RWs, how do we fix our shitty healthcare system?

We were discussing people who want nothing to do with insurance...
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
. Do you figure that my Son & Law is a piece of crap in your labeling of those who are caught in the cracks maybe ? Should he be endangered to lose his job because of overwhelming medical expenses, and strain his relationship to a breaking point because he was forced to change jobs in life ? Now he is young still, and hasn't had time to fortify his nest egg or get enough savings in the bank to secure or insulate him and my daughters financial security fund yet. Now was it his fault he ended up in a medical situation that jumped on them when they didn't expect it ? Hey these medical expenses out of pocket are expensive as no one can imagine, and transparency is lacking bad in a lot of these situations.
We were discussing people who want nothing to do with insurance...
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.

NOT one of your statements is true!
More importantly where did you get your information? NOT ONE link that I can verify but just your guesses!!!

David Himmelstein and colleagues recently contended that medical problems contribute to 54.5 percent of personal bankruptcies and threaten the solvency of solidly middle-class Americans. They propose comprehensive national health insurance as a solution. A reexamination of their data suggests that medical bills are a contributing factor in just 17 percent of personal bankruptcies and that those affected tend to have incomes closer to poverty level than to middle class. Moreover, for national health insurance to have an impact, it would have to define “medical” expenses in a much broader way than is now typical of either private or government-funded plans.

This response to a widely cited paper by David Himmelstein and colleagues challenges the basis of its conclusions.

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth: persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.—President John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at Yale University, 11 June 1962.

Medical Bankruptcy: Myth Versus Fact

There has been some criticism of the study, along with reports that have echoed, and others that have contradicted, the Harvard findings.
Gail Heriot, a law professor at the University of San Diego, took issue with the relatively low level of out-of-pocket costs that could qualify as a cause of a "major medical bankruptcy." In February 2005, she wrote for the National Review:

Heriot: Buried in the study is the fact that only 27 percent of the surveyed debtors had unreimbursed medical expenses exceeding $1,000 over the course of the two years prior to their bankruptcy. … Nobody likes to pay $1,000 in medical expenses even when they get two years to do it in, but for most Americans (particularly those with enough at stake to seek the protection of bankruptcy) it is not catastrophic.

In fact, the study said that the out-of-pocket costs cited by those interviewed were "often below levels that are commonly labeled catastrophic." The authors hypothesized that other related factors, such as the loss of a job, helped push families into bankruptcy: "Presumably, such costs were often ruinous because of concomitant income loss or because the need for costly care persisted over several years."
The No-Nonsense Truth About Medical Bankruptcy | GiveForward
Yup, the old system was dumb and a scam. And those facts are well known, dupe.
We were discussing people who want nothing to do with insurance...
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
. Do you figure that my Son & Law is a piece of crap in your labeling of those who are caught in the cracks maybe ? Should he be endangered to lose his job because of overwhelming medical expenses, and strain his relationship to a breaking point because he was forced to change jobs in life ? Now he is young still, and hasn't had time to fortify his nest egg or get enough savings in the bank to secure or insulate him and my daughters financial security fund yet. Now was it his fault he ended up in a medical situation that jumped on them when they didn't expect it ? Hey these medical expenses out of pocket are expensive as no one can imagine, and transparency is lacking bad in a lot of these situations.
Is there no family to help him or am I just expected to not be able to provide insurance for my own family because my out of pocket would be so high. Seriously, where do the F-ing giveaways end. how much are people supposed to give to make others happy.
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.
The RW Health Insurance Manifesto: "I can't tell the difference between 'could' and 'couldn't,' but I got mine and fuck everyone else!"
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
The RW Health Insurance Manifesto: "I can't tell the difference between 'could' and 'couldn't,' but I got mine and fuck everyone else!"
or, I paid for mine, you pay for yours.
that works pretty good on things like houses, cars, eating out, X-box, all sort of things that are not constitutionally protected as rights.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
. Do you figure that my Son & Law is a piece of crap in your labeling of those who are caught in the cracks maybe ? Should he be endangered to lose his job because of overwhelming medical expenses, and strain his relationship to a breaking point because he was forced to change jobs in life ? Now he is young still, and hasn't had time to fortify his nest egg or get enough savings in the bank to secure or insulate him and my daughters financial security fund yet. Now was it his fault he ended up in a medical situation that jumped on them when they didn't expect it ? Hey these medical expenses out of pocket are expensive as no one can imagine, and transparency is lacking bad in a lot of these situations.
Is there no family to help him or am I just expected to not be able to provide insurance for my own family because my out of pocket would be so high. Seriously, where do the F-ing giveaways end. how much are people supposed to give to make others happy.
. Listen, as long as I've been old enough to be educated. I've watched the poor or working poor who fall through the cracks, get bailed out by the government and the providers working the situations out somehow. The providers always get paid be it by the insurance companies, charities, government programs or tax write offs. The burden has always been shifted around, but what has happened under democrat policies to grow the poor and dependent to unreasonable levels over time, has all but caused the working class, the insurance carriers and the government to not be able to afford the onslaught any longer. The dems did this trying to create voters who have been bused to the poles on voting day, only to be forgotten about afterwards or until they end up costing the government so much, that it spills over into the working class not being able to afford it either.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
. Do you figure that my Son & Law is a piece of crap in your labeling of those who are caught in the cracks maybe ? Should he be endangered to lose his job because of overwhelming medical expenses, and strain his relationship to a breaking point because he was forced to change jobs in life ? Now he is young still, and hasn't had time to fortify his nest egg or get enough savings in the bank to secure or insulate him and my daughters financial security fund yet. Now was it his fault he ended up in a medical situation that jumped on them when they didn't expect it ? Hey these medical expenses out of pocket are expensive as no one can imagine, and transparency is lacking bad in a lot of these situations.
Is there no family to help him or am I just expected to not be able to provide insurance for my own family because my out of pocket would be so high. Seriously, where do the F-ing giveaways end. how much are people supposed to give to make others happy.
. Listen, as long as I've been old enough to be educated. I've watched the poor or working poor who fall through the cracks, get bailed out by the government and the providers working the situations out somehow. The providers always get paid be it by the insurance companies, charities, government programs or tax write offs. The burden has always been shifted around, but what has happened under democrat policies to grow the poor and dependent to unreasonable levels over time, has all but caused the working class, the insurance carriers and the government to not be able to afford the onslaught any longer. The dems did this trying to create voters who have been bused to the poles on voting day, only to be forgotten about afterwards or until they end up costing the government so much, that it spills over into the working class not being able to afford it either.
I cant disagree with you. and to be honest, If I knew him or his friends and he had a site trying to collect money to pay the medical bills, there is a very good chance I would contribute. A young lady I know needed some medical tests done recently, she was behind on her co-pays and they refused to see her until the balance was paid in full and the co-pay for the current visit was also taken care of. I went with her to her doctors office and I paid everything off plus the co-pay for the new visit.
But that is choice.
If someone would have just grabbed my wallet and taken the money out without asking, I might have been a bit irritated with that.
So again.
when it comes to being forced to take away from your family to contribute to someone you have never even met, how much is too much. Do you sacrifice a meal or two? trade down your cars? sell your house and by a smaller cheaper one? maybe instead of paying for your child college you tell them to do it on their own.
When does it hit a point that you personally have had enough.
and trust me, If Im feeling the pinch, there are millions more feeling it at a greater level right now.
The RW Health Insurance Manifesto: "I can't tell the difference between 'could' and 'couldn't,' but I got mine and fuck everyone else!"
or, I paid for mine, you pay for yours.
that works pretty good on things like houses, cars, eating out, X-box, all sort of things that are not constitutionally protected as rights.

