Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere

Justices should be picked for there knowledge of the law & the constitution. and there ability to render opinion on that basics, not because of there political party.

Which is exactly what President Donald Trump has done and will do with the appointment of a Justice to replace radical Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
they should only have 10 year terms and then are gone and whoever is president at the time gets to pick the next one...

Nah. You need some stability to the SC. With that said, they serve too long
How did they do that? They were just following rules set by Democrats.

This is the way the game is played. Republicans had control of the Senate and were guaranteed to win the White House in November.
This is NOW the way the game is played

Republucan tactics will come back to haunt them

Republican tactics are better than Democrat tactics. Democrats try to destroy the lives of Republican Supreme Court nominees.

Republicans took the high road because I would have given him "a hearing", but really I would have made what Democrats did to Robert Bork (especially) and Clarence Thomas look like nothing.
Thomas was approved after getting his hearing
Bork was not approved but was given a hearing. The sitting president was allowed to nominate a replacement who was approved

Republicans denied President Obama the right to fill a vacant seat
That is now the new norm. It will be used against Republucan Presidents

No, the "new norm" began with Judge Robert Bork. He was one of the most qualified justices ever nominated to the Supreme Court and, for the first time, Democrats came prepared to politicize the Supreme Court and created a new term, Borked.

Judges have been rejected in the past. Bork was too far off the deep end. He didn’t come close to being acceptable

The key was he got a hearing and a vote. He lost
Reagan got to propose a replacement who was accepted

Obama was not given that courtesy
I see Bork as closer to what Progressive would be on the other side. They nominate someone who will always vote Progressive Socialist.
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."
will she be able to stay awake?....

No.... She went even be able to keep breathing. One look at her yes you she doesn't even have five years left for that.

I can’t see it going back to the way it was

Republicans made it clear that filling a vacant seat was political and not a priority
The precedent now is an opposition Senate refuses to consider a SCOTUS candidate regardless of where it occurs in a presidents term
Nine judges is not necessary any more

As you know, it is Democrats who first brought Politics into the Supreme Court Nominations and even coined a new verb. Borked. That is what was done to easily the most qualified judge ever appointed to the Supreme Court. He was the outstanding nominee of President Ronald Reagan.

On what do you stake your opinion that nine judges are no longer necessary on the Supreme Court? The court has been at nine members since 1869 and it has worked extremely well. Are your points another typical Progressive effort to provide a solution to a problem which does not exist?
Robert Bork was treated just like any other nominee. He was given a Senate hearing and a full Senate vote which he lost 58-42

Reagan’s next choice Kennedy was easily accepted

That is how the process works

Denying to even consider a nominee is unprecedented

Denying to even consider a nominee is unprecedented

You are incorrect.
Really? When did it happen before Merrick Garland?

John Crittenden

History Of Failed Supreme Court Nominations Goes All The Way Back To George Washington
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."

With her head bent, balance will become an issue. She's already fallen once, breaking a couple of ribs. Nature is taking it's course, I watch my dad for though the same thing. Will she make 90, not likely.

Nah. You need some stability to the SC. With that said, they serve too long

I will agree they serve too long. When that was established, much like Social Security, the expected life span was decades shorter.
Judges have been rejected in the past. Bork was too far off the deep end. He didn’t come close to being acceptable

The key was he got a hearing and a vote. He lost
Reagan got to propose a replacement who was accepted

Obama was not given that courtesy

You know that is a lie. Robert Bork was one of the most qualified persons ever nominated to the Supreme Court.

You, somehow convenient for Progressives, forgot to mention that only six years previously, President Ronald Reagan had nominated Robert Bork to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Robert Bork on December 7, 1981, was confirmed with a unanimous consent voice vote by the Senate on February 8, 1982, and received his commission on February 9, 1982.

Six years later, Democrats/Progressives started the practice of what is now known as Borking which continues, unashamedly, to this day. Until then, the parties respected that when a president was elected, along with that came that presidents choice as to who was in their cabinet and who they chose as judges.

What drastically changed between December 7, 1981 and July 1, 1987? Please be specific.
Tales of her demise are greatly exaggerated

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she has 'at least five more years' on Supreme Court

The notorious RBG isn't going anywhere.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday that she intended to stay on the bench for "at least five more years," putting off retirement until after her 90th birthday.

Her reasoning? Well, that's what retired justice John Paul Stevens did.

"I'm now 85," Ginsburg said in New York, according to CNN. "My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years."

Hey doofus did you see the date on that article?

Having a little laugh are ya?

Wanna bet she can't even talk right now?

It underscores the peril of living under a 230 y/o business plan. We have justices who can't chew solid food deciding very important cases. Someone had a plan where by each President would get to appoint 3 justices (I think there were 18 year terms). This is just another symptom of a nation that can't come to terms with clearly detrimental policies that were enacted prior to the invention of street lights and zippers by 100 years.

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