RWs, how do we fix our shitty healthcare system?

If you ain't dead its not shitty is it?
Right. That logic is flawless. The starving kids in Africa certainly aren't dead...yet.
I have been through..
1, Throat cancer
2, Lymph cancer
3, Heart attack
4, Small stroke

And starving kids in Africa mean sh#t to American healthcare.
Your anecdotal account means jack shit when it comes to rhe overall system at work.

I provide it for me and my family, you provide it for you and your family, and anyone that can't afford it gets to come and see the bleeding hearts who think one person's money should be used to provide for another.
if its so much cheaper for everyone this way, why are rates going up and out of pockets breaking people all of a sudden.
It was better the other way.

Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
A) Recognize there NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans that were
1) eligible -- 10 million not citizens yet counted by Obama!!!
2) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA but due to gross ineptness of Obama's administration weren't register.. that leaves 22 million...
3) 18 million under 34 didn't need health insurance can get catastrophic much less, COULD afford (made over $50,000) but didn't see the need were counted..bogusly!
That leaves truly 4 million.
B) Tax lawyers as ACA taxed tanning salons 10% of their $270 billion and tie a declining rate to the $850 billion a year in wasted, duplicate testing that doctors
ADMIT they do because the fear lawsuits from these lawyers!
C) This would cause a reduction in claims being filed to insurance companies which IN turn would force companies to lower their STATE REGULATED Premiums as
their costs would be declining and under state laws they must get premiums approved.
D) The $27 billion in lawyers tax revenue used to pay $5,000 premium per year for every uninsured person.
E) This in turn would free hospitals from having to do what we all know they do... pass the uninsured costs on to the paying public.
In 2013 according to this link:
Hospitals absorbed $46.4 billion in uncompensated care. Which was the bad debt and charity in spite of collecting from the paying public!
RWs, how do we fix our shitty healthcare system?

Get rid of Obama.
Don't elect Hillary.
Read Trump's Plan for a start
Get smart non-partisan politicians together who are more interested in doing it right than leaving a 'legacy', pushing an agenda, or ramming a minority-supported agenda down the throats of a majority of Americans that oppose it.
Pubs and Trump have no plan, just LOVE the old Big Health/Pharma SCAM. Don't be a dupe. What minority is that lol...Probably counting the 30% for single payer as being against ACA, right, chump?
Because it's not "all of a sudden." Premiums always go up. It's called "inflation."

BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.
BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Just another example of an unqualified black man in a government job. If he's as smart as you claim, wouldn't he have seen it coming. If he didn't, tells me he isn't that smart.

He also said the $887 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%. He did that after becoming President. We both know how that worked out. We both know you'll cover for him.
A) Recognize there NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans that were
1) eligible -- 10 million not citizens yet counted by Obama!!!
2) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA but due to gross ineptness of Obama's administration weren't register.. that leaves 22 million...
3) 18 million under 34 didn't need health insurance can get catastrophic much less, COULD afford (made over $50,000) but didn't see the need were counted..bogusly!
That leaves truly 4 million.
B) Tax lawyers as ACA taxed tanning salons 10% of their $270 billion and tie a declining rate to the $850 billion a year in wasted, duplicate testing that doctors
ADMIT they do because the fear lawsuits from these lawyers!
C) This would cause a reduction in claims being filed to insurance companies which IN turn would force companies to lower their STATE REGULATED Premiums as
their costs would be declining and under state laws they must get premiums approved.
D) The $27 billion in lawyers tax revenue used to pay $5,000 premium per year for every uninsured person.
E) This in turn would free hospitals from having to do what we all know they do... pass the uninsured costs on to the paying public.
In 2013 according to this link:
Hospitals absorbed $46.4 billion in uncompensated care. Which was the bad debt and charity in spite of collecting from the paying public!
EVERYBODY needs health insurance, MORON. NO MORE FREELOADERS!! Only way to get pre-existing people in.
BUT they WEREN"T suppose to go up. We had the President's Pledge!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Really? So once again... Obama the Messiah who told us : "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul
was stymied by W's world depression? How can that be? He's the Messiah. You smell nothing wrong with him!
Here join these other Obama worshippers... Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
Just a note... where are your links????
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Really? So once again... Obama the Messiah who told us : "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul
was stymied by W's world depression? How can that be? He's the Messiah. You smell nothing wrong with him!
Here join these other Obama worshippers... Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
Just a note... where are your links????

That's there excuse. Early in his first term, his supporters said he hasn't been in office long enough to get blame yet when something happened to go well, those same morons were more than willing to give him credit. None could explain how the same amount of time in office wasn't long enough to get blame but was long enough to get credit. Goes back to the Messiah complex.
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Just another example of an unqualified black man in a government job. If he's as smart as you claim, wouldn't he have seen it coming. If he didn't, tells me he isn't that smart.

