Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.


Let the butthurt flow brother

How's that citizen's united ruling working out for you? Bunch of assholes wanted to run a smear piece the night before election, law said no so they go running to the courts and we get unlimited dark money in politics. You probably like it because it favors republicans, for now.
I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.


Let the butthurt flow brother

How's that citizen's united ruling working out for you? Bunch of assholes wanted to run a smear piece the night before election, law said no so they go running to the courts and we get unlimited dark money in politics. You probably like it because it favors republicans, for now.

Bitter sweet salty tears....yum yum yum
You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.

So, instead, we should let the King On High decide the issues? I don't think so....

Screw Obama.
A supreme court decision is the absolute least democratic process in our government and the source of all the big conservative victories in recent years, Obama is not a king but damned if you people don't love it when the conservative members of the court use their awesome, practically unaccountable power to strike down something passed by congress.

Let the butthurt flow brother

How's that citizen's united ruling working out for you? Bunch of assholes wanted to run a smear piece the night before election, law said no so they go running to the courts and we get unlimited dark money in politics. You probably like it because it favors republicans, for now.

Bitter sweet salty tears....yum yum yum
I had forgotten just how bad you are at this.
How's that citizen's united ruling working out for you? Bunch of assholes wanted to run a smear piece the night before election, law said no so they go running to the courts and we get unlimited dark money in politics. You probably like it because it favors republicans, for now.

Bitter sweet salty tears....yum yum yum
I had forgotten just how bad you are at this.

The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.
Bitter sweet salty tears....yum yum yum
I had forgotten just how bad you are at this.

The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.

You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.
I had forgotten just how bad you are at this.

The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.

You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.

Geez, what a whiny sore loser. Some you win and some you lose. Religious rights are constitutional. Better luck next time.
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I had forgotten just how bad you are at this.

The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.

You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.

There is nothing to explain. The SCOTUS did all the explaining for me.

And as far as im concerned I don't give a rats ass how this law is dismantled, legal or not, as long as it's done.

Every rule in the book was broken to pass it so break every damn rule to dismantle it.

The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.

You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.

Geez, what a whiny sore loser. Some you win and some you lose. Religious rights are constitutional. Better luck next time.
The only real losers here are the designated baby factories who work at that store, remember them? Come off the partisan crap. If a supreme court decision is nothing but a partisan win or loss to you than you have no real respect for the constitution if it happens to stand between conservatives and their goals, whatever that happens to be from administration to administration.
The left gets shown the door and I'm bad. Lol

I expect a full meltdown when the gop dismantle this disaster of a law in a few years.

You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.

There is nothing to explain. The SCOTUS did all the explaining for me.

And as far as im concerned I don't give a rats ass how this law is dismantled, legal or not, as long as it's done.

Every rule in the book was broken to pass it so break every damn rule to dismantle it.


That debate tactic is called taking the ball and going home, you really, really suck at this.
You are bad at this because you cannot explain your opinions when engaged in a debate. You just positively stink at it. I like your zeal but you need to do more reading and thinking.

Geez, what a whiny sore loser. Some you win and some you lose. Religious rights are constitutional. Better luck next time.
The only real losers here are the designated baby factories who work at that store, remember them? Come off the partisan crap. If a supreme court decision is nothing but a partisan win or loss to you than you have no real respect for the constitution if it happens to stand between conservatives and their goals, whatever that happens to be from administration to administration.

Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.
Can of opened for ALL religions. :D

You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.

If progressives didn't try to legislate little things from the Federal level, we wouldn't need to pray for a federalist court to make things right.

The fact that we are 5 sets of heartbeats away from a court that would let the government do anything it wants as long as it is "progressive" would destroy our freedom, no matter how strong it is.
Even if Hobby Lobby and Conestoga were substantially burdened by the requirement, Ginsburg argued, the government has shown that providing no-cost birth control to women is "a compelling interest in public health and women's well being."

"No-cost birth control."

To a liberal, "no-cost" means "make that guy over there pay for it."

It reminds me of a crack addict I once heard shout in a rehab center, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Yes, folks. Leprechauns build our roads, at no cost, and by golly they oughta give us cable and birth control, too.

All "no cost" prescriptions mean someone else is paying for it

Same goes for all health insurance. Birth control is low cost prevention of high cost pregnancies
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

What happens when Muslim businesses in the designated categories start opting out of laws that don't conform to Sharia? I have a feeling our Confederate, sorry, I mean Conservative friends will be whistling a different tune, Yes?

"In a decision of startling breadth, the Court holds that commercial enterprises, including corporations, along with partnerships and sole proprietorships, can opt out of any law (saving only tax laws) they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs," Ginsburg wrote. She said she feared that with its decision, the court had "ventured into a minefield."

This is a minefield in a guagmire that has the potential of spawning a miasma of unintended consequences. Shoulda listened to Ruth.

Geez, what a whiny sore loser. Some you win and some you lose. Religious rights are constitutional. Better luck next time.
The only real losers here are the designated baby factories who work at that store, remember them? Come off the partisan crap. If a supreme court decision is nothing but a partisan win or loss to you than you have no real respect for the constitution if it happens to stand between conservatives and their goals, whatever that happens to be from administration to administration.

Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.

It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

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