at straws,there is no shred of evidence on this thats holds water unlike the Iran contra scandal that Reagan was involved in that the idiot sheep in america worship so much.LOL
Guilty of what?
Trying to win an election?

Trying to win an election by relying on the support of Russia.

Seems like treason to me.

Clinton relied on the support of the Ukraine AND Russian informants. Even paid for Russian informants.


I am not sure if you remember, but I didn't like Clinton.. and I liked Trump's show I gave him a chance in the beginning of the campaign even though my family still gives me a hard time for it..

I just don't think that it is smart to try and blame what is going on in America right now on Clinton, she lost the election over a year ago..

Take this seriously today Tiny because it is not a made up Fairy Tail, it is real.. I could really give a shit what Hillary did because I didn't vote for her..

I did vote for my party...stop using her as an excuse.


I'm not using Clinton as an excuse for jack shit. Just pointing out that various nations took sides in the 2016 election. Not just Russia. The Ukrainian interference was widespread and pro Clinton.

Britain took sides depending on the party. France and Germany were all pro Clinton and their anti Trump hit pieces were continually picked up by the AP, Reuters and others by pro Clinton media in the US.

It was the nature of the beast in 2016. AND may I also point out part of Obama's world tour campaign pre election was designed to show the EU supporting him and not McCain.

The EU gave Obama the platform. They meddled. :)

So now Obama is brought in...come on and stick to the people personally affecting Americans NOW..stealing their identities and using them to comment on Government websites NOW..TODAY they are getting wiser how to hurt and cause havoc.

Now I will say that women argued and closed down a political board about Pres.. Bush going into war..So arguing is not anything new.. plus we have seen 8 years of Slamming Obama on here..

But never before have we had a country hack and sent out thousands of bots to lie across the social media realm.
Never before have thousands of identities stolen to comment on our government website changing a bill that was in place to protect Americans from the Internet provider hogs.. We are all personally affected Tiny..

You are smart.. why are you not upset by this.

Trump calls out Fake Fucking News Awards while they are doing this to Americans..It is crazy.


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