Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere

Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."

A year into the great trumps second term.
That Justice Ginsburg is remaining on the bench is of course a good thing.

Unfortunately, we will nonetheless be subject to a hateful, reactionary conservative Court hostile to the rule of law and the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
That is why Republicans stole the court

How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republican tactics are better than Democrat tactics. Democrats try to destroy the lives of Republican Supreme Court nominees.

Republicans took the high road because I would have given him "a hearing", but really I would have made what Democrats did to Robert Bork (especially) and Clarence Thomas look like nothing.
Thomas was approved after getting his hearing
Bork was not approved but was given a hearing. The sitting president was allowed to nominate a replacement who was approved

Republicans denied President Obama the right to fill a vacant seat
That is now the new norm. It will be used against Republucan Presidents
Bork was not approved but was given a hearing. The sitting president was allowed to nominate a replacement who was approved

Bork never got a hearing he got a political lynching.

Well deserved. Bork got both a hearing and a vote in the Senate. He failed
Reagan still got to fill the seat. Something Obama was denied
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."
Retire or Die...either is fine with me. Maybe someone will Scalia her....we can only hope.
You're letting politics mean way too much if you actually think that.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Always good to hear from the real Trumpkins.
Your side has about 20 odiums on this forum and you don't say a damn thing.

Shut the fuck up.

'my side'?

I don't know of any good looking rationalists who are ugly anti-semites like your fellow Trumpkin Odium.
That Justice Ginsburg is remaining on the bench is of course a good thing.

Unfortunately, we will nonetheless be subject to a hateful, reactionary conservative Court hostile to the rule of law and the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
That is why Republicans stole the court

How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republicans took the high road . you really pretend to yourself that Republicans refusing to even consider the President's nominee 'the high ground'?

Unfortunately I think that the Republicans probably have shown us the future of Supreme Court nominations- if the Senate is controlled by the party opposite the President- the Senate will refuse to hold any hearings for his nominees.

I don't think it is right- but now that genie is out of the bottle- I don't see how either party will refuse to use it.
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."
Retire or Die...either is fine with me. Maybe someone will Scalia her....we can only hope.
You're letting politics mean way too much if you actually think that.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Damn, you're one ignorant SOB. Lose the race baiting bullshit already.

That Justice Ginsburg is remaining on the bench is of course a good thing.

Unfortunately, we will nonetheless be subject to a hateful, reactionary conservative Court hostile to the rule of law and the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
That is why Republicans stole the court

How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republicans took the high road . you really pretend to yourself that Republicans refusing to even consider the President's nominee 'the high ground'?

Unfortunately I think that the Republicans probably have shown us the future of Supreme Court nominations- if the Senate is controlled by the party opposite the President- the Senate will refuse to hold any hearings for his nominees.

I don't think it is right- but now that genie is out of the bottle- I don't see how either party will refuse to use it.
I can’t see it going back to the way it was

Republicans made it clear that filling a vacant seat was political and not a priority
The precedent now is an opposition Senate refuses to consider a SCOTUS candidate regardless of where it occurs in a presidents term
Nine judges is not necessary any more
That Justice Ginsburg is remaining on the bench is of course a good thing.

Unfortunately, we will nonetheless be subject to a hateful, reactionary conservative Court hostile to the rule of law and the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
That is why Republicans stole the court

How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republican tactics are better than Democrat tactics. Democrats try to destroy the lives of Republican Supreme Court nominees.

Republicans took the high road because I would have given him "a hearing", but really I would have made what Democrats did to Robert Bork (especially) and Clarence Thomas look like nothing.
Thomas was approved after getting his hearing
Bork was not approved but was given a hearing. The sitting president was allowed to nominate a replacement who was approved

Republicans denied President Obama the right to fill a vacant seat
That is now the new norm. It will be used against Republucan Presidents

No, the "new norm" began with Judge Robert Bork. He was one of the most qualified justices ever nominated to the Supreme Court and, for the first time, Democrats came prepared to politicize the Supreme Court and created a new term, Borked.
Retire or Die...either is fine with me. Maybe someone will Scalia her....we can only hope.
Republican Politics today
I am not a republican there dipstick. I despise 99% of republicans just like I despise ALL democrats.Its not about right vs left,republican vs democrat with me....
Sure you aren’t

You only vote that way
And? You only vote democrat doesn't mean you are a democrat...could be a registered socialist,communist,etc could just be a leftist in general which you are. You give me a better option of a political party with a REAL chance at getting elected that ISN'T trying to turn America into a 3rd world cesspool and I would vote for them. I don't vote party I vote for candidate. I would not have voted for ANY other candidate in 2016 other than Trump NONE of the GOP candidates for president would have gotten my vote.
Retire or Die...either is fine with me. Maybe someone will Scalia her....we can only hope.
You're letting politics mean way too much if you actually think that.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Always good to hear from the real Trumpkins.
Unfortunately I am an outlier among Trump supporters...I put my race first and if he is doing things that benefit my race great when he doesn't like trying to start a war with Iran I call him out on it...Race comes before all for me.
There are degrees of pro-white activism and white nationalism.

