Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

The only real losers here are the designated baby factories who work at that store, remember them? Come off the partisan crap. If a supreme court decision is nothing but a partisan win or loss to you than you have no real respect for the constitution if it happens to stand between conservatives and their goals, whatever that happens to be from administration to administration.

Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.

It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

Less birth control means more abortion

Something for conservatives to celebrate
Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.

It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

Less birth control means more abortion

Something for conservatives to celebrate

I wonder what they will do when Muslims use this ruling to advance their religious orthodoxy?
It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

Less birth control means more abortion

Something for conservatives to celebrate

I wonder what they will do when Muslims use this ruling to advance their religious orthodoxy?

oh but wait... they'll say the ruling doesn't apply to sharia law.... only to christian theocrats.
It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

Less birth control means more abortion

Something for conservatives to celebrate

I wonder what they will do when Muslims use this ruling to advance their religious orthodoxy?

At least conservatives will be able to stop paying for AIDS medications
Less birth control means more abortion

Something for conservatives to celebrate

I wonder what they will do when Muslims use this ruling to advance their religious orthodoxy?

oh but wait... they'll say the ruling doesn't apply to sharia law.... only to christian theocrats.

Too late for that shit now, I don't know a lot about sharia law but it's full of stuff that used to be illegal to do to women, not so sure now.
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Court Appointments have consequences. Sometimes, you actually get judges that execute properly the role of The Court: to Interpret the Law.... despite the misguided notion some on The Left would have you believe that Judges are supposed to use The Bench to make the Law. How absurd.

an activist descision by the majority and a misguided attempt at social engineering that wiill backfire badly on them. But I confess I haven't read the ruliing yet, this is my gut reacton.
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, joined Ginsburg in her dissent.

Notice these people are what America will be in the near future with the demographic shift ,not the pasty faced old cracker goyim and uncle Clarence Thomas's

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Writes Scathing 35-Page Dissent In Birth Control Case

Court Appointments have consequences. Sometimes, you actually get judges that execute properly the role of The Court: to Interpret the Law.... despite the misguided notion some on The Left would have you believe that Judges are supposed to use The Bench to make the Law. How absurd.

an activist descision by the majority and a misguided attempt at social engineering that wiill backfire badly on them. But I confess I haven't read the ruliing yet, this is my gut reacton.

I think they will be called on many times in the future to continually narrow this ruling to the point that it can no longer be defended at all.
The only real losers here are the designated baby factories who work at that store, remember them? Come off the partisan crap. If a supreme court decision is nothing but a partisan win or loss to you than you have no real respect for the constitution if it happens to stand between conservatives and their goals, whatever that happens to be from administration to administration.

Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.

It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

I agree the ruling is constitutional. I don't share your fear of a constitutional ruling. I fear unconstitutional rulings.
If the question here really is: Should I be forced to pay for my employees sinning, and the answer is no then It's now perfectly legal for anyone to dock their employees pay if they have been found to have spent money on booze or gambling or women buying pants. They didn't pay you that money just so you could run out and endanger your soul to eternal everlasting torment, they might themselves end up in the lake of fire.
If the question here really is: Should I be forced to pay for my employees sinning, and the answer is no then It's now perfectly legal for anyone to dock their employees pay if they have been found to have spent money on booze or gambling or women buying pants. They didn't pay you that money just so you could run out and endanger your soul to eternal everlasting torment, they might themselves end up in the lake of fire.

Take a deep breath. Another. Now. There are labor laws that cover those things.
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I wonder what religion Exxon is. It will be interesting to see what their religious beliefs will cause them to exempt themselves from what laws...
Wow. You're confused. Conservatives had no goal here. Hobby Lobby was minding their own business and Obama forced his goal onto them. His goal doesn't overrule religious rights. It's not that complicated.

It may have started out a religious freedom case but the celebration from people who are not admitted evangelicals proves otherwise. What do you think they have accomplished here? Are you prepared to accept the bad long term consequences of this as worth what is essentially a minor inconsequential victory over a piece of legislation you do not like?

I agree the ruling is constitutional. I don't share your fear of a constitutional ruling. I fear unconstitutional rulings.

What the hell is the constitution if the supreme court allows itself to continually perform these political stunts and partisan power grabs? The constitution will be nothing if it keeps having to withstand this death by a thousand partisan cuts. Quit making those people go under the hood of our way of life to monkey around with the wires and hoses or a least make sure it's more important than some rich guy trying to take away something from his employees.
If the question here really is: Should I be forced to pay for my employees sinning, and the answer is no then It's now perfectly legal for anyone to dock their employees pay if they have been found to have spent money on booze or gambling or women buying pants. They didn't pay you that money just so you could run out and endanger your soul to eternal everlasting torment, they might themselves end up in the lake of fire.

Take a deep breath. Another. Now. There are labor laws that cover those things.

Obamacare is a law, what's the difference? Did you think this ruling only applied to Obamacare?
If the question here really is: Should I be forced to pay for my employees sinning, and the answer is no then It's now perfectly legal for anyone to dock their employees pay if they have been found to have spent money on booze or gambling or women buying pants. They didn't pay you that money just so you could run out and endanger your soul to eternal everlasting torment, they might themselves end up in the lake of fire.

Take a deep breath. Another. Now. There are labor laws that cover those things.

Obamacare is a law, what's the difference? Did you think this ruling only applied to Obamacare?

Laws can be changed in America. Slavery and prohibition used to be law.

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