Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side.

What made it easy for Russia to hack the brains of Conservatives was that Conservative brains had been turned to mush by 8 years ........

That's why Trump won those Blues states, eh?

Yes, that's exactly why. Russian propaganda hacked the brains of just enough underachieving and resentful people to give Trump the victory in those states.

Yes, that's exactly why. Russian propaganda hacked the brains of just enough underachieving and resentful people to give Trump the victory in those states.

So Putin hacked Dem voters. Bastard!
Russia's interference in our election(s)? ....Its time to take a side

If it ever comes to having another low life crooked candidate like Hillary again, then I am ALL FOR INTERFERING IN HER ELECTION AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
So Putin hacked Dem voters. Bastard!

Some of them probably were Obama voters, since Obama got so many more votes than Trump did in all those states. But 8 years of lies about Obama turned their brains to mush, which made it easy for Russia to hack.
Yes Russia hacked us, why don't know. don't want the lives that Russians have, not crazy about dictators. don't trust there leader, yes we hack to. yes also other country's do. dose not make it right. to day more sad over one more school shooter.
Yes, that's exactly why. Russian propaganda hacked the brains of just enough underachieving and resentful people to give Trump the victory in those states.

That has proven to be the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton.
And as all you left wing whackos bitch about the potential of foreign meddling you really have no case for "higher ground" considering for years on end the US has overthrown regimes and leaders that America doesn't like. With military force.

So shut the fuck up over $100,000 worth of facebook ads you whining maggots.
Go look into what was done Tiny. They are still hacking us today.
Why isn't that a problem with you.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Right now I'm battling election laws up here that allow US left wing union money to sway provincial elections. I believe every nation should strengthen their campaign finance laws and electoral processes.

But as far as the Russians go they don't hold a monopoly on attempting to sway US elections. The Ukraine was knee deep in a mega smear campaign against Trump. They were solidly pro Clinton. Ukrainian oligarchs are the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

BTW one of my favorite electoral campaign monitors is Jimmy Carter's outfit. They brought First Nations voter ID laws in for the Cherokees.

President Carter:One Cherokee One Vote, voter ID required just like SAfrica
That has proven to be the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton.

No it hasn't, but your post reveals you to be a collaborator. So when the unmasking of the trolls happens, you'll be one of them who is unmasked.
Go look into what was done Tiny. They are still hacking us today.
Why isn't that a problem with you.

.........Because to take America's side is AGAINST the Trump Cult Membership rules.

I just think it's bloody hypocritical for you libs to be backing regime change around the planet when Obama was in power and still bitch about "meddling".


Go ahead. Brag on Libya and the fake Arab Spring because now they have open slave trading going on after we in the west got rid of Gaddafi. Oh and I'm certain Syrians and Iraqis just love the way we in the west were so desperate to overthrow THEIR leader that we funded ISIS and al Nusra to do so.

There is no "conspiracy," lunatic. The media is just left. They aren't conspiring for shit. They're just leftists who lie and make up their crap like the rest of you do

Once again an echo of a meme which has no basis in fact. The MSM may have a liberal biases, but it does not post fake news or lie with the intent to mislead the audience. Those who believes the MSM is promulgating lies and fake stories are biddable, and are only fooling themselves and others easily fooled.

Blogs on the internet, AM Conservative Radio and Trump himself are the source of fake news. . They seem to believe Breitbart, Info Wars, Hannity, Limbaugh and others of their ilk have ethics and report the truth which they echo. Conservative TV, Radio and Print survive on lies, half-truths, Rumors and Innuendo all wrapped in demagoguery.

The media lies all the time.

- Trump never said for example Mexicans are murderers and rapists. That's an intentional misquote.

- Trump condemned the Nazis in Charlottesville immediately, he said he condemns all sides. Antifa were fascists too. Condemning both sets of fascists is not failure to blame fascists.

- The media lied when Trump called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas that it was Indians he was insulting. I mean duh, he was insulting Elizabeth Warren for being a pretendian

- They lied that Trump removed the MLK bust from his office

- They lied that he contacted Russia before the election when it was after

- They lied that Trump has dimentia

- They lied that the president wouldn't shake the hand of the kid when the full tape shows that he did

- They lied about Trump dumping the food in the fish pond and didn't say that the Japanese PM did it first, Trump just followed him

There's the Ross lie. And then there's how the media mocked him for saying his campaign staff was spied on, and it turned out they were. Just off the top of my head. They lie, and they do it all the time
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If it ever comes to having another low life crooked candidate like Hillary again, then I am ALL FOR INTERFERING IN HER ELECTION AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

A rough translation of the above would be this.........

"I hated Clinton more than I love the democratic electoral process of the U.S...So, YES, I welcome foreign (enemy) assistance to defeat whom I hate...."

How's THAT, Mr. Freak....????
So Putin hacked Dem voters. Bastard!

Some of them probably were Obama voters, since Obama got so many more votes than Trump did in all those states. But 8 years of lies about Obama turned their brains to mush, which made it easy for Russia to hack.

8 years of lies about Obama turned their brains to mush

Hillary got 240,000 fewer votes in Wisconsin than Obama because Russians did something to liberal mush brains.
Is that why Obama and Hillary were kissing Russian butt?

How so? By imposing sanctions and calling Putin's election illegitimate. Sounds like you don't quite grasp the figurative concept of "kissing butt".

Because they're a geopolitical foe?

They tried to make inroads with Russia, but Putin chose to invade the Ukraine and hold bullshit elections instead. So that's that. What I can't figure out is why you're defending Russia in all this. I think it's because you don't want to admit that your brain was hacked after being turned to mush; the biggest threat to you is having to admit you're not as clever or intuitive as you think. That you got conned. And I get it...I get why you don't want to admit these things. But the problem is that you end up fucking everyone over because you can't get over yourself.
What a complete crock that ALL of the intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians did meddle.

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress

Once again you moron since when does the national guard investigate collusion?
Hillary got 240,000 fewer votes in Wisconsin than Obama because Russians did something to liberal mush brains.

No, they hacked the mush brains of mostly white, resentful, underachieving Conservatives. People who were promised the American Dream so long as they went along with Conservative policy. 40 years later, they sit in hovels, jobless, addicted to opioids, sharing Russian memes on Facebook.

Post the Russian memes that were false?
What a complete crock that ALL of the intelligence agencies have confirmed that the Russians did meddle.

Along with Dan Coats [Director of national intelligence] also answering questions from lawmakers were CIA Director Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray and National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers, as well as the heads of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley and Robert Cardillo, respectively.

The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call "active measures" against the 2016 election. All of them did.

Russian Threat To Elections To Persist Through 2018, Spy Bosses Warn Congress

Once again you moron since when does the national guard investigate collusion?


Did you read "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency" and your brain saw "National Guard"?
Trump and his little easily manipulated Trumpsters, are the only people in the civilized world, that think Russia doesn't try to manipulate elections and while doing so, creating division in targeted countries.
Trump's pushing the concept, because he thinks it de-legitimatizes his election. Trump's minions think Russian's attacking democratic elections in target countries is BS, only and I mean only because Trump says so.
Brilliant, just brilliant!.

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