You are extreme even for a white nationalist site.
Indeed. I am not a white nationalist. I am a Racial Loyalist. My ideology is Creativity and Racial Socialism. I am sure you have read Benjamin Klassen's books? That's what I adhere to. I am reading the Racial Loyalist Manifesto right now by Matthew Hale. You should give it a read,its interesting so far and I need to buy his other white White Slavery.
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."
Retire or Die...either is fine with me. Maybe someone will Scalia her....we can only hope.
You're letting politics mean way too much if you actually think that.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Damn, you're one ignorant SOB. Lose the race baiting bullshit already.

Go wave your amurican flag,thump your constitution that's done NOTHING to stop the destruction of the very race that FOUNDED this fucking country. Race before anything else. PERIOD.
That is why Republicans stole the court

How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republicans took the high road . you really pretend to yourself that Republicans refusing to even consider the President's nominee 'the high ground'?

Unfortunately I think that the Republicans probably have shown us the future of Supreme Court nominations- if the Senate is controlled by the party opposite the President- the Senate will refuse to hold any hearings for his nominees.

I don't think it is right- but now that genie is out of the bottle- I don't see how either party will refuse to use it.
I can’t see it going back to the way it was

Republicans made it clear that filling a vacant seat was political and not a priority
The precedent now is an opposition Senate refuses to consider a SCOTUS candidate regardless of where it occurs in a presidents term
Nine judges is not necessary any more

“not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”

“Senate consideration of a nominee under these circumstances is not fair to the president, to the nominee, or to the Senate itself,”

“Where the nation should be treated to a consideration of constitutional philosophy, all it will get in such circumstances is partisan bickering and political posturing from both parties and from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.”
-Joe Biden

"We should not confirm any Bush nominee to the Supreme Court, except in extraordinary circumstances,"
-Chuck Schumer

Also no where in the constitution does it say the Senate has to give a Supreme Court nominee a hearing .
I can’t see it going back to the way it was

Republicans made it clear that filling a vacant seat was political and not a priority
The precedent now is an opposition Senate refuses to consider a SCOTUS candidate regardless of where it occurs in a presidents term
Nine judges is not necessary any more

As you know, it is Democrats who first brought Politics into the Supreme Court Nominations and even coined a new verb. Borked. That is what was done to easily the most qualified judge ever appointed to the Supreme Court. He was the outstanding nominee of President Ronald Reagan.

On what do you stake your opinion that nine judges are no longer necessary on the Supreme Court? The court has been at nine members since 1869 and it has worked extremely well. Are your points another typical Progressive effort to provide a solution to a problem which does not exist?
Republican Politics today
I am not a republican there dipstick. I despise 99% of republicans just like I despise ALL democrats.Its not about right vs left,republican vs democrat with me....
Sure you aren’t

You only vote that way
And? You only vote democrat doesn't mean you are a democrat...could be a registered socialist,communist,etc could just be a leftist in general which you are. You give me a better option of a political party with a REAL chance at getting elected that ISN'T trying to turn America into a 3rd world cesspool and I would vote for them. I don't vote party I vote for candidate. I would not have voted for ANY other candidate in 2016 other than Trump NONE of the GOP candidates for president would have gotten my vote.
You're letting politics mean way too much if you actually think that.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Always good to hear from the real Trumpkins.
Unfortunately I am an outlier among Trump supporters...I put my race first and if he is doing things that benefit my race great when he doesn't like trying to start a war with Iran I call him out on it...Race comes before all for me.
There are degrees of pro-white activism and white nationalism.

You are extreme even for a white nationalist site.
Indeed. I am not a white nationalist. I am a Racial Loyalist. My ideology is Creativity and Racial Socialism. I am sure you have read Benjamin Klassen's books? That's what I adhere to. I am reading the Racial Loyalist Manifesto right now by Matthew Hale. You should give it a read,its interesting so far and I need to buy his other white White Slavery.
You are never going to get me to go that far.

I am not going to try to stop you from doing what you think you need to do for now because your radicalism helps purge the cucks, but you will be opposed by me directly at some point because defeating Western/white decline is all that we need.

