RWs, how do we fix our shitty healthcare system?

Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

And here I thought that Obama and the democrats have already fixed the problems. Now you are telling us it was the party that didn't even have input. Funny how democrats will do something then blame the other side for not stopping them from doing it.

Here is what I would do first.

Open the VA system up to all vets regardless of income or duty assignment. That would put it into direct competition with private health care. For those who make a lot of money they would pay a premium. This would be in direct competition with the healthcare system that is virtually a monopoly set up by Obamacare.

Then i would pass a law that makes the "good" things in Obamacare law, and there are obviously some or the thing would never have been sold to the democrats.

1. I would keep preexisting condition
2. Children under 26 can stay on parent's policy, this allows them to pretty much get through graduate school.

I would not put price control on drugs, it might stifle innovation. What i would do is make it law that drugs are sold at the same price everywhere. In other words, selling a drug in Canada that cost 3 dollars but cost 30 in the US would end. If the actual cost is 15 then everyone pays 15.

I would drop the income tax medical write off to virtually zero.

By what I see today, Obamacare has not made anything cheaper for those who pay. I do not see where Obamacare has made health care any more accessible. I do not see where Obamacare promotes competition.

Or we could just keep doing what we are doing until the whole country collapses and we start all over.
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

I've proposed this same thing numerous times. You provide your coverage, I'll provide mine, and if you care as much about those that can't afford it as you claim, you can provide theirs, too. It's that simple. I get what I want by not being forced to subsidize something that isn't a right and those you say deserve it get it. The difference is you actually have to prove your claimed compassion instead of thinking it comes from seeing how many others you can get the government to force the funding of it.
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

And here I thought that Obama and the democrats have already fixed the problems. Now you are telling us it was the party that didn't even have input. Funny how democrats will do something then blame the other side for not stopping them from doing it.

Here is what I would do first.

Open the VA system up to all vets regardless of income or duty assignment. That would put it into direct competition with private health care. For those who make a lot of money they would pay a premium. This would be in direct competition with the healthcare system that is virtually a monopoly set up by Obamacare.

Then i would pass a law that makes the "good" things in Obamacare law, and there are obviously some or the thing would never have been sold to the democrats.

1. I would keep preexisting condition
2. Children under 26 can stay on parent's policy, this allows them to pretty much get through graduate school.

I would not put price control on drugs, it might stifle innovation. What i would do is make it law that drugs are sold at the same price everywhere. In other words, selling a drug in Canada that cost 3 dollars but cost 30 in the US would end. If the actual cost is 15 then everyone pays 15.

I would drop the income tax medical write off to virtually zero.

By what I see today, Obamacare has not made anything cheaper for those who pay. I do not see where Obamacare has made health care any more accessible. I do not see where Obamacare promotes competition.

Or we could just keep doing what we are doing until the whole country collapses and we start all over.

First of all you are wrong that there was anything wrong that needed to be FIXED by Obamacare!
A) There never were 46 million uninsured Americans... Do you understand?
1) 10 million were not citizens...2) 14 million already covered before ACA by Medicaid..3) 18 million that didn't need or want health insurance. Leaves 4 million!
B) Tax lawyers 10% and use the $27 billion to pay for the 4 million uninsured. Link a decline in the $850 billion spent each year for defensive medicine that doctors attest
they do completely out of fear of lawsuits... SEE this link:

Once insurance companies don't pay the $850 billion in defensive medicine spending they CAN'T raise premiums but must lower them as the state insurance
regulators must approve premiums. And premiums are based on claim ratio i.e. an average of 80% of premiums used to pay claims. So if you cut claims' cost for
the $850 billion in defensive medicine by 30% that's nearly $250 billion insurance companies don't pay. Hence lower claim cost...LOWER Premiums!!

