RWers, With Your Current Sentiments About The Rush Limbaugh Slutgate Situation

It's as reasonable a comment as any I've seen in the thread. Quite a bit more reasonable than the OP, and said tongue in cheek...which of course is lost on the great minds of the left.

Rush Limbaugh Syndicator Suspends Barter Ads From Broadcast For Two Weeks

Premier Networks, the company that syndicates "The Rush Limbaugh Show," has suspended a large chunk of the national advertising that runs on the program for two weeks, according to

The moratorium applies specifically to a class of advertisements called "barter spots," which are normally run by local affiliate stations in exchange for the right to syndicate radio programming, such as Limbaugh's daily broadcast. However, "[t]his suspension does not apply to in-program commercials provided by Premiere within any of its live news/talk programming," Premiere's letter to affiliates notes.

The move comes during a tumultuous period for Limbaugh. The conservative pundit first came under fire in late February, when he called Sandra Fluke -- a Georgetown Law student who had been denied a chance to testify before a congressional hearing on contraception -- a "slut." After doubling down on his incendiary statements a flurry of advertiser defections quickly snowballed into a mass exodus.
Thanks to democrats pounding Rush Limbaugh, Bill Maher is now the de facto head of the DNC. I hope they like it.

No he's not. Perhaps only in your radical RW brain.

That's a lie.

Of course he is. Maher is the speaker at some upcoming DNC fundraiser. Maher has become the public face of the DNC.


Who really counts for Ol' Limp;

Rush Limbaugh and the Live Volcano*|*East Texas Review

It’s not about sponsors. Even if I’m glad that JC Penney, Netflix, Allstate Insurance, and at least 50 more advertisers have dropped Limbaugh’s show. And that nearly 100 big corporate sponsors have declared that they no longer want their ads to run when he or others “deemed to be offensive or controversial” are on the air.

And it doesn't get more RW than the State of Texx-A$$

The message is clear...the American people have had about ENOUGH with Rush Limbarg's bigotry.

I couldn't be happier.:clap2:

We will see how accurate your read of this is. If Rush is on the air in 6 months, your read is wrong. If you are correct, his show will fail more quickly than any one of the shows on MSNBC.

Let's talk in 6 months.
How anyone could put Jillian in that group is beyond me.


Where has Jillian every posted anything of greater quality that TM, Deany or Cammmmpbell?

She fits perfectly.

Look at it this way, if Jillian and Dean married, their combined IQ STILL wouldn't break into double digits...
I love that Deany posts here because he completely destroys the notion that there ever really was such a thing as the "Liberal Intellectual Elite"




Mr Charmin


I welcome their every post
How anyone could put Jillian in that group is beyond me.

She's the worst of them. She claims Clarence Thomas is vapid and stupid and I challenged her to post one of his opinions along with her commentary on why it makes him so.

I'm still waiting.
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I note on professional forums (broadcast) that several former Rush sponsors who caved to pressure groups and pulled their ads want back in.

But they can't get back in. No available slots; all were quickly filled within hours after they were emptied.

One advertiser in Sacramento reports receiving his refusal with an additional note urging not to reapply as his company's "values" are no longer acceptable to the audience.

Lesson, and it's not a new one:

Boycotts always backfire. Sometimes it takes a little longer than other times but this time it was lightning fast!
How do you reconcile that with how you treated the Dixie Chicks?

How many of you remember the rhetoric...from the RW...toward them during their "firestorm" during the Bush Regime?

Doesn't it seem to be the total opposite of what RWers are saying about the backlash against Rush Limbaugh right about now?

How did I treat the Dixie Chicks?
How do you reconcile that with how you treated the Dixie Chicks?

How many of you remember the rhetoric...from the RW...toward them during their "firestorm" during the Bush Regime?

Doesn't it seem to be the total opposite of what RWers are saying about the backlash against Rush Limbaugh right about now?

How did I treat the Dixie Chicks?

There goes another rabid RWer bringing down the discussion to an ultra-personal level.

What did "I" do to the Dixie Chicks.

As if that excuses and/or speaks to what HE FULL WELL KNOWS the group of RWers did to the Dixie Chicks.

How not-so-clever.

How do you reconcile that with how you treated the Dixie Chicks?

How many of you remember the rhetoric...from the RW...toward them during their "firestorm" during the Bush Regime?

Doesn't it seem to be the total opposite of what RWers are saying about the backlash against Rush Limbaugh right about now?

How did I treat the Dixie Chicks?

There goes another rabid RWer bringing down the discussion to an ultra-personal level.

What did "I" do to the Dixie Chicks.

As if that excuses and/or speaks to what HE FULL WELL KNOWS the group of RWers did to the Dixie Chicks.

How not-so-clever.


I think it is a reasonable question. I never bought any Dixie Chicks music after they allegedly insulted Bush. Then again, I never bought any before either.

I don't listen to Rush either.
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You keep thinking it was a valid question...wait for the answer. Hmmmkaay!??

How is not buying Dixie Chick tickets the same as forbidding Rush from broadcasting?

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