Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Don't look at liberals for that shit, we wanted a single payer system

Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.

Politicians are at least accountable through the vote, You cannot vote out insurance company executives and we apparently cannot have a healthcare system without them. They are usually not practicing doctors and made monstrous decisions concerning what will be covered and how. We as a people finally laid down some rules for these executives and their companies and it's fucking socialism. You like them making decisions for you? Someone is going to do it and I would prefer the discussion be public and not made behind boardroom doors and based only on the profit margin. That's the old way and it sucked balls.

It ought to be obvious, even to the braindead, that federal politicians are not accountable to anyone but their leadership. Congressional approval is in the toilet, yet incumbents get reelected just about every time. The bureaucracy is accountable to the politicians, or so the book says, but the VA is living proof that is a farce.

The bureaucracy will be making the healthcare decisions, based on budget authorizations from congress and the President. The VA will be a model of efficiency in comparision to the single payer system, or Obamacare.

Congress didn't decide that employers had to offer contraceptive coverage in their healthcare insurance, the bureaucracy did. And, the bureaucracy can remove that requirement just as quickly as they put it in there. You entitlement boobs don't have the faintest idea of what you are asking for. You will totally deserve what you get.
It's a good ruling. It's too bad the Supreme Court got it wrong when Obamacare was challenged on the mandate to buy health insurance. I should not have to buy something because the government orders me to.
Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Notice the TOLERANCE of the above demtards intro statement. Such wonderful, inclusive, enlightened, TOLERANT people... pfft... :lol:

The leftards of today seem to be PERPETUALLY MAD. They're mad when things are going good for them, and they're mad when things start going bad.

WTF is wrong with these people?

We get it, you hate everyone who disagrees with you. The use of -tards is completely unnecessary though. Oh noes, I made 007 mad again, he's gonna neg rep me again.
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Could be the most articulate and legally compelling argument in the history of jurisprudence and it doesn't mean shit. Dissenting argumentation is good for mental masturbation and first year law school pop quizzes.
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Jesus. How blind can you be? You are admitting you want TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER YOUR HEALTH!

And so one day when the guys you don't like are in control of Congress and they are making decisions about what care you get or don't get, or who gets care and who doesn't, and they start slashing budgets at the expense of your health, don't come crying to me.

Politicians are at least accountable through the vote, You cannot vote out insurance company executives and we apparently cannot have a healthcare system without them. They are usually not practicing doctors and made monstrous decisions concerning what will be covered and how. We as a people finally laid down some rules for these executives and their companies and it's fucking socialism. You like them making decisions for you? Someone is going to do it and I would prefer the discussion be public and not made behind boardroom doors and based only on the profit margin. That's the old way and it sucked balls.

It ought to be obvious, even to the braindead, that federal politicians are not accountable to anyone but their leadership. Congressional approval is in the toilet, yet incumbents get reelected just about every time. The bureaucracy is accountable to the politicians, or so the book says, but the VA is living proof that is a farce.

The bureaucracy will be making the healthcare decisions, based on budget authorizations from congress and the President. The VA will be a model of efficiency in comparision to the single payer system, or Obamacare.

Congress didn't decide that employers had to offer contraceptive coverage in their healthcare insurance, the bureaucracy did. And, the bureaucracy can remove that requirement just as quickly as they put it in there. You entitlement boobs don't have the faintest idea of what you are asking for. You will totally deserve what you get.

Entitlement boob huh, no one deserves to be treated badly by our health care system, it's why people decided to do something about it. Do you think we ever had a good thing in our health care system? Keep dreaming, it always sucked for the working class, remember them? Do they deserve nothing but crappy care and crippling expense? Republicans fought mighty hard to make the case that poor working people who do not qualify for help yet cannot afford insurance deserve their misery.
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Could be the most articulate and legally compelling argument in the history of jurisprudence and it doesn't mean shit. Dissenting argumentation is good for mental masterbation and first year law school pop quizzes.

It's only because of some quirks of life expectancy, or retirement decisions, and who was or wasn't president at any given time that Ginsburg's dissent wasn't the majority opinion.
I bet you have no idea how much Hobby Lobby gives to charitable causes do you?

Too busy hating to be a rational adult.

Fucking crybaby liberal

Does the concept of freedom from religion just not register with you social conservatives?

A little Constitutional literacy wouldn't hurt you.

The First Amendment merely includes: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .".

That doesn't mean that the government has the power to stop others from following their own religious beliefs so that one never encounters religion.

Is that why allowing bans on polygamy is unconstitutional?
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Could be the most articulate and legally compelling argument in the history of jurisprudence and it doesn't mean shit. Dissenting argumentation is good for mental masterbation and first year law school pop quizzes.

It's only because of some quirks of life expectancy, or retirement decisions, and who was or wasn't president at any given time that Ginsburg's dissent wasn't the majority opinion.

Pretty much the case with every decision though, and isn't it a bit of a life expectancy quirk that Ginsburg is still around to make this dissent?
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From this day forward, don't let a single conservative tell you they stand for a "limited government".
Can of opened for ALL religions. :D

You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.
Can of opened for ALL religions. :D

You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.


Let the butthurt flow brother
Can of opened for ALL religions. :D

You can thank the overreach of obamacare for that

I give thanks where it's due, this politically motivated case to attack Obamacare was not worth what it will cost us as a nation. Making the supreme court decide big things over petty issues is pretty dangerous, repubs need to fucking quit it before the law of unintended consequences shows just how fragile everyday freedom is.

So, instead, we should let the King On High decide the issues? I don't think so....

Screw Obama.

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