Those two simple steps would resolve any health care cost issues once and for all.
So if $961.7 billion is how much the federal government says Americans spent on private health insurance in 2013. The figures aren't in yet on the total health insurance expenditure for 2014, but you can expect the number to come close to the $1 trillion mark.
Here's What the Average American Pays for Health Insurance: How Do You Compare? -- The Motley Fool

So if the average insurance company's experience is 80% of premiums go out in claims that means almost $800 billion is spent in claims.
Cut the $850 billion figure doctors estimate they say defensive duplicate testing,etc. costs by 30% that would mean almost $240 billion would be reduced in claims
This means that premiums would be reduced BY STATE regulators 25% or more cutting premiums down to say $800 billion divided by the average american family
premiums of $1,000/month to $750 per month or that stupid ass figure Obama PLEDGED !
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

And here I thought that Obama and the democrats have already fixed the problems. Now you are telling us it was the party that didn't even have input. Funny how democrats will do something then blame the other side for not stopping them from doing it.

Here is what I would do first.

Open the VA system up to all vets regardless of income or duty assignment. That would put it into direct competition with private health care. For those who make a lot of money they would pay a premium. This would be in direct competition with the healthcare system that is virtually a monopoly set up by Obamacare.

Then i would pass a law that makes the "good" things in Obamacare law, and there are obviously some or the thing would never have been sold to the democrats.

1. I would keep preexisting condition
2. Children under 26 can stay on parent's policy, this allows them to pretty much get through graduate school.

I would not put price control on drugs, it might stifle innovation. What i would do is make it law that drugs are sold at the same price everywhere. In other words, selling a drug in Canada that cost 3 dollars but cost 30 in the US would end. If the actual cost is 15 then everyone pays 15.

I would drop the income tax medical write off to virtually zero.

By what I see today, Obamacare has not made anything cheaper for those who pay. I do not see where Obamacare has made health care any more accessible. I do not see where Obamacare promotes competition.

Or we could just keep doing what we are doing until the whole country collapses and we start all over.

First of all you are wrong that there was anything wrong that needed to be FIXED by Obamacare!
A) There never were 46 million uninsured Americans... Do you understand?
1) 10 million were not citizens...2) 14 million already covered before ACA by Medicaid..3) 18 million that didn't need or want health insurance. Leaves 4 million!
B) Tax lawyers 10% and use the $27 billion to pay for the 4 million uninsured. Link a decline in the $850 billion spent each year for defensive medicine that doctors attest
they do completely out of fear of lawsuits... SEE this link:

Once insurance companies don't pay the $850 billion in defensive medicine spending they CAN'T raise premiums but must lower them as the state insurance
regulators must approve premiums. And premiums are based on claim ratio i.e. an average of 80% of premiums used to pay claims. So if you cut claims' cost for
the $850 billion in defensive medicine by 30% that's nearly $250 billion insurance companies don't pay. Hence lower claim cost...LOWER Premiums!!

Those two simple steps would resolve any health care cost issues once and for all.
So if $961.7 billion is how much the federal government says Americans spent on private health insurance in 2013. The figures aren't in yet on the total health insurance expenditure for 2014, but you can expect the number to come close to the $1 trillion mark.
Here's What the Average American Pays for Health Insurance: How Do You Compare? -- The Motley Fool

So if the average insurance company's experience is 80% of premiums go out in claims that means almost $800 billion is spent in claims.
Cut the $850 billion figure doctors estimate they say defensive duplicate testing,etc. costs by 30% that would mean almost $240 billion would be reduced in claims
This means that premiums would be reduced BY STATE regulators 25% or more cutting premiums down to say $800 billion divided by the average american family
premiums of $1,000/month to $750 per month or that stupid ass figure Obama PLEDGED !
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
How many times can you post that debunked crap- You're like a tiny Fox Noise, Rush, Savage etc etc. lol
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

And here I thought that Obama and the democrats have already fixed the problems. Now you are telling us it was the party that didn't even have input. Funny how democrats will do something then blame the other side for not stopping them from doing it.