He also said the $887 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%. He did that after becoming President. We both know how that worked out. We both know you'll cover for him.
Unqualified black man. You're up to 90% chance racist lol. Yup, everyone saw that total meltdown coming lol...great job, corrupt Boooshies and ignoramus dupes...your brains seem to only be able to understand bumper sticker bs, and that's the way you like it.

Loss of GDP was estimated at 3-4% when Obama said 8%- turned out to be 9%. But don't worry about reality- go with the bs bumper sticker, fool. Keep voting against yourself, family and friends. At least you're in the White Party, right?
A) Recognize there NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans that were
1) eligible -- 10 million not citizens yet counted by Obama!!!
2) 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA but due to gross ineptness of Obama's administration weren't register.. that leaves 22 million...
3) 18 million under 34 didn't need health insurance can get catastrophic much less, COULD afford (made over $50,000) but didn't see the need were counted..bogusly!
That leaves truly 4 million.
B) Tax lawyers as ACA taxed tanning salons 10% of their $270 billion and tie a declining rate to the $850 billion a year in wasted, duplicate testing that doctors
ADMIT they do because the fear lawsuits from these lawyers!
C) This would cause a reduction in claims being filed to insurance companies which IN turn would force companies to lower their STATE REGULATED Premiums as
their costs would be declining and under state laws they must get premiums approved.
D) The $27 billion in lawyers tax revenue used to pay $5,000 premium per year for every uninsured person.
E) This in turn would free hospitals from having to do what we all know they do... pass the uninsured costs on to the paying public.
In 2013 according to this link:
Hospitals absorbed $46.4 billion in uncompensated care. Which was the bad debt and charity in spite of collecting from the paying public!
EVERYBODY needs health insurance, MORON. NO MORE FREELOADERS!! Only way to get pre-existing people in.

Tell that to the 18 million people that say they don't need it because they are under 34 and can afford as they make over $50,000!

Millions of Americans have gained health coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The individual mandate means most people are required to purchase health insurance. There’s a bit of incentive, too. Not having insurance can subject you to a tax penalty.

But, the law leaves plenty of room to fall through the cracks. For some, it’s not a matter of choice. They can’t afford coverage but don’t qualify for a subsidy. This is particularly true in states that did not expand Medicaid under the ACA.

Then there’s another group: those who make the conscious decision to pay the penalty rather than pay for health insurance. For some of them, it’s a matter of principle, a rebellion against the mandate. Others compare the cost of insurance to the penalty and opt for the least expensive.
Paying Your Own Medical Bills
One advantage of health insurance is that insurers negotiate lower rates for services. Often, people without health insurance are billed at significantly higher rates. Bill and Lisa, however, found that many Florida providers offer reasonable self-pay rates.

“An office visit to the walk-in clinic was a $60 copay when we had insurance. The self-pay price is $109,” said Lisa. “That price is not breaking the budget.”

The couple sets aside money each month for medical expenses. They also retained their vision and dental coverage.
Why Some People Don’t Buy Health Insurance
So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Just another example of an unqualified black man in a government job. If he's as smart as you claim, wouldn't he have seen it coming. If he didn't, tells me he isn't that smart.

He also said the $887 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%. He did that after becoming President. We both know how that worked out. We both know you'll cover for him.
Unqualified black man. You're up to 90% chance racist lol. Yup, everyone saw that total meltdown coming lol...great job, corrupt Boooshies and ignoramus dupes...your brains seem to only be able to understand bumper sticker bs, and that's the way you like it.

Loss of GDP was estimated at 3-4% when Obama said 8%- turned out to be 9%. But don't worry about reality- go with the bs bumper sticker, fool. Keep voting against yourself, family and friends. At least you're in the White Party, right?

That's it? That's your explanation for the Messiah NOT keeping his pledge?
My goodness I don't understand how you can have any faith left in Obama after he has broken so many promises!
What happened to the simple pledge when he told us..."This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
and a little old thing like the GDP being less stops the Messiah???
Oh ye of little faith! Sounds like Bush had more power then the Messiah!
So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Just another example of an unqualified black man in a government job. If he's as smart as you claim, wouldn't he have seen it coming. If he didn't, tells me he isn't that smart.

He also said the $887 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%. He did that after becoming President. We both know how that worked out. We both know you'll cover for him.
Unqualified black man. You're up to 90% chance racist lol. Yup, everyone saw that total meltdown coming lol...great job, corrupt Boooshies and ignoramus dupes...your brains seem to only be able to understand bumper sticker bs, and that's the way you like it.

Loss of GDP was estimated at 3-4% when Obama said 8%- turned out to be 9%. But don't worry about reality- go with the bs bumper sticker, fool. Keep voting against yourself, family and friends. At least you're in the White Party, right?

For stating facts? I'm 100% correct and you don't like it.

Unemployment went over 10%. I can provide a link if you really want the truth.

I've done well under Republican policies. So has my family. So much for your claim of voting against myself.

The white party? You mean the one that has two candidates still running both being old, white people. If one didn't know better, they say Hillary and Bernie were Republicans since morons like you say Republicans are the party of white people.
But wait... Obama told us he was counting on the "Stupidity of the American Voter" as well as the tricks and tactics way back in 1995 autobiography..

