Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

How come she aint buried yet?I thought Jews had to be buried the next day after death.I guess they want to drag her ass around for awhile.
I admire her work on women's rights, but am saddened at the same time over it costing millions of unborn lives. It also seems strange given her amazing ability to fight cancer so long and hard that she didn't find value in those young lives. Guess most of us are full of contradictions.

Respectfully screw her reverent wish...she knew she was in poor health for the last several years and could have stepped down during the O'Biden administration, but she thought Hillary was going to win so she took a gamble and lost...

Not arguing. Just put it out there.

If Trump doesnt take advantage of this IMMEDIATELY, hes a fool. I'm betting he will. It is his right and duty


You didn’t feel that way about Scalia’s vacancy.

In that case the opposing party controlled the Senate. In this case the in power party controls the Senate.

The dems would have done and would do the exact same thing if the situation was/were reversed.

Exactly, and most of us don't give a damn about the Democrat's biased concept of "fair." Dems have declared war and we need to fight to win.

I thank that all conservatives are sick and tired of the liberal perversion of the concept of “fairness”. Liberals think “fairness” is conservatives giving fifty percent and liberals taking fifty percent. The liberal have already threatened to make America a hell on earth if they don’t get their way in November, how can this make things any worse?

I am an independent and anybody who knows me should realize I am not a political hack, but I agree that the next nominee for the Supreme Court should wait until after the election.

Hopefully all indy's like you feel the same way We need to rid our nation of this garbage .We will never rid ourselves of the scum who followed him


Respectfully screw her reverent wish...she knew she was in poor health for the last several years and could have stepped down during the O'Biden administration, but she thought Hillary was going to win so she took a gamble and lost...

Not arguing. Just put it out there.

If Trump doesnt take advantage of this IMMEDIATELY, hes a fool. I'm betting he will. It is his right and duty


You didn’t feel that way about Scalia’s vacancy.

In that case the opposing party controlled the Senate. In this case the in power party controls the Senate.

The dems would have done and would do the exact same thing if the situation was/were reversed.

Exactly, and most of us don't give a damn about the Democrat's biased concept of "fair." Dems have declared war and we need to fight to win.

I thank that all conservatives are sick and tired of the liberal perversion of the concept of “fairness”. Liberals think “fairness” is conservatives giving fifty percent and liberals taking fifty percent. The liberal have already threatened to make America a hell on earth if they don’t get their way in November, how can this make things any worse?

I am an independent and anybody who knows me should realize I am not a political hack, but I agree that the next nominee for the Supreme Court should wait until after the election.

Hopefully all indy's like you feel the same way We need to rid our nation of this garbage .We will never rid ourselves of the scum who followed him

Ridding ourselves of garbage?

I did not mention ANTIFA or BLM at all.
"Stood on the steps of the Supreme Court tonight with thousands to say: Mitch McConnell thinks this fight is over. What he does not understand is that this fight has just begun." - Pocahontas

Mitch is shaking in his boots!
"I have been in DC for decades now, and I have never seen a bigger crowd in front of the Supreme Court. Ever. Nothing comes close." - Speaker Pelosi
After Merrick Garland was not allowed a hearing because McConnell said a new justice should be appointed after the election, if the Republicans do put someone on the Court and the Democrats win everything in November, I wonder if Biden will expand the SCOTUS to 15 members, then appoint 6 liberal justices like FDR did.
Was that a typo, and you really meant to say Harris, instead?
On 7 June 1968, 190 women machinists walked out at Ford Dagenham, in a strike that was to make history & lead to the Equal Pay Act of 1970, giving women a legal right to be paid the same as men

Thank you, Justice RBG

Respectfully screw her reverent wish...she knew she was in poor health for the last several years and could have stepped down during the O'Biden administration, but she thought Hillary was going to win so she took a gamble and lost...

Not arguing. Just put it out there.

If Trump doesnt take advantage of this IMMEDIATELY, hes a fool. I'm betting he will. It is his right and duty


You didn’t feel that way about Scalia’s vacancy.

In that case the opposing party controlled the Senate. In this case the in power party controls the Senate.

The dems would have done and would do the exact same thing if the situation was/were reversed.

Exactly, and most of us don't give a damn about the Democrat's biased concept of "fair." Dems have declared war and we need to fight to win.

I thank that all conservatives are sick and tired of the liberal perversion of the concept of “fairness”. Liberals think “fairness” is conservatives giving fifty percent and liberals taking fifty percent. The liberal have already threatened to make America a hell on earth if they don’t get their way in November, how can this make things any worse?

I am an independent and anybody who knows me should realize I am not a political hack, but I agree that the next nominee for the Supreme Court should wait until after the election.

Hopefully all indy's like you feel the same way We need to rid our nation of this garbage .We will never rid ourselves of the scum who followed him

We don’t.

You do realize he is trying to put words in my mouth, don't you?..
when asked about her favorite Scalia joke, RBG demurred: "i know what it is, but i can't tell you"

they even acted in an opera together!

this is the event that most enraged Ginsburg: the ordeal of Gwendolyn R Hoyt

1961: Hoyt v Florida: Supreme Court upholds rules adopted by state of Florida that made it far less likely for women than men to be called for jury service on the grounds that a “woman is still regarded as the center of home and family life.”

Hoyt v Florida was an appeal by Hoyt, who had killed her husband and received a jail sentence for 2nd degree murder. Even though she had suffered mental and physical abuse in her marriage, and showed psychotic behavior, she was guilty found guilty

The movie "On the Basis of Sex" covers the Hoyt v. Florida case when Ginsburg is teaching "Sex Discrimination and the Law". Ginsburg concludes her lesson by telling her students that this case showed "Discrimination on the basis of sex is legal."

"I wanted my husband not to die" -Gwendolyn Rogers Hoyt

this is her jury

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As much as I despised RBG's policies ,I had to admire her toughness. I wish it had been Pelosi who bit the dust instead.
Fill that seat! No more Europhobic, anti-American domestic terrorists like that grotesque monster on the Supreme Court!
I don’t know. Your generation, Templar, is going to be affected than mine. I am on my way out so to speak

I may also be unfortunate enough to be alive to see the death of this country too. She is dying. It makes me very afraid. If someone doesn't act soon to preserve this union, I will in my old age be telling little kids stories of what America once was before she fell to ruin.

That is what happens if we lose.
And if You win you will make Sure black people know their place, woman will be forced to bare unwanted children, white supremacy will be normalized, there will be a re-do of the McCarthy era, gay marriage will be illegal and discrimination will be the norm again.

1. Your race card is noted and dismissed. Get a life, loser.

2. IF roe v wade is overturned, some states might tighten up restrictions. Very few will do complete bans. And bus tickets are in everyone reach.

3. Your race card is dismissed again. Try to be less of a race baiting asshole.

4. Gay marriage? LOL!!! Unlikely. And really no one cares.

5. Discrimination is the norm now. We want to fight against it. Not that Trump has done much on that front. Banning the teaching of Critical Race Theory or as I like to call it, Marxist Anti-White Racism Indoctrination, is the smallest of baby steps.

Be nice if you did :)

Are you serious?

Most of your post was just calling people names. Based on believing your own bullshit lies.

And you have the nerve to pretend I'm the one being an asshole?

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?

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