Ryan dumps on Drumph


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
WASHINGTON ā€” House Speaker Paul Ryan Wednesday lamented the divisive, angry tenor of the Republican primary fight, warning Republicans must engage in ā€œbattle of ideas, not insultsā€ if they hope to win a mandate from the American public.

ā€œOur political discourse ā€” both the kind we see on TV and the kind we experience among each other ā€” did not use to be this bad and it does not have to be this way,ā€ Paul told a crowd of Republican congressional interns.

ā€œNow, a little skepticism is healthy. But when people distrust politics, they come to distrust institutions. They lose faith in their government, and the future too. We can acknowledge this. But we donā€™t have to accept it. And we cannot enable it either.ā€

Ryan did not name any of the presidential candidates, but it was clear he was referring to the tone of his partyā€™s presidential frontrunner Donald Trumpā€™s campaign.

ā€œIdeas, passionately promoted and put to the test ā€” thatā€™s what politics can be,ā€ he said. ā€œThatā€™s what our country can be ā€¦ Instead of playing to your anxieties, we can appeal to your aspirations. Instead of playing the identity politics of our base and their base, we unite people around ideas and principles. And instead of being timid, we go bold.

ā€œWe donā€™t resort to scaring you, we dare to inspire you. We donā€™t just oppose someone or something. We propose a clear and compelling alternative. And when we do that, we donā€™t just win the argument. We donā€™t just win your support. We win your enthusiasm. We win hearts and minds. We win a mandate to do what needs to be done to protect the American Idea.ā€ but he didn't name names lol

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