Tell that to the infant born with a heart defect. I'm betting you're "pro-life"...until birth. After that. "Fuck you, kid. Not my problem." Amiright?
The RW Health Insurance Manifesto: "I can't tell the difference between 'could' and 'couldn't,' but I got mine and fuck everyone else!"
or, I paid for mine, you pay for yours.
that works pretty good on things like houses, cars, eating out, X-box, all sort of things that are not constitutionally protected as rights.

Tell that to the infant born with a heart defect. I'm betting you're "pro-life"...until birth. After that. "Fuck you, kid. Not my problem." Amiright?
. Good point, and you know my full position on this subject... I think Maryland patriot is reacting to all the bad choices and idiocy the government has engaged in for 30 or more years now. His protest is against government anything right now.
The RW Health Insurance Manifesto: "I can't tell the difference between 'could' and 'couldn't,' but I got mine and fuck everyone else!"
or, I paid for mine, you pay for yours.
that works pretty good on things like houses, cars, eating out, X-box, all sort of things that are not constitutionally protected as rights.

Tell that to the infant born with a heart defect. I'm betting you're "pro-life"...until birth. After that. "Fuck you, kid. Not my problem." Amiright?
The parents dont have insurance because??
and besides that, there are programs out there that have been paying for these things all along.
and there is always another option. When I moved from Virginia to Maryland in the late 80s early 90s, Like an idiot I figured I didnt need to waste money on insurance, I was young and healthy, screw that payment. Then I broke my back and required surgery. It took me almost 6 years to pay it off but thats exactly what I did. I got the medical attention I needed, and I made payments. ( anyone can do that) and, within two weeks of that surgery, I had insurance again, and have not been without it since.
there are very few reasons others cant do the same.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.
ACA includes them too. Transparent competition in exchanges, standards they have to follow, guarantees, annual caps, coverage. ACA is the whole system, dupe.
What part of people that provide for themselves do not want anything to do with the ACA do you have a hard time following.
Before the ACA, everything worked just fine. Good care, reasonable premiums, not deductibles, low co-pay.
People want nothing to do with the ACA. Im responsible and dont need the government to care for me.
18% of GDP, 45k dead/year, millions with pre-existing unable to get insurance, millions forced to quit work to go on welfare to get Medicaid, businesses giving up on care because of cost, 500k people WITH (CRAP) insurance going bankrupt/year. Check out the world beyond the end of your nose sometime.
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.
They haven't, dupe. Red state scam plans that no longer exist might be what you mean...
I can see past beyond the end of my nose, Know what I see lately? My earned income flying away to some ungrateful piece of crap that doesnt deserve shit.
If you dont plan properly in life and you dont have insurance, Im sorry about your luck when you get sick, my family is taken care of. I suggest others do the same.
Or, those that think its ok for someone to leach off of your income should just go ahead and write a big check to cover those families.
If Im already paying to keep my family from mooching off of the public, why should I have to contribute to keep some street hooker and her 10 illegitimate kids or the corner crack dealer alive.
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
You already were...just in the stupidest, expensive, and deadly way. Now people can work and get insurance and preventive medicine. I give you a 80% racist rating. Hookers and dealers are working duh...
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.
RWs, how do we fix our shitty healthcare system?

Get rid of Obama.
Don't elect Hillary.
Read Trump's Plan for a start
Get smart non-partisan politicians together who are more interested in doing it right than leaving a 'legacy', pushing an agenda, or ramming a minority-supported agenda down the throats of a majority of Americans that oppose it.

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