Ryan and Trump will collide over the massive budget Trump wants


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Trump agenda and GOP promise to balance budget colliding

Trump agenda and GOP promise to balance budget colliding

Ryan and Trump will collide over the massive budget Trump wants. The fact is that the small government and anti-imperial far right are going to have real problems. The Alt Right fascists will have no problem with Trump's budget cracking down on civil liberties, anti-torture, and Muslims.

Washington • President-elect Donald Trump promises big tax cuts, a border wall and massive spending on infrastructure. That's a recipe for bigger deficits, which fiscally minded conservative Republicans have railed against during President Barack Obama's tenure.

Trump's agenda runs counter to years of promises by congressional Republicans to try to balance the federal budget.

It's a marriage of conflicting priorities — on the budget at least — and that means that neither partner will get everything their own way.

Trump's tax cut, estimated to cost almost $5 trillion over 10 years, looks sure to be pared way back. Top lawmakers like House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, and No. 3 Senate Republican John Thune of South Dakota say the GOP's tax plans shouldn't add to the deficit. That would mean tax rates couldn't be cut nearly as sharply as Trump wants.
if Trump can show Return on Investment.............I know that is a strange concept to the lunatic fringe. It may take some quick funds to fix 8 years broken/stolen. I will desert Trump if things don't start to improve. I don't want to see GOVT steal Trillions more dollars to hand out to "friends". We just went through 8 years of that.

btw, Why do you care? You have no "horse in this race"? remember you tried to take down Trump in Utah by voting McMullen LOL! McMullen. please make it stop!
It's not really Ryan though. IF Trump's budget request would pass the House with only Gop votes, i.e. no Dem votes needed to pass, Ryan would bring it up for a vote. Regardless of his personal belief on taxes, he's the Speaker and his job is to bring up bills the GOP majority wants passed. HOWEVER, if he needs dem votes to pass a bill, and he brings it up, the Freedom Caucus will take him out.

That's the conundrum of Trump's economic plan. Maybe someone sees his path to legislation here.

There is a philosophical difference with Ryan too, or the economists Ryan listens to. Everyone agrees that our lack of growth stems from insufficient demand for goods to reach our full ability to produce goods and pay wages. Ryan's view is that we cut taxes across the board by removing "loopholes." Ultimately, that gives more per capita to the 1% and even more the .1%. But basic GOP dogma is that the rich pay a great % of the tax, so they should benefit from any cut. Trump's PRE-election plan favored the wealthy even more than Ryan's.

Perhaps Trump realizes that most of the money has to actually go into BUYING shit, and the wealthy don't spend as great a % of income as non-wealthy. So an across the board tax cut doesn't give you the bang for the buck as would spending a trillion or so. HOWEVER THAT IS STRAIGHT KEYNES ECONOMICS, and while the dems would love it, it doesn't really fit for the gop.

Additionally, the fear of economists not to the extreme left of Krugman, is that QE already added more money supply that the economy needed for expansion. We staved off deflation by having the banks just inject dollars into the economy. But basic monetarist dogma is that if we increase the amount of dollars more than growth inflation results. No one has proven that wrong. We violated that dogma because we had deflation, i.e. no one wanted to buy a dollar in the money market because real estate collapsed. So, with QE the Fed flooded the banks with dollars.

Now, IF we do get growth, and someone wants to buy a widget, then the seller will just up the price, because someone else will also want the widget. That's the nightmare scenario of inflation. The Fed says it can pull the dollars back out fast enough to not have that happen. Maybe so. It's not been tried before.

But, if Donald shoots a trillion in new dollars into the economy ..... what the fuck.

The dems had their own problems with logic, but they aren't in charge.
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Donald is going to spend a lot of money, much more than the Feedom Caucus likes or will want to approve. The tinydancers are absolutely in denial at tis point, but won't be for long.

Ryan has shown in his time as Speaker that he will make deals with the Dems and tell the FC to fuck off
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