RWs: you need to admit Hillary is right about the failure of trickle down economics


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
You also need to admit that she is right about the vital importance of strengthening the middle class. Consumer spending is the key to economic growth - not the hope that more investment is on the horizon if you cut the taxes on the top 1%.

Giving tax breaks to the top earners and corporations has been proven time and time again to be a poor stimulator of economic growth. Sure the idea sounds rational on paper, but put into practice it's a failure. Why? Because these top earners just keep the money they save rather than invest it. Investing is no longer a priority for them if they are already richer now than ever before. Corporate profits are also at an all time high. Moreover, more investment in supply is pointless if there isn't a level of demand to match it.

Bush's tax cuts for instance were deficit-creating nightmares. Job growth under Bush was pathetic and we had a Great Recession begin on his watch.

Kansas cut taxes on top earners and the state now has a huge deficit and a recession.
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Right wingers will never admit that. If they did, they wouldn't be right wingers any more.
Huh? I thought if you cut taxes on the rich they create jobs all over the place, in the US only of course. Are you telling me that was complete bullshit?
I don't know if anyone remembers this, but..................

Remember when Jr. first decided to cut taxes for the wealthy? There was some doubt about it, and that is why the tax cuts were to be tried out for only 10 years.

Well.................the 10 year time limit came, and they decided to extend them, even though it had been proven that tax cuts for the wealthy did nothing to help the economy.

I say return to the Clinton era tax code.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.
Is there a magic ratio when the riches start trickling down?
What percentage of a country's wealth needs to be controlled by what percentage of the population before everybody's in clover?
At the moment, in the US, around 25% of household wealth is held by 0.1% of families.
How much more wealth should they be given control of before the cream starts flowing down?
No one seems to have a plan.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
You do better than that. You have made sure that the rich are very very rich and the rest of us are poor.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
You do better than that. You have made sure that the rich are very very rich and the rest of us are poor.

So how do you think more tax breaks for the rich are going to help the rest of us? Excessive breaks for them already caused the current situation.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
You do better than that. You have made sure that the rich are very very rich and the rest of us are poor.

So how do you think more tax breaks for the rich are going to help the rest of us? Excessive breaks for them already caused the current situation.

Huge tax breaks for the rich all while cutting and gutting infrastructure, science, r&d, education and our food standards.
Education for all people
Reduced or free college
Anti-trust laws to even the playing field like it use to be.
Get the rich to pay at least 20% taxes!
Rebuild the unions so the workers can get paid what they're worth.
10 dollar per hour minimum wage at least

Building this middle class is what is important! 30% of this country is better then 1 or 2% slowly ripping down what remains of our middle class.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
You do better than that. You have made sure that the rich are very very rich and the rest of us are poor.

So how do you think more tax breaks for the rich are going to help the rest of us? Excessive breaks for them already caused the current situation.
Except they didn't. You must actually know absolutely nothing about economics. How about instead of US explaining how having more money to spend on employees and business expansion encourages said employment and expansion, YOU tell US how having less money will encourage any amount of expansion and hiring?

Even further beyond that, I wouldn't expect anyone but a brain dead Liberal to think Hillary is actually offering to tax her corporate masters who are paying her to implement these policies. The "rich" YOU are referring to aren't the same "rich" that end up being taxed by these new policies, but their competitors, which is exactly why the Democrats love spouting this "tax the rich" drivel that mindless drones see fit to echo, because Hillary's corporate masters don't even pay taxes.
Education for all people
Reduced or free college
Anti-trust laws to even the playing field like it use to be.
Get the rich to pay at least 20% taxes!
Rebuild the unions so the workers can get paid what they're worth.
10 dollar per hour minimum wage at least

Building this middle class is what is important! 30% of this country is better then 1 or 2% slowly ripping down what remains of our middle class.
Your avatar should be a broken record. Not only have you already been proven wrong on any of that happening, but also Hillary even doing any of it.
Huh? I thought if you cut taxes on the rich they create jobs all over the place, in the US only of course. Are you telling me that was complete bullshit?
20 million jobs were created during the Reagan administration after taxes were cut.
The worse thing we could do for economic growth is to give the rich the tax breaks and deregulate. The top few percent will crush the middle class and small business every time in such a case.
Manufacturing jobs in the US have been declining for 25 years and lets just keep the statist quo.
Makes sense. :rolleyes:
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.
You do better than that. You have made sure that the rich are very very rich and the rest of us are poor.

So how do you think more tax breaks for the rich are going to help the rest of us? Excessive breaks for them already caused the current situation.

Huge tax breaks for the rich all while cutting and gutting infrastructure, science, r&d, education and our food standards.
20 trillion in debt, and not a dang thing to show for it.
Yep, whatever it is that her and Obama have done for 8 years sure isn't working.
Your man Obama has played with interest rates and the money supply to keep Wall Street humming and keep the wealthiest 1% fat and happy, while the rest of us suffer. And you somehow still believe the Democrats are the party of the middle class. Your arrogance is exceeded only by your stupidity.

It's not the left pushing for more tax breaks for the rich.

How does taxing someone else make another person richer? Whether you are for tax increases or not.

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