RWers, With Your Current Sentiments About The Rush Limbaugh Slutgate Situation

Nothing but diversion tactics in here. no one is addressing the OP's point.


I don't care. I think Rush is a drug addled piece of shit. I don't know the woman, but if she is as tough as she sounds, she's probably over it.

why do you care so much?

btw, who are the dixie chicks and are they hotter than warm diarrhea in a dixie cup?
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There's no moral imperative to listen to the Dixie Chicks and there's no moral imperative to listen to Rush Limbaugh, regardless of what political stance they've chosen. There's nothing to excuse about people telling each other not to buy Dixie Chicks albums. There's nothing to excuse about people telling each other not to advertise on Rush Limbaugh. If legal action is taken against anyone, right or left, based on their words offending somebody, then I could see taking issue.

Where the Dixie Chicks were even dumber than Rush Limbaugh is in not knowing their audience. Rush should've known there'd be massive left wing outrage over calling a woman attacking the issue from a woman's rights standpoint a slut, but what he didn't do is alienate his own audience. Many of them, aside from not caring for Fluke's point of view, probably found the slut thing funny because of the widely held opinion that she's essentially fighting for the right to have sex casually without having to endure the responsibility for the potential fallout.

The Dixie Chicks, on the other hand, decided to publicly badmouth a Republican president for going to war when the vast majority of the (heavily Republican) country music listening world was all about, "Do you remember where you were when that second tower came down?"

When Rush called Fluke a slut, he made a neanderthal PR move. When the Dixie Chicks publicly attacked the point of view of their -own- target demographic, they essentially pointed out that they're, for all intents and purposes, three shaved yellow apes. . . there were three of 'em, right? Sounds right. We'll go with three shaved apes. Not too knowledgeable on country groups.
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That's what I RWers sure showed them a lesson...didn't you? Fixed them real good, you did.
Are you saying that if one bought one Chicks album, they were obligated to buy them in perpetuity?

That's stupid.

Or you could just admit you never liked the Chicks before they criticized Bush, then they were your BFFs.

I don't recall ANYONE getting an apology for their ungrateful statements. Can you find me one? I've turned up nothing so far.

You miss the point apology was necessary. Certainly not to you.
They could have apologized to the fans they offended. Maybe then they'd still have a career.

I would say that you RWers have a very short memory, but I know just lie.

Sean Hannity Challenges Guest and Viewers To Find Evidence of Right-Wing Boycotts. I Accept. | Crooks and Liars

N.Y.Times said:
It led to a partisan firestorm, a radio boycott, death threats and, now, to an album that's anything but repentant:


Amazon Review said:
In spite of the Dixie Chicks success, right wing sycophantic Bush supporters still trot out their lying propaganda to try and smear this female band which somehow still threatens their warped ideas of patriotism...While they have recieved much less radio airplay thanks to right wing corporations like Clear Channel and the myopic country music stations, they continue to be money making machines and are popular draws as reflected in their concert earnings and album sales.

Source: Customer Discussions: Some Dixie Chicks Facts for the Right Wing Haters

Account, after account, after account shows how the rabid RW maligned, attacked, disparaged and boycotted the Dixie Chicks for expressing their first Amendment. And even today you have some Circus Barkers demanding apologies to them PERSONALLY for the statements that the Dixie Chicks made about George Bush, Jr. The Bush Regime really showed how petty, powerless and insignificant they were by attacking a mere entertainment band...the definition of punching down.


*SMH* :(
So, you support the Chicks' First Amendment rights...but not the FA rights of those who disagree with them.

Typical. "Free speech for me, but not for thee."
Marc must have me on Ignore.

I can see why. Too much inconvenient truth.
How do you reconcile that with how you treated the Dixie Chicks?

How many of you remember the rhetoric...from the RW...toward them during their "firestorm" during the Bush Regime?

Doesn't it seem to be the total opposite of what RWers are saying about the backlash against Rush Limbaugh right about now?

How did I treat the Dixie Chicks?

There goes another rabid RWer bringing down the discussion to an ultra-personal level.

What did "I" do to the Dixie Chicks.

As if that excuses and/or speaks to what HE FULL WELL KNOWS the group of RWers did to the Dixie Chicks.

How not-so-clever.


You really are a silly little person. BANDS come and go all the time..And did you notice once they left COUNTRY music they didn't make in the POP arena..why do you think that is? It's because you LEFT-WINGERS didn't put out by buying their music to keep supporting them..
sheeesh this thread was silly from the start..:lol:
They still hate gays.

They still hate blacks.

They still hate Hispanics.

They still want to make "magical creation" equal to "science".

Nothing seems to have changed.

You left out a few of your democrat talking points:

They still hate Women

They still hate Sluts.

They still hate Abortion.

I mean after the OP is about the slut comment & the Dixi Chicks. :cuckoo:
There's no moral imperative to listen to the Dixie Chicks and there's no moral imperative to listen to Rush Limbaugh, regardless of what political stance they've chosen. There's nothing to excuse about people telling each other not to buy Dixie Chicks albums. There's nothing to excuse about people telling each other not to advertise on Rush Limbaugh. If legal action is taken against anyone, right or left, based on their words offending somebody, then I could see taking issue.

Where the Dixie Chicks were even dumber than Rush Limbaugh is in not knowing their audience. Rush should've known there'd be massive left wing outrage over calling a woman attacking the issue from a woman's rights standpoint a slut, but what he didn't do is alienate his own audience. Many of them, aside from not caring for Fluke's point of view, probably found the slut thing funny because of the widely held opinion that she's essentially fighting for the right to have sex casually without having to endure the responsibility for the potential fallout.

The Dixie Chicks, on the other hand, decided to publicly badmouth a Republican president for going to war when the vast majority of the (heavily Republican) country music listening world was all about, "Do you remember where you were when that second tower came down?"

When Rush called Fluke a slut, he made a neanderthal PR move. When the Dixie Chicks publicly attacked the point of view of their -own- target demographic, they essentially pointed out that they're, for all intents and purposes, three shaved yellow apes. . . there were three of 'em, right? Sounds right. We'll go with three shaved apes. Not too knowledgeable on country groups.

the left is calling for legal action against rush.
The Dixie Chicks alienated their audience. Singers depend on their audience because those are the ones who buy their records and go to their concerts. Singers don't depend on advertisers to pay the bills. When the Dixies lost their audience they lost it all. It's not like they could get replacement fans.

This is not the case with Rush who undoubtably increased the size of his audience.
She's the worst of them. She claims Clarence Thomas is vapid and stupid and I challenged her to post one of his opinions along with her commentary on why it makes him so.

I'm still waiting.

My advice; don't hold your breath.

Jillian does drive-bys of lefty talking points, I have NEVER seen her present and defend a cogent argument.
And I have some ocean front property in Nebraska to sell you, Henry.

What you DON'T have, is a brain to share with us...

{BOSTON (MarketWatch) — When Carbonite Inc. stock took a quick plunge this week, there was an obvious consensus about what caused the move: The company pulled advertising from Rush Limbaugh’s talk-radio program after the controversial host made inflammatory remarks about a Georgetown University law student. }


Old Rocks, you're so fucking stupid that you probably believe in anthropogenic global warming...
You keep thinking it was a valid question...wait for the answer. Hmmmkaay!??


You ask me about my sentiments regarding Rush vis a vis how I treated the Dixie Chicks and me wondering how me not paying any attention to them after, or before, they said something stupid is somehow irrelevant? Did you learn that in school, or do you just think the rules of English grammar doesn't apply to you?

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