Here is what I would do first.

Open the VA system up to all vets regardless of income or duty assignment. That would put it into direct competition with private health care. For those who make a lot of money they would pay a premium. This would be in direct competition with the healthcare system that is virtually a monopoly set up by Obamacare.

Then i would pass a law that makes the "good" things in Obamacare law, and there are obviously some or the thing would never have been sold to the democrats.

1. I would keep preexisting condition
2. Children under 26 can stay on parent's policy, this allows them to pretty much get through graduate school.

I would not put price control on drugs, it might stifle innovation. What i would do is make it law that drugs are sold at the same price everywhere. In other words, selling a drug in Canada that cost 3 dollars but cost 30 in the US would end. If the actual cost is 15 then everyone pays 15.

I would drop the income tax medical write off to virtually zero.

By what I see today, Obamacare has not made anything cheaper for those who pay. I do not see where Obamacare has made health care any more accessible. I do not see where Obamacare promotes competition.

Or we could just keep doing what we are doing until the whole country collapses and we start all over.

First of all you are wrong that there was anything wrong that needed to be FIXED by Obamacare!
A) There never were 46 million uninsured Americans... Do you understand?
1) 10 million were not citizens...2) 14 million already covered before ACA by Medicaid..3) 18 million that didn't need or want health insurance. Leaves 4 million!
B) Tax lawyers 10% and use the $27 billion to pay for the 4 million uninsured. Link a decline in the $850 billion spent each year for defensive medicine that doctors attest
they do completely out of fear of lawsuits... SEE this link:

Once insurance companies don't pay the $850 billion in defensive medicine spending they CAN'T raise premiums but must lower them as the state insurance
regulators must approve premiums. And premiums are based on claim ratio i.e. an average of 80% of premiums used to pay claims. So if you cut claims' cost for
the $850 billion in defensive medicine by 30% that's nearly $250 billion insurance companies don't pay. Hence lower claim cost...LOWER Premiums!!

Those two simple steps would resolve any health care cost issues once and for all.
So if $961.7 billion is how much the federal government says Americans spent on private health insurance in 2013. The figures aren't in yet on the total health insurance expenditure for 2014, but you can expect the number to come close to the $1 trillion mark.
Here's What the Average American Pays for Health Insurance: How Do You Compare? -- The Motley Fool

So if the average insurance company's experience is 80% of premiums go out in claims that means almost $800 billion is spent in claims.
Cut the $850 billion figure doctors estimate they say defensive duplicate testing,etc. costs by 30% that would mean almost $240 billion would be reduced in claims
This means that premiums would be reduced BY STATE regulators 25% or more cutting premiums down to say $800 billion divided by the average american family
premiums of $1,000/month to $750 per month or that stupid ass figure Obama PLEDGED !
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
How many times can you post that debunked crap- You're like a tiny Fox Noise, Rush, Savage etc etc. lol

I have NEVER had the above information DEBUNKED! You are a LIAR!
"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States".

BS quote. ACA didn't even START until his second term, and competition takes time (add in a good news blackout), especially when the GOP and crony insurers refuse to take part... BUT, the cost curve has bent down in blue states, and people with pre-existing conditions and poor workers in blue states love it.
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare so it's utterly retarded to blame ObamaCare for it. The prices of prescriptions and treatments would be the same without ACA. At least ACA has increased the number of insured Americans despite its shortcomings.

