Ryan health issue questioned


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

Why Do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Tell Small, Dumb Lies?

Paul Ryan caught a lot of guff last week—correctly—for delivering a vice presidential acceptance speech which was festooned with lies and false assertions. It was so bad that when the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein and his staff scoured the speech looking for truth, lies, and misleading statements—they produced a grand total of two “true” policy items. Two.

But what intrigues me today isn’t the big lies like the ones for which Ryan has been excoriated recently. Right now I’m more interested in the smaller variety of lie whose triviality raises questions about their deployment. I’ll give you two examples.

Ryan caught notice last week when he told the conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a sub-three hour marathon. This is apparently an impressive enough figure that Runner’s World wanted to find out more. What they found out was that his actual personal best time was a hair over four hours. I’m no runner (I follow my wife’s dictum: Run only when chased), but even I know that a difference of more than an hour in a marathon time is a big deal.

So why tell the lie?

Don't worry. Your boy will lose in a few weeks and you can disappear back to Chicago or wherever.
Still on this marathon nonsense? Obama blatantly lies about his policies and his history, you are worried about a marathon.

And we wonder why this nation is screwed up
obama lied about the death of four Americans including an American ambassador, but Paul Ryan's marathon running time is way more important.
Both candidates lie. Both VP candidates lie. Wait, I forgot Biden is 2 dumb to talk.. Obama is a HUGE liar. Wasn't he supposed to step down after he failed the U.S. miserably in his first term? Oh, another lie. (that was a really stupid topic btw)
They tell small dumb lies because all the big important lies are being monopolized by our current Chief Bumpus and his admin.
ROFL! When did Obama apologists suddenly become concerned about honesty in politicians? Obama lies every time he opens his mouth. The latest lie is the claim that the attack on the Libyan consulate was the result of a "spontaneous uprising." Don't you think lying about that is a tad more serious than lying about your time in a Marathon?

What a pathetic servile drone.

Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

Why Do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Tell Small, Dumb Lies?

Paul Ryan caught a lot of guff last week—correctly—for delivering a vice presidential acceptance speech which was festooned with lies and false assertions. It was so bad that when the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein and his staff scoured the speech looking for truth, lies, and misleading statements—they produced a grand total of two “true” policy items. Two.

But what intrigues me today isn’t the big lies like the ones for which Ryan has been excoriated recently. Right now I’m more interested in the smaller variety of lie whose triviality raises questions about their deployment. I’ll give you two examples.

Ryan caught notice last week when he told the conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a sub-three hour marathon. This is apparently an impressive enough figure that Runner’s World wanted to find out more. What they found out was that his actual personal best time was a hair over four hours. I’m no runner (I follow my wife’s dictum: Run only when chased), but even I know that a difference of more than an hour in a marathon time is a big deal.

So why tell the lie?
Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

Why Do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Tell Small, Dumb Lies?

Paul Ryan caught a lot of guff last week—correctly—for delivering a vice presidential acceptance speech which was festooned with lies and false assertions. It was so bad that when the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein and his staff scoured the speech looking for truth, lies, and misleading statements—they produced a grand total of two “true” policy items. Two.

But what intrigues me today isn’t the big lies like the ones for which Ryan has been excoriated recently. Right now I’m more interested in the smaller variety of lie whose triviality raises questions about their deployment. I’ll give you two examples.

Ryan caught notice last week when he told the conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a sub-three hour marathon. This is apparently an impressive enough figure that Runner’s World wanted to find out more. What they found out was that his actual personal best time was a hair over four hours. I’m no runner (I follow my wife’s dictum: Run only when chased), but even I know that a difference of more than an hour in a marathon time is a big deal.

So why tell the lie?
Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

geezuz Christ Hazel.....their called ...POLITICIANS....name one who doesnt tell small dumb lies?....or spins things ...or exaggerates about something.....:eusa_eh:
Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

Why Do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Tell Small, Dumb Lies?

Paul Ryan caught a lot of guff last week—correctly—for delivering a vice presidential acceptance speech which was festooned with lies and false assertions. It was so bad that when the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein and his staff scoured the speech looking for truth, lies, and misleading statements—they produced a grand total of two “true” policy items. Two.

But what intrigues me today isn’t the big lies like the ones for which Ryan has been excoriated recently. Right now I’m more interested in the smaller variety of lie whose triviality raises questions about their deployment. I’ll give you two examples.

Ryan caught notice last week when he told the conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a sub-three hour marathon. This is apparently an impressive enough figure that Runner’s World wanted to find out more. What they found out was that his actual personal best time was a hair over four hours. I’m no runner (I follow my wife’s dictum: Run only when chased), but even I know that a difference of more than an hour in a marathon time is a big deal.

So why tell the lie?

OMG the fucking horror. when we have this.

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya
Chronic diarrhea of the mouth seems to plague the little pipsqueak and his running mate. They both can't help letting these dumb lies spill from their mouths.

Why Do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Tell Small, Dumb Lies?

Paul Ryan caught a lot of guff last week—correctly—for delivering a vice presidential acceptance speech which was festooned with lies and false assertions. It was so bad that when the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein and his staff scoured the speech looking for truth, lies, and misleading statements—they produced a grand total of two “true” policy items. Two.

But what intrigues me today isn’t the big lies like the ones for which Ryan has been excoriated recently. Right now I’m more interested in the smaller variety of lie whose triviality raises questions about their deployment. I’ll give you two examples.

Ryan caught notice last week when he told the conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he had run a sub-three hour marathon. This is apparently an impressive enough figure that Runner’s World wanted to find out more. What they found out was that his actual personal best time was a hair over four hours. I’m no runner (I follow my wife’s dictum: Run only when chased), but even I know that a difference of more than an hour in a marathon time is a big deal.

So why tell the lie?


Notice the rw's get all kinds of defensive when you mentioned the constant lies from RobMe and Robin. Almost makes ya feel sorry for them cuz that really is all they've got.


And, just cuz, a cartoon for your cartoon and because the idiot rw's don't seem to know that Mitt and Queen Ann lied to them about this too.

When my guy lies, it's "no big deal"
When your guy lies it's worthy of the death penalty.

So, you plan to vote for Mitt even though you know he is lying to you every friggin time he opens his mouth.

No offense but that really is an excellent working definition of the rw voter.
Oh yeah, and none of this has addressed the original question -

WHY do Mitt, Ann Romney and Paul Ryan LIE every single day?


Combined with voter suppression and billionaires buying massive (and lying) ads, its the only way they have any hope of winning.

If Mitt tells the truth about, for example, the 47% HE SAID are not his concern, only an idiot would vote for him.
They tell small dumb lies because all the big important lies are being monopolized by our current Chief Bumpus and his admin.

Start your own thread an prove it.

Fact checkers and links and such...

Good luck with that.
the lies the republican party have been telling for decades and gettign away with can no longer be gotten away with.

The internets killed their ability to opperate this way.

They will at some point try to kill the internets.

The world wont allow it
the lies the republican party have been telling for decades and gettign away with can no longer be gotten away with.

The internets killed their ability to opperate this way.

They will at some point try to kill the internets.

The world wont allow it

Why does obama lie and allowed to lie since day one? I bet his first word he spoke was lie,
Still on this marathon nonsense? Obama blatantly lies about his policies and his history, you are worried about a marathon.

And we wonder why this nation is screwed up

“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. 2 You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice,

Exodus 23:1-2
English Standard Version (ESV)

You seem to wear your religion on your sleeve, and not practice it. Maybe that explains why our nation is screwed up. Google up some of the comments by Falwell and Robertson and other so called men of God.

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