I've frequently quoted Obama from his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

"Of course either way you needed some luck. That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day, a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck....
I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time." Think about it... NOW we know why Obama has continually knocked the police...remember his statement in 2009...that the "Cambridge police acted stupidly"?
Doesn't this sound like when he was a Senior in high school describing the "cop with nothing better to do"?
Total disrespect for the law.
That's what we have for a president!
Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.
There are actually many options :
A) The japanese model : non profit clinics, owned by physicians, 30% of the cost paid by patient up to a ceiling , the rest is paid by the government.
B) Put price controls ... that might work in the short term, but it may lead to some problems in the long term.
C) Make healthcare a public universal service just like elementary education. This will be fiercely opposed by conservatives. And admitedly it requires tons of planning and accountability.
D) Make clinics community owned : that way the patients are also the shareholders of the hospital ( that is just an idea I had and I am not sure how well it could perform in practice ) . A 100 bed hospital could be owned by 4,000 families, that would keep a good person / patient ratio.
It is interesting to note that many of the high costs of a hospital come from the fact that they don't operate near full capacity.
There never was a problem except the gigantic waste found in "defensive Medicine" of $850 billion caused as this study which no one seems to feel like reading!
But staring us right in the face is the solution... that doctors under Federal contract can't be sued... but other doctors can!
That simple. Tort reform and a tax of 10% on lawyers tied to the reduction in the $850 billion would have an absolute DIRECT affect on health care costs.
The problem is everyone seems to have an opinion based on subjective experiences and that's not how things are solved.

Read what doctors are telling you they see as a major cost contributor!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!

--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the
1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
Consider that fact that of the physicians interviewed 52% DID NOT practice defensive medicine!
Who were they? Doctors contracted by federal government!
WHY did these doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!
ACA didn't even start til his second term.

So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Really? So once again... Obama the Messiah who told us : "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul
was stymied by W's world depression? How can that be? He's the Messiah. You smell nothing wrong with him!
Here join these other Obama worshippers... Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
Just a note... where are your links????
Idiot. All proven many times. Change the channel.
Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.
There are actually many options :
A) The japanese model : non profit clinics, owned by physicians, 30% of the cost paid by patient up to a ceiling , the rest is paid by the government.
B) Put price controls ... that might work in the short term, but it may lead to some problems in the long term.
C) Make healthcare a public universal service just like elementary education. This will be fiercely opposed by conservatives. And admitedly it requires tons of planning and accountability.
D) Make clinics community owned : that way the patients are also the shareholders of the hospital ( that is just an idea I had and I am not sure how well it could perform in practice ) . A 100 bed hospital could be owned by 4,000 families, that would keep a good person / patient ratio.
It is interesting to note that many of the high costs of a hospital come from the fact that they don't operate near full capacity.
E) Pubs and their crony insurers get out of the way and let ACA WORK.
Last edited:
Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.
There are actually many options :
A) The japanese model : non profit clinics, owned by physicians, 30% of the cost paid by patient up to a ceiling , the rest is paid by the government.
B) Put price controls ... that might work in the short term, but it may lead to some problems in the long term.
C) Make healthcare a public universal service just like elementary education. This will be fiercely opposed by conservatives. And admitedly it requires tons of planning and accountability.
D) Make clinics community owned : that way the patients are also the shareholders of the hospital ( that is just an idea I had and I am not sure how well it could perform in practice ) . A 100 bed hospital could be owned by 4,000 families, that would keep a good person / patient ratio.
It is interesting to note that many of the high costs of a hospital come from the fact that they don't operate near full capacity.
E. Pubs and their crony insurers get out of the way and let ACA WORK.

Mine was working fine BEFORE. I don't need it getting in the way so some freeloader who thinks taxpayers should subsidize something for him gets it because he won't provide it to himself.
So he couldn't even keep his first promise!
He didn't say immediately DUH, dupe. When fully implemented and a few years of transparent, full competition. But it is working despite full on mindless Pub/insurance crony sabotage.

The doctor/hospital network problem was already happening before ACA. Just check to see your doctor is covered DUH.

Also, Obama forgot how much the dupes love being screwed by scam Pub/insurer crony "plans" of all kinds lol...ignoramuses, take your GUARANTEED, annual cap, subsidized Dem plans and like it, brainwashed functional morons.

OBAMA said by the end of his first term. You kiss his ass no matter what. That's the sign of a functional moron. It's HIS words and you still cover for him. Pucker up.
Keep your fingers in your ears, dupe. He said that BEFORE the corrupt W WORLD DEPRESSION, dupe. Etc etc. Sorry about reality.

Really? So once again... Obama the Messiah who told us : "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul
was stymied by W's world depression? How can that be? He's the Messiah. You smell nothing wrong with him!
Here join these other Obama worshippers... Is Barack Obama the Messiah?
Just a note... where are your links????
Idiot. All proven many times. Change the channel.

Not by you or anyone else.

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