If you were smart you would be more pragmatic and help people like me to move the overton window towards your direction.
I am not a republican there dipstick. I despise 99% of republicans just like I despise ALL democrats.Its not about right vs left,republican vs democrat with me....
Sure you aren’t

You only vote that way
And? You only vote democrat doesn't mean you are a democrat...could be a registered socialist,communist,etc could just be a leftist in general which you are. You give me a better option of a political party with a REAL chance at getting elected that ISN'T trying to turn America into a 3rd world cesspool and I would vote for them. I don't vote party I vote for candidate. I would not have voted for ANY other candidate in 2016 other than Trump NONE of the GOP candidates for president would have gotten my vote.
She's a Jewess. She is the ultimate enemy. I care nothing about politics I care about what's best for my race and that old jewish bitch IS NOT good for my race.

Always good to hear from the real Trumpkins.
Unfortunately I am an outlier among Trump supporters...I put my race first and if he is doing things that benefit my race great when he doesn't like trying to start a war with Iran I call him out on it...Race comes before all for me.
There are degrees of pro-white activism and white nationalism.

You are extreme even for a white nationalist site.
Indeed. I am not a white nationalist. I am a Racial Loyalist. My ideology is Creativity and Racial Socialism. I am sure you have read Benjamin Klassen's books? That's what I adhere to. I am reading the Racial Loyalist Manifesto right now by Matthew Hale. You should give it a read,its interesting so far and I need to buy his other white White Slavery.
You are never going to get me to go that far.

I am not going to try to stop you from doing what you think you need to do for now because your radicalism helps purge the cucks, but you will be opposed by me directly at some point because defeating Western/white decline is all that we need.

If you were smart you would be more pragmatic and help people like me to move the overton window towards your direction.
People are either with me or against me. Matters not to me. My ONLY goal is the survival and advancement of the White race.
Sure you aren’t

You only vote that way
And? You only vote democrat doesn't mean you are a democrat...could be a registered socialist,communist,etc could just be a leftist in general which you are. You give me a better option of a political party with a REAL chance at getting elected that ISN'T trying to turn America into a 3rd world cesspool and I would vote for them. I don't vote party I vote for candidate. I would not have voted for ANY other candidate in 2016 other than Trump NONE of the GOP candidates for president would have gotten my vote.
Always good to hear from the real Trumpkins.
Unfortunately I am an outlier among Trump supporters...I put my race first and if he is doing things that benefit my race great when he doesn't like trying to start a war with Iran I call him out on it...Race comes before all for me.
There are degrees of pro-white activism and white nationalism.

You are extreme even for a white nationalist site.
Indeed. I am not a white nationalist. I am a Racial Loyalist. My ideology is Creativity and Racial Socialism. I am sure you have read Benjamin Klassen's books? That's what I adhere to. I am reading the Racial Loyalist Manifesto right now by Matthew Hale. You should give it a read,its interesting so far and I need to buy his other white White Slavery.
You are never going to get me to go that far.

I am not going to try to stop you from doing what you think you need to do for now because your radicalism helps purge the cucks, but you will be opposed by me directly at some point because defeating Western/white decline is all that we need.

If you were smart you would be more pragmatic and help people like me to move the overton window towards your direction.
People are either with me or against me. Matters not to me. My ONLY goal is the survival and advancement of the White race.
That is my goal as well.
And? You only vote democrat doesn't mean you are a democrat...could be a registered socialist,communist,etc could just be a leftist in general which you are. You give me a better option of a political party with a REAL chance at getting elected that ISN'T trying to turn America into a 3rd world cesspool and I would vote for them. I don't vote party I vote for candidate. I would not have voted for ANY other candidate in 2016 other than Trump NONE of the GOP candidates for president would have gotten my vote.
Unfortunately I am an outlier among Trump supporters...I put my race first and if he is doing things that benefit my race great when he doesn't like trying to start a war with Iran I call him out on it...Race comes before all for me.
There are degrees of pro-white activism and white nationalism.

You are extreme even for a white nationalist site.
Indeed. I am not a white nationalist. I am a Racial Loyalist. My ideology is Creativity and Racial Socialism. I am sure you have read Benjamin Klassen's books? That's what I adhere to. I am reading the Racial Loyalist Manifesto right now by Matthew Hale. You should give it a read,its interesting so far and I need to buy his other white White Slavery.
You are never going to get me to go that far.

I am not going to try to stop you from doing what you think you need to do for now because your radicalism helps purge the cucks, but you will be opposed by me directly at some point because defeating Western/white decline is all that we need.

If you were smart you would be more pragmatic and help people like me to move the overton window towards your direction.
People are either with me or against me. Matters not to me. My ONLY goal is the survival and advancement of the White race.
That is my goal as well.
Then I don't see a problem. I am just pretty much done trying to sway people to the correct view of things...I am more of a violence and war kind of person...I leave the academic and persuasive writing/talking to others who do it better.

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