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.
The problem is people getting forced into something they hate and will never use, an opt in or opt out choice and everyone would have been happy...
Barry the shithead is an control freak.
You people are so dumb. ObamaCare is not the point. Without Obamacare, why is our healthcare system acceptable?
I pay as I go, always have.
If you had an accident or serious illness, you would lose everything. Not anymore. Once you have care anyway lol. Which you will.
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
The problem is people getting forced into something they hate and will never use, an opt in or opt out choice and everyone would have been happy...
Barry the shithead is an control freak.
You people are so dumb. ObamaCare is not the point. Without Obamacare, why is our healthcare system acceptable?
I pay as I go, always have.
If you had an accident or serious illness, you would lose everything. Not anymore. Once you have care anyway lol. Which you will.
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
...And millions want nothing to do with it
You people are so dumb. ObamaCare is not the point. Without Obamacare, why is our healthcare system acceptable?
I pay as I go, always have.
If you had an accident or serious illness, you would lose everything. Not anymore. Once you have care anyway lol. Which you will.
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
...And millions want nothing to do with it
Millions of brainwashed functional morons and freeloaders...
Pre-Obamacare, there already were health care services for poor people through state assistance programs. The most efficient way to extend coverage to the 40 million or so of Americans without health care was to augment those State healthcare systems with more Federal money.

Too bad Republican state legislators refused the Medicaid expansion in their states, huh?
I pay as I go, always have.
If you had an accident or serious illness, you would lose everything. Not anymore. Once you have care anyway lol. Which you will.
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
...And millions want nothing to do with it
Millions of brainwashed functional morons and freeloaders...
I think you have that backwards. How is it that a moron that is a free loader is the one that wants to provide for himself, and those that need others to provide for them are not.
makes no sense.
I have always had health insurance. sorry about the luck of someone that failed to plan for illness.
If Obamacare was ever brought up to a popular vote... it would go down in flames…
If you had an accident or serious illness, you would lose everything. Not anymore. Once you have care anyway lol. Which you will.
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
...And millions want nothing to do with it
Millions of brainwashed functional morons and freeloaders...
I think you have that backwards. How is it that a moron that is a free loader is the one that wants to provide for himself, and those that need others to provide for them are not.
makes no sense.
I have always had health insurance. sorry about the luck of someone that failed to plan for illness.
We were discussing people who want nothing to do with insurance...
With the ACA, if you work for a living you might lose everything if you get the common cold. since none of it would be covered.
Absolutely clueless about how it works, which btw was the way policies were going before ACA. Now we have at least a CHANCE of cutting costs.And now annual caps on out of pocket expense mean no more bankruptcies. Try it, stupid, LOTS of freebies and savings. ACA absolutely will bring down costs over time- the old GOP "system" was a huge scam with no cost oversight. 45k deaths /year due to lack of insurance, costs doubled just under W, people being cut off on technicalities , people with pre-existing unable to get insurance at any price. A disgrace.
...And millions want nothing to do with it
Millions of brainwashed functional morons and freeloaders...
I think you have that backwards. How is it that a moron that is a free loader is the one that wants to provide for himself, and those that need others to provide for them are not.
makes no sense.
I have always had health insurance. sorry about the luck of someone that failed to plan for illness.
We were discussing people who want nothing to do with insurance...
no, we were discussing people who want nothing to do with the ACA because they most likely had insurance and were happy with it.
We will never fix Healthcare in this country without tort reform. In countries with socialized medicine lawsuits against doctors are limited only to the most egregiou malpractice.
Ok so you hate ObamaCare. Whatever. You hate anything Obama comes up with so you come across like disingenuous douche bags anyway.

How do we fix our healthcare woes? What, exactly, should be done to curb the increasing cost to the consumer of healthcare costs while wages have remained flat? Keep in mind that healthcare costs have been increasing long before ObamaCare. With that in mind, why was our healthcare system ever feasible?

Just agree that legislation is what's needed to cap expenses such as prescriptions. In the end more socialization is what's needed to fix our system. Despite what the Neanderthals on Fox News will tell you, Canada's healthcare system works. 91% of Canadians favor their system over the US's system. Western Europe also has great, affordable healthcare systems.

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

"The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy."

Yes medical care here is sophisticated, but that hardly means jack shit if most Americans can't benefit from it.

We don't have a shitty healthcare system Billy... there are definately isues with HI and whatnot, but not healthcare itself. We have one of the best healthcare